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Forum: Wishes and new features

Sujet Wave Form Display Direction - Page: 1.05

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osuarezPRO InfinityMember since 2010
I am hearing rumors that this setting was removed in V8, Please tell me it is not so....

Posté Mon 12 May 14 @ 7:32 pm
solidarity! really miss this feature!!

reverse the wave form !reverse the wave form !reverse the wave form !reverse the wave form !reverse the wave form !reverse the wave form !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posté Mon 19 May 14 @ 11:21 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Yes indeed, this feature is now deprecated. There is a chance however to have it back in a future release, so i am marking this as a request for now.

Posté Mon 19 May 14 @ 11:29 am
danydjPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Me too, reverse....

Posté Mon 19 May 14 @ 2:38 pm
danydjPRO InfinityMember since 2003
"this feature is now deprecate"

It's not true

This current direction of the wave form is not good.

The deck turns left to right, not otherwise....


Posté Thu 22 May 14 @ 3:34 am
I only work for this function to vdj!!!!

Posté Tue 27 May 14 @ 10:08 am
I really would appreciate, to have this back.
I always get confused, when I want to match two songs against the logical flow.


Posté Mon 02 Jun 14 @ 10:48 am
danydjPRO InfinityMember since 2003

Posté Mon 02 Jun 14 @ 12:30 pm
frd1963PRO InfinityMember since 2004
In the past, I never understood why VDJ and other software defaulted to the waveform moving from right to left. Coming from turntables, it just seems logical that it would go in the direction that the top of the record moves (as well as the jog wheels for that matter.)
However, it is not the end of the world. I see it as an opportunity to force myself to conform. In the time I have spent playing with VDJ8 (can't use it live yet) I can see that it won't take long to acclimate to the 'backwards' waveform and can actually now see some logic behind that direction too. It is more like the way most audio editing software functions, and if you think about it as a pointer to a point in time, it is moving left to right. You can also think of the jogwheel or turntable as a wheel, and as it turns clockwise, the terrain underneath it moves from right to left. It is starting to make sense.
I would encourage others to try it out this way.
There will always be those who are either not as resilient to change, overly sensitive to opposing opinions, or simply stubborn, though. For that reason, I agree that the option should be available.

Posté Mon 02 Jun 14 @ 12:32 pm
danydjPRO InfinityMember since 2003
You do not change a way of doing.

It's been several years since I remix with wave form left to right.

Now I am wrong especially in fast catching up on old disco and funk

With sounds that have abrupt changes of pace.

Only the visual is used

it is impossible to predict the change only listening

Posté Mon 02 Jun 14 @ 12:41 pm
frd1963 wrote :
like the way most audio editing software functions

Yes exactly. A waveform is represented on screen horizontally, with the beginning on the left. Usually there is a 'play marker' or position indicator that moves from left to right over the waveform as the audio plays. This is exactly what happens in the VDJ deck waveforms.

However, on the top rhythm waveform view the 'marker' doesn't move. It's fixed centrally. Therefore it makes sense for the waveform underneath to move left. Relative to the marker, the waveform moves left.


Posté Mon 02 Jun 14 @ 12:43 pm
yes I want Upgrate to Virtual DJ 8 .
and I miss VD7 of scrolling Inverded.
I have seen that it goes on VD7.
it is better from left to right.
I would very much like to have.
Because it is easier if all waveforms from left to right.
not only the player.
Please make it.

MfG: Dreskrüger

Posté Sun 08 Jun 14 @ 7:21 am
ljaxisPRO InfinityMember since 2013
@ Dreskrüger


To the Dev-Team: Please bring this feature back to VDJ8....... please please please!!!!!!!!

Posté Sun 08 Jun 14 @ 1:39 pm
C'mon people... If the waveform is to move, it should be moving in unison with the record. I have no idea where this ergonomically backward movement started, or why Atomix first chose to copy it (and then everyone else copied them, like the Technics pitch slider), but it's simply wrong, and the option should be there to correct it. You'd think that some of these developers would be smart enough , or maybe brave enough, to think outside the box, occasionally. But, by and large, this seems to be a very copy-cat industry. At least Serato and some others, give you the option of moving the waves to the vertical position on the left side, where (moving upward) they are again in the proper direction.

