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Sujet Edison M2000 speakers vs Behringer B215D speakers..any recommendable votes? - Page: 1

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DJRobyPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Ok i'm now ready to upgrade speakers...I was leaning towards the Behringer B215D speakers HOWEVER my friend saw a pair of Edison M2000 15" speakers at a wharehouse (Stands Included/FM Radio/Bluetooth/Built in Amp/Digital LCD screen)...I noticed that according to my google search they are not that well known in the DJ world...What do u guys think? Also I don't know about the warranty being sold from a wharehouse supplier? I've heard great reviews with the Behringer B215D

TY In Advance

Posté Wed 02 Apr 14 @ 4:16 am
What's your budget? What are you currently using?

You mention upgrading, but Edison are pretty low down on the scale of things. Behringer probably a little better but it really depends what you're upgrading from.

If you really do want to upgrade rather than just take a sideways step, perhaps you should be looking at different brands.

Posté Wed 02 Apr 14 @ 8:44 am
Oops, double post.

Posté Wed 02 Apr 14 @ 8:47 am
DJRobyPRO InfinityMember since 2004
well its quite a big upgrade in fact and hence a big step forward...i'm currently using 60w computer speakers by M-Audio LOL...thanks I think I will go with Behringer anyway...will update you guys once I use them.

Posté Wed 02 Apr 14 @ 8:53 pm
DJRobyPRO InfinityMember since 2004
my budget is approx. $360 Canadian with taxes...course gotta buy the stands seperate...maybe xlr cables too ouch!

Posté Wed 02 Apr 14 @ 9:01 pm
DJRobyPRO InfinityMember since 2004
thanks Dave for the link

I do think the Behringer 15's based on reviews are a good buck for the buy and I'm still just a bedroom DJ anyway!

Posté Wed 02 Apr 14 @ 9:12 pm
I saw those Edison's at BJs, and you get everything, including a lighting effect. Don't waste your time, or money. They are made for the guy that thinks, he's a DJ, and spend as little money as he can. There's nothing wrong with getting a good deal. However, this is not a good deal. You are getting what you paid for, a whole lot of nothing.

Posté Wed 02 Apr 14 @ 9:37 pm
@ DJ Roby. If you are interested in buying the behringer B215d speakers, I would recommend the Alto TS115a instead. The Altos cost the same price as the Behringers and sound better. Behringer speakers don't have good sound details. I don't know how many people give them good reviews because they don't sound that great. I had a pair only because I was able to get a crazy deal on them and I resold them right away. The Altos have Good highs and Mids and better low end. If you do a A to B comparison with the behringers and altos, You will hear a big difference. Flat sound Vs good detail. You can also buy the Alto TS112a. 12 inch speakers. They sound really good and are slightly cheaper in price than the 15s.

Posté Thu 03 Apr 14 @ 12:23 am
DJRobyPRO InfinityMember since 2004
thank u Caliente! I will try to get a price on the Alto TS112a

Posté Thu 03 Apr 14 @ 2:25 am
DJRobyPRO InfinityMember since 2004
A Man and His Music wrote :
I saw those Edison's at BJs, and you get everything, including a lighting effect. Don't waste your time, or money. They are made for the guy that thinks, he's a DJ, and spend as little money as he can. There's nothing wrong with getting a good deal. However, this is not a good deal. You are getting what you paid for, a whole lot of nothing.

are u saying stay away from the Edisons or the Behringer?

Posté Thu 03 Apr 14 @ 2:53 am
Roby, you say you're a bedroom DJ - so why are you considering buying PA speakers?

Are you planning on keeping your M-Audio speakers and doing gigs in the big wide world with the PA speakers?

If you're not going on the road then you'd be better off with a pair of monitor speakers.

Posté Thu 03 Apr 14 @ 4:53 am
DJRobyPRO InfinityMember since 2004
well it's the thrill to actually have them as Djing is a big hobby of mine even though I dont do gigs. Although u do have a point Groovin...i will never truly appreciate their potential being in an appartment unit...sort of like driving a race car on public roads and not on the track...But who knows what the future holds as far as my DJ path goes.

