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Sujet Help please - autocue

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Hi all,

I'm very new to Virtual DJ, and still finding my feet so I'm afraid this is a really newbie question, but I've had a fiddle myself (ooer!) and I just can't seem to find out how to do what is almost certainly a really easy thing to do - autocue the track on deck 2 to start when the track on deck 1 is finished (and vise versa)?

I plan on using VDJ to replace my former software package which I use for karaoke for the kids and their friends (once I feel comfortable with it that is!) and at present I am having to press pause on deck one (or let it just finish) and then press play on deck 2.

I think I have it set up right that the little lock with "Auto" to the left of the video crossfader is highlighted, and that seems to be accurately switching the video once deck one stops and I have started deck 2?

So if anyone could offer me some advice it would be very much appreciated!


Posté Tue 24 Sep 13 @ 6:14 pm
Hi I think i understand your question but let me make a quick video and post a youtube link for you.

Posté Tue 24 Sep 13 @ 6:35 pm

Posté Tue 24 Sep 13 @ 7:42 pm
Hi djmike

Many thanks for putting together that video, I found it really helpful to see what some of the other features around what I was seeking do too, so that was cool.

Yes, basically it's in case I have to leave the room briefly for a bio break or telephone call etc. So using the playlist is the only way? I used to use a different player and I just needed to load a song on each deck and then play one, as long as the autocue button was highlighted the audio and video would automatically switch when deck 1 finished. It seems that isn't a feature of VDJ. I'll do as advised and keep trying things out, I dunno if I can do without that feature though, plus the kids know how to do it, while getting them to load songs in advance as a songlist may not be a viable option for me, sadly.


Posté Thu 26 Sep 13 @ 9:19 am
Well glad that helped you out a little.

Here is a slightly different way of putting it just incase you need your bio break etc what ever your unexpected break needs are.

The video tut is super short.

Posté Thu 26 Sep 13 @ 5:55 pm
you could try mapping "relay_play" to one of the keys on your keyboard. It says it is supposed to start the opposite deck when the current deck reaches the end. I have never used it though.

Posté Thu 26 Sep 13 @ 6:43 pm
Sometimes what I do is just play a long track.

Posté Thu 26 Sep 13 @ 10:20 pm
If you want auto switch Decks to Decks, then map a key "automix_dualdeck".
This will fade the song to the other deck when the other is finishing the song automatically (back n forth).

Posté Fri 27 Sep 13 @ 9:13 am
The Magic.DJ wrote :
If you want auto switch Decks to Decks, then map a key "automix_dualdeck".
This will fade the song to the other deck when the other is finishing the song automatically (back n forth).

Well I learned something today, guess that is what the forum is for.

Posté Sat 28 Sep 13 @ 12:45 am
Thanks everyone :)

Posté Sun 29 Sep 13 @ 6:21 am
JoeyKJPRO InfinityMember since 2008
What ever happen to AutoMix playlist?.. why can't you use that option to do very easily what your asking...

Posté Mon 30 Sep 13 @ 1:41 pm
JoeyKJ wrote :
What ever happen to AutoMix playlist?.. why can't you use that option to do very easily what your asking...

I showed him how to use that in one of those youtube vids. lol

Kuddo's btw for knowing whats up with consumer laptops!


Posté Mon 30 Sep 13 @ 11:40 pm
At one point, I wanted to have songs from my playlist be in dual deck mode but the more I played with things, I found that having all of my songs playing from the same deck is even better....reason being.... is that what I do now is to queue up that pending song on deck B and get some samples or loops and play them during the current song... sorta of like a little sampler of what is coming up next. I then let deck A automix the next song.


Posté Fri 27 Dec 13 @ 9:42 pm
I'm also a VDJ newbie, changing from another DJ software so please have some patience; what I would like to know: is there an automatic "autocue" feature which allows the players (decks) to cue directly to the first hint of a song's intro instead of manually find the point where you want it to start? The "hot cue" just isn't doing it for me. So if someone out there can provide help (even if it's a runaround fix), I'd be grateful if you can point me in the right direction...

Posté Thu 19 Mar 15 @ 12:54 pm

Posté Thu 19 Mar 15 @ 1:33 pm

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