This is absolutely no different than a car that turns right, when you steer left. Speaking for myself, if I am to be expected to use this software in a professional setting, this issue needs to be addressed ASAP.

Posté Mon 02 Mar 15 @ 1:05 pm
When a track plays, the "needle" (aka playing head) moves from left to right. Is that correct ?
If you "stick" the needle in place so that it can't move, which direction should the waveform move ?
Yes, right, it should move from right to left!
And that's not something VirtualDj invented. It has been the standard since the very first audio editing application come to existence!
It's funny that you mention that upwards moving of the waveforms is normal since it contradicts your other statement for "unison with the record movement"
Assuming that as most people you start to count at "12 o clock" then the record's mark (sticker) moves "downwards" first and then upwards the same way it moves from left to right first and then right to left...
In other words, if you were to follow the first movement of the sticker for horizontal movement you should also follow it for vertical as well.
However yes having the waveforms move upwards is the right direction... Because as needle moves downwards (the first movement you notice), the waves must move upwards if you stick the needle in place...

I'm not here to argue the come-back of the reverse wave setting, which by the way belongs to the wishes forum as it's not a bug.
I'm just arguing that moving from right to left is NOT wrong. It IS the correct direction! :)

Posté Mon 02 Mar 15 @ 2:09 pm
PhantomDeejay wrote :
When a track plays, the "needle" (aka playing head) moves from left to right. Is that correct ?

Well, no. The needle doesn't move at all. Other than swinging across the record to maintain alignment, it is totally stationary.

PhantomDeejay wrote :
If you "stick" the needle in place so that it can't move, which direction should the waveform move ?
Yes, right, it should move from right to left!

Wrong. As I say (and surely you already know), needles are "stuck in place", and records (physical waveforms) move clockwise. That is: left-to-right. If we move it, as you say; "right to left"... the music will play backward..! Ah... there's that word, again.

PhantomDeejay wrote :
And that's not something VirtualDj invented. It has been the standard since the very first audio editing application come to existence!

Isn't that what I said? That everyone is just copying each other? But what you aren't taking into consideration, is that these audio editing programs you speak of, were not DJ programs attempting to facilitate DVS. There, it's a different ball game. You now have a physical 'handle' on the waveform, via the record, platter, etc., that is now moving "backward" (there it is again) in relation to the simulated waveform on the monitor screen. And anyone can see that's no good.

PhantomDeejay wrote :
It's funny that you mention that upwards moving of the waveforms is normal since it contradicts your other statement for "unison with the record movement"
Assuming that as most people you start to count at "12 o clock" then the record's mark (sticker) moves "downwards" first and then upwards the same way it moves from left to right first and then right to left...
In other words, if you were to follow the first movement of the sticker for horizontal movement you should also follow it for vertical as well.
However yes having the waveforms move upwards is the right direction... Because as needle moves downwards (the first movement you notice), the waves must move upwards if you stick the needle in place...

I think you are just confusing yourself here. First.., as we all know, the needle does not move. Second.., yes strictly speaking, the record only moves left to right, at the top (or at "12:00") of it's movement. At the bottom (6:00), it's not only backward, but upside-down as well. So if I was DJing standing on my head, I suppose that would be fine maybe.

Of course on the right side (3:00) it's moving down, and at 9:00, it's moving up. Having said all that, as long as I'm having to work with horizontal waveforms, I want them consistent with the clockwise, left-to-right movement of the physical tool, record, platter, in my hands. You think that's too much to ask...?

PhantomDeejay wrote :
I'm not here to argue the come-back of the reverse wave setting, which by the way belongs to the wishes forum as it's not a bug.
I'm just arguing that moving from right to left is NOT wrong. It IS the correct direction! :)

No, sorry. I'd love to agree with you, but I can't, because you're simply wrong. You just haven't thought it out well enough yet.