Posté Thu 03 Apr 14 @ 5:08 am
The thing is - PA speakers are designed to be used at volume in large spaces. Monitor speakers are designed to be used "near field" (just in front of you) and to reproduce the sound accurately. They're opposite ends of the spectrum.

Seriously - if you're only going to be using the speakers in your room at home, then either keep your M-Audio ones or (if you want to upgrade) buy some better monitor speakers, not PA speakers. The "right tool for the job" and all that jazz.

Your budget should get you a pair of KRK Rokit RP5s

Posté Thu 03 Apr 14 @ 5:23 am
DJRobyPRO InfinityMember since 2004
thank u Groovin something I definitely overlooked and did not consider as u mentioned, the important factor of "limited room space"...where was my head?! BUT thanks to all if I ever decide to do the odd gig I will consider buying PA speakers that suit my needs. I have to say those KRK Rokit RP5s look sweeeeeeeeeeeet!

Posté Thu 03 Apr 14 @ 5:39 am
I might be a little late to the game here. I would stay FAR AWAY FROM EDISON!!!!!!!!!

I would also shy away from Berringer. I would save up for something else.

But if you can side compare alto's and EV powered 15's please do. You might find yourself buying the Powered EV or the Alto, depending on what your ear fancies!

Posté Thu 03 Apr 14 @ 1:10 pm
I was referring to the Edison's. The fact that you get everything in the box, should tell you something. I was also under the impression that you wanted to go out into the world to play. If not, stick with monitors, as suggested.

Posté Thu 03 Apr 14 @ 1:36 pm
drex94PRO InfinityMember since 2013
I would also recommend the Altos when it comes to buying "budget" speakers....great lows

Posté Wed 11 Jun 14 @ 1:29 pm
I have a pair of Behringer B215XL Passive speakers with a Behringer iNUKE NU1000 amp that I have used for gigs as backups to my mains speakers (Big old school Cerwin Vega's with 18 in drivers that I will never get rid of) and I can say the Behringer's don't hold a candle to the Edison Pro M2000 MKII speaker I bought at Costco (Principally as a stand alone Mic PA speaker for weddings). Admittedly most would say the Behringers are the bottom end of the Pro Audio scale but in my defence are only used as backups as I run with redundant everything. I am now looking for a second M2000 MKII speaker because they blow the Behringer speakers out of the water for sound quality a umph at a similar price point when factoring in amps or powered speaks. For the price and Costcos famous 2 year warranty on electronic products I thought why not give it a whirl? I have my receipt for the one and have a line on another via a used resell site so if I do get the second I will give it a try at a gig as I am really impressed - The Behringer's can go to the land fill as far as I am concerned - they are that bad! The only sad thing is Costco has recently pulled these units off their web site so I can't get a new one - I am thinking maybe the company may have folded? I hope it ain't so as they sold out of them overnight here in Victoria when they were in stock at the beginning of summer. Maybe it's because people have given them a bad rap without actually giving them the benefit of the doubt trying their product (name brand snobs)? It could also be their product was no good but worth the gamble IMHO - so far that is not the case with me as I use it regularly and I am impressed with the workmanship, reliability and yes even the sound)....

Posté Sun 12 Oct 14 @ 3:00 pm
Garmo12ControlleristMember since 2014
I know this is an older post but I'll chime in... I bought the Edison 2000 MK II's and I am very happy with them. Paid $400 for a pair about a year ago from Fry's Electronics. They have all the inputs you need, have good power and sound great in Gym size venues... I have heard these next to the JBL EON 305's and they sounded very similar to each other for less than half the price. Granted I am just a hobby DJ but I had sound experience in college doing small live band sound stage productions. I have had no complaints from the gigs I have done in high schools, backyards, and even a U-shaped motel that the owner thought we rocked their socks off...LOL. Just like many items out there, once the innovator's patent has expired, everyone can copy the design and all the wannabes come out to play. Just look at Dyson vacuums. After the 1st 5 years, every brand has a cyclone no lost suction vacuum cleaner.

Posté Sun 27 Dec 15 @ 11:15 pm