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Forum: Wishes and new features

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djtouchdan wrote :
Things change, I do agree the forums are not as actively used as they once were and perhaps therefore not a 'friendly' either. But I happen to know that there are hopes to revitalise the forums in the not to distant future.

Isn't that just because a lot of the discussions have moved to the FB groups?

I see users getting a lot of help with the little things (mostly settings and understanding the software) in the FB groups

I must have answered these questions 10+ times each in the FB groups:
- Please send me a VDJ8 license key? VDJ8 doesn't have license keys. And you should pay for the software
- Why does VDJ only work with xxx for 10 min? You need to pay for the software for it to continue working
- Why does the pitch automatically change when I load a song? You need to disable that in the settings if you don't want it
- Is this xxx controller supported? Please check the supported controllers list for supported controllers
- How do I download more skins? You need to pay for the software to do that
- How do I download more effects? You need to pay for the software to do that
- How do I download more effects like the horn? Thats actually a sample. Those are just sound files. You can grab them yourself from tracks, or download any sound on the net and use it

EDIT: Sorry - OT

Posté Mon 16 May 16 @ 12:19 pm
sdemPRO InfinityMember since 2003
please bring this setting to VDJ 8 back:

Posté Mon 18 Jul 16 @ 10:46 am
"Is this because you are not getting your own way?? "

Lol... certainly not. But then, you were only being facetious, of course.

"There are less than 10 people who have posted in this post supporting the return of this function (once you remove the people that have tried to explain why its right the way it is, any "staffers" or those who brought popcorn). It's hardly a sensational number, and most likely most of those 10 use Version 8 without worrying about."

Where did you come up with that figure? Did you actually count the posts..? One of the other staffers quoted some disparagingly low number like that previously. Then, I went back and took the time to count them, and found the figure he'd used was totally inaccurate.

And then, there's the fact that the omnipotent staffers decided to move this thread from the bug reports (where it belongs), to the new features area, where it is much harder for new users with issues to find...

It's obviously not a new VDJ feature! However, I probably should just cherish my luck that they did not simply delete it altogether.

Posté Sun 24 Jul 16 @ 3:47 pm
"Thing is richmond, it's the modern world. "

No offense, but it always amuses me when I hear someone use that phrase. I'm certain people have been saying that same thing for thousands, if not millions, of years.

"You wouldn't be able to contact Apple and ask for something different on the iPhone, or Mercedes because you don't like a feature on a car."

Oh well... you obviously don't know me very well. In fact, I would be one of the first to do so. And believe it or not, sometimes they not only will listen, but are even grateful for the useful input, and throw you back a bone of some kind.

"VirtualDJ used to be very community based, but in the past few years things have changed and it's a different place now. It's all "corporate" and quite distant from the common user now."

Well maybe your experience has been different, but for me, it has always been that way.

" The bottom line is you either put up or shut up."

Well, I reckon I do "put up"... I was one of the first to "put up" my money, and take a chance on their software, and furthermore I have stated repetedly that I was willing to pay for upgrades. What more would you or they expect?

"If you don't like the software the way it is then use something else. That's the way I see it anyway."

I do use "something else". That would be Serato "Itch". But the fact remains that I have money and time invested in this software, and Serato will only work with certain equipment. I need VDJ, or a comparable product, to work with my other equipment combinations.

Posté Sun 24 Jul 16 @ 4:13 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
richmond wrote :
Where did you come up with that figure? Did you actually count the posts..? One of the other staffers quoted some disparagingly low number like that previously. Then, I went back and took the time to count them, and found the figure he'd used was totally inaccurate.

I just did that - in this thread there are 10 users (including yourself) who definitely wanted this feature back and a further three who wanted it back but weren't particularly bothered.

richmond wrote :
there's the fact that the omnipotent staffers decided to move this thread from the bug reports (where it belongs), to the new features area, where it is much harder for new users with issues to find

Not difficult at all. It is not a bug report; the feature was deprecated and removed. This is not a bug, it is a design decision. A request to have the feature re-implemented would be a request and hence belongs in this section. If a user opened another thread on it, they would be directed here anyway, so it's a moot point really.

There are still no plans to implement the reverse waveform direction from earlier VDJ versions into v8.

Posté Mon 25 Jul 16 @ 2:33 am

"I just did that - in this thread there are 10 users (including yourself) who definitely wanted this feature back and a further three who wanted it back but weren't particularly bothered."

Scott, you and I both know that it wouldn't matter if it were ten (I believe there are more, but apparently you have more time on your hands to count back through this thread than I do), or a thousand. The gods at Atomix know what's best for us peons, and have decreed that the feature is "deprecated", and that is just that... Logic, and customer satisfaction be damned! We peasant types who are outside the cliique, can eat "cake", where they are concerned. After all... who do we think we are, ...anyway?

"Not difficult at all. It is not a bug report; the feature was deprecated and removed."

So say you... What kind of corporate speak is "depriciated", anyway..? If you look up the term in a dictionary, it gives you "overlooked", and "undervalued". So, I reckon I've no choice but to agree with their terse terminology in this particular instance.

"It's not a bug"

Obviously, with two such diametrically opposed mindsets, the definition is totally dependent upon one's point of view. To you and your cronies "it is a design decision". However, to those of us who depend on a now missing feature that has been previously included for years, it definitely is a bug, or more accurately, a gross oversight.

"There are still no plans to implement the reverse waveform direction from earlier VDJ versions into v8."

Not surprisingly, of course... Aleast some things never change. This behavioral attitude is in keeping with company tradition.