Posté Tue 03 Mar 15 @ 1:40 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
If you put your turntables in the classic way, then the record moves underneath the needle, with the audio that has not been played at the right side of the needle, and the part that has been played at the left side of the needle.

The main reason it is displayed like this is not because it's like that on a turntable, but because (at least in most parts of the world) all sorts of data is represented left-to-right, with left being smallest/oldest/past, and right being biggest/newest/future.
(I'm not sure if in Hebrew/Arabic it is also common to reverse graphs and timelines, although I can imagine it would)

Posté Tue 03 Mar 15 @ 1:53 am
Exactly Adion.

What Richmond is failing to recognise here (deliberately or otherwise) is that the VDJ waveform displays are not supposed to be emulating a piece of vinyl on a turntable.

If they were, would the ideal representation not be circular? And there wouldn't be a waveform at all, because while we're splitting hairs here, vinyl doesn't have a waveform.

Cuircular, spinning clockwise, no waveform....... Oh hang on, it's called a jogwheel.


Posté Tue 03 Mar 15 @ 3:43 am
Copied & pasted from the FRUiT skin thread.....

Richmond wrote :
Phantom DJ is not God

I never said he was. What I am saying though, is that it's pretty clear from posts (or lack of) here that the vast majority do not think the world is flat - oh sorry, that the waveforms are reversed.

Richmond wrote :
not for me or you to say.

And yet you ARE saying - very loudly. Proudly stating that you know better than the rest of us dimwits who haven't worked it out yet due to lack of brain power.

Richmond wrote :
the waves are representative of that.

No the waves are not representative of the platters or the turntables. They're representing the music.

You really think those are backwards too?
Richmond wrote :
that doesn't bother me, as it basically just serves as a position indicator

The rhythmwave is also a position indicator.

So you're saying that almost every VDJ user here is wrong, plus all the DAW software manufacturers and their employees, all the DJ software manufacturers and their employees, all the audio editing software manufacturers and their employees, PLUS all the millions of people who use DAWs, audio editing software and DJ software on a daily basis? All those companies and people are wrong. They've ALL got it backwards?


Posté Tue 03 Mar 15 @ 4:04 am
And here we go again... Hundreds of years of human culture evolution end up to the same old question:
Does the Sun move around Earth, or the Earth around the Sound ?


It's a matter of perspective. It has always been!
Even when you look on a turntable... You see the needle stationary and the record move "clockwise"
"Clockwise" is the only word we all agree because it describes a circular movement.
However on waveforms we have to deal with a linear approach. You must "convert" the circular movement to linear.
Sure you can choose one way or another, depending on how you want to see things:

You can choose to see the reds or the blues...
The reasons software engineers choose to select the blues as per the diagram above has already been explained.
And for the most part of it you should blame the first company that ever "thought" to represent the "PLAY" button with an arrow that points from left to right :P

If you are familiar with audio tapes (which I believe you do) then you will recognize the same situation:

When the tape was placed "upwards" on a deck (the playing head was on top of the deck) the tape itself would move from right to left. That was something which was confusing the home users since the "PLAY" button was indicating a "left to right" movement.
The arrow was correct though since it indicated the playing head direction over the tape (perspection of movement)
So the manufacturers though of a nice trick:
Let's put the playing head on the bottom of the deck!
Now the moving direction of the tape itself would agree with the PLAY button.
But the direction of the needle over the tape is the opposite... :P

Now the solution for cassettes was easy. However on the digital world you can't "rotate" the waveform 180 degrees.
Because if you do, all PROGRESS related data will display from right to left.
The entire word (with minor exceptions on some middle East cultures) reads and writes from left to right.
And subconsciously that's why it looks awkward to you to see the waveform moving from right to left...

PS: Do you like the fact that when you scroll your mouse wheel downwards the page moves downwards as well ?
If you do, don't get a MAC :P MAC's move the page upwards (they call it natural scrolling) because on MAC's the wheel scrolls the "window view" up/down on a pinned content. On the contrary, Windows move the content on a pinned window!
Matter of perspection! ;)

Posté Tue 03 Mar 15 @ 4:52 am