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Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Sujet Effect Plugins say not supported - User Guide says they are????

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Virtual DJ 8 installed on my Mac Book Pro over my existing VDJ 7 PRO install. Some Effect Plugins (FlippinDouble, Brake, Backspin, Camera) Show up as incompatible, even though the user guide states they are included in the default VDJ8 effects. (Page 19 and page 27)

Is that a typo in the user guide? Or do I have old (unsupported) versions of these plugins? If so, how can I get the new supported versions?

Posté Mon 12 May 14 @ 11:13 am
Please remember this is a Pre-release. Hopefully the missing plugins will be back soon!! :-)

Posté Mon 12 May 14 @ 11:21 am

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