Posté Mon 01 Aug 16 @ 12:42 pm
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
SBDJ wrote :
It is not a bug report; the feature was deprecated and removed. This is not a bug, it is a design decision.
richmond wrote :

So say you... What kind of corporate speak is "depriciated", anyway..? If you look up the term in a dictionary, it gives you "overlooked", and "undervalued". So, I reckon I've no choice but to agree with their terse terminology in this particular instance.

What dictionary is it? Can you give me a link? I did a search myself and I can't find an online dictionary with this description...
Only this:


verb (used with object), deprecated, deprecating.
to express earnest disapproval of.
to urge reasons against; protest against (a scheme, purpose, etc.).
Archaic. to pray for deliverance from.

Latin 1615-25;
Latin dēprecātus prayed against, warded off (past participle of dēprecārī), equivalent to dē- de- + prec (ārī) to pray + -ātus -ate


1. condemn, denounce, disparage

Oh wait... you mean depreciate... well that is an etymologically completely different word. But what do I know. Englisch is not my native language.

Posté Mon 01 Aug 16 @ 1:05 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
It only took a couple of minutes to count back; this thread isn't really that long.

Deprecated was indeed the wrong choice of word as we didn't discourage it's use before it's removal, so I apologise for my choice of word. Ultimately during the rewrite and move from v7 to v8 some things were changed or not included. This little used feature was among them - it's been over 2 years since the release of v8 after all.

To think that we don't listen to suggestions and feedback is naive in the extreme - lots of recent features added have been directly user requested.


Posté Mon 01 Aug 16 @ 1:23 pm
FruitPRO InfinityMember since 2003
So count me as a requesting user.

An option is always better than no option.


Posté Mon 08 Aug 16 @ 8:11 am
Okay one more user to join for this request, an options waveform change directions


Posté Mon 08 Aug 16 @ 3:03 pm

Posté Mon 08 Aug 16 @ 3:17 pm
PachN wrote :
SBDJ wrote :
It is not a bug report; the feature was deprecated and removed. This is not a bug, it is a design decision.
richmond wrote :

So say you... What kind of corporate speak is "depriciated", anyway..? If you look up the term in a dictionary, it gives you "overlooked", and "undervalued". So, I reckon I've no choice but to agree with their terse terminology in this particular instance.

What dictionary is it? Can you give me a link? I did a search myself and I can't find an online dictionary with this description...
Only this:


verb (used with object), deprecated, deprecating.
to express earnest disapproval of.
to urge reasons against; protest against (a scheme, purpose, etc.).
Archaic. to pray for deliverance from.

Latin 1615-25;
Latin dēprecātus prayed against, warded off (past participle of dēprecārī), equivalent to dē- de- + prec (ārī) to pray + -ātus -ate


1. condemn, denounce, disparage

Oh wait... you mean depreciate... well that is an etymologically completely different word. But what do I know. Englisch is not my native language.

Ah, so I see. But what does it matter... you are obviously very intelligent.

Ahem... so, yes the word is "deprecate", not "depreciate". Much more interesting choice of adjective I must say, with definitions like "pray for deliverance from", and "express earnest disapproval of".

It would appear then that the "developers" are not just too lazy to fix this issue after all. Apparently they actually HATE this feature so intensely that they have agreed to avoid it at all costs. That would help to explain their callous disregard for what their customers think and want.

What the heck... I can always turn my monitor upside down and fix it myself... I'll try to think like the "devs"... Yeah, that’s the ticket. What difference would it make if everything else on the screen is backward then... I'll just call it "deprecated"... That'll be sure to make it alright.



Posté Thu 01 Sep 16 @ 3:03 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
richmond wrote :
What the heck... I can always turn my monitor upside down and fix it myself... I'll try to think like the "devs"... Yeah, that’s the ticket. What difference would it make if everything else on the screen is backward then... I'll just call it "deprecated"... That'll be sure to make it alright.

Make a remote skin for just the wave and put the pad upside down, make a 2 window skin and do similar,

instead of turning up like a bad smell every now and again, sort the problem out yourself,

Posté Thu 01 Sep 16 @ 3:35 am
Quote :

instead of turning up like a bad smell every now and again, sort the problem out yourself,

Thank you so much, loco. It's good to know that I can always count on you to help. Still waiting for them to put you on the payroll, I guess? Good luck with that also...

Posté Sat 17 Sep 16 @ 6:28 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Thanks! This was fun, we should do it again, C U next tuesday.

Posté Sat 17 Sep 16 @ 6:44 pm
Just a note to acknowledge that another year has passed, and still this fundamental VDJ8 shortcoming has failed to be addressed properly. (at all)

Is it really that hard to fix, guys? Or is it that you really don't care what your customers thnk, once you have their money..?

I want you all to understand that I need this feature, and it is important to me. You can ignore me if you want to take that route, but I'll keep knocking until I'm satisfied.

Posté Tue 03 Jan 17 @ 1:39 am
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
Open VDJ
Play a track
Press ALT GR + DownArrow

Thank me later

Posté Tue 03 Jan 17 @ 7:49 am
"Press ALT GR + DownArrow"

What is that... the keyboard shortcut for version 7?

V8 has no such provision.

Posté Mon 16 Jan 17 @ 3:36 am
Sounds like a command to to rotate the entire windows session on your monitor. That would work because if everything is upside down the wave world then go the correct way for you.


Posté Mon 16 Jan 17 @ 10:29 am


Posté Mon 16 Jan 17 @ 12:28 pm