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Forum: Wishes and new features

Sujet Website Feature Requests - Page: 8.5

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The ability to expand a posted screenshot to full size when clicking on it.

Sure this has been asked for many times before.

Posté Thu 02 Mar 17 @ 4:47 pm
being added, will be live soon

Posté Thu 02 Mar 17 @ 6:28 pm
Thanks Rune!

Posté Thu 02 Mar 17 @ 6:30 pm
Hi Rune,

Did you manage to get the expanded screenshots implemented?

Still not working here.


Posté Wed 15 Mar 17 @ 11:37 am
Wish me to Control the Homepage Blog,Forumspostings,etc.with a Controlled Level up to Le,Plus Controller,Pro LicensesUser to read.

I mean that no NLU's can read this when i not will this.

Or does this goes eventually since today and i have overseen this ?

Thanks and


Posté Sun 21 May 17 @ 7:58 am
1+ from me for that

Posté Sun 21 May 17 @ 8:10 am
it would be nice to have a media sublink in each forum messages to easily find and view all videos and links in.. for example "Wishes and new features".

Posté Tue 20 Jun 17 @ 2:04 am
When are you going to have thumbs up and down?

Posté Fri 07 Jul 17 @ 5:03 pm
This is not Facebook (thank goodness).

Posté Fri 07 Jul 17 @ 5:46 pm
Don't have thumbs down on facebook lol

Posté Sun 09 Jul 17 @ 10:52 pm
Can i if not chagne me frgn nickname just delete the acount then ??!!

Posté Thu 31 Aug 17 @ 12:01 am
Who typed it in then? You should've been sensible in the first place!

As your account isn't tied to a license, just stop using it and create another one (with some thought behind it). :-)

Posté Thu 31 Aug 17 @ 5:39 pm
kradcliffe wrote :
The ability to expand a posted screenshot to full size when clicking on it.

Sure this has been asked for many times before.

Still not implememted.


Posté Tue 05 Sep 17 @ 8:18 pm
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
Yes. Definitely helpfull.

Posté Wed 06 Sep 17 @ 10:13 am
Are we ever going to get the ability to expand posted images?

this has been promised for ages now. Many screenshots are shrunk down to fit the page and are practically unreadable especially on the mobile view.

It's not easy to help people when you can't see the images they have posted properly.

Also still a bug when you post an image that is too large it will just not appear but post a blank entry. Can this be fixed too please?

Posté Mon 30 Oct 17 @ 2:53 pm
You can right click an image in FF and select view image to see either the normal size or at least a larger size. I think it was hard resized before but not sure.

Posté Thu 02 Nov 17 @ 10:08 pm
i wish all addons came with a link to a youtube video so i can see how new stuff works.

Posté Thu 16 Nov 17 @ 8:00 pm
I read these forums every day and constantly see users asking for help but failing to give information about their setup. A culture of adding a signature to each users profile containing details of their system could reduce the need to keep asking for the information. Even stating Mac or PC would be better than nothing. Limiting it to say 255 characters would also keep it sensible.


Mid 2010 MBP i7, High Sierra, 512gb SSD bootcamped with Windows 7 64bit, external 2Tb HD containing Music, Video & Karaoke databases.

Posté Thu 23 Nov 17 @ 7:44 am
Problem I see on other tech forums is that people don't keep their profiles up to date.

Also I personally have two laptops, three controllers and various setups within them so it wouldn't work for everyone.

Posté Thu 23 Nov 17 @ 7:48 am
Fair do's, just constantly seeing users asking for help and not providing enough info for others to be able to give them help.

Posté Thu 23 Nov 17 @ 9:54 am