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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Sujet VirtualDJ 8 - Controller by DennYo - Page: 11

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ProfLeePRO InfinityMember since 2011
Is there a "Key Changer" button on any of the Dennyo panes. I've looked, can't find one, maybe missing it. If not, I hope you can add this feature Denny.

Thank you.

Posté Sun 25 Jan 15 @ 12:03 am
ZHEMZPRO InfinityMember since 2010
invite me please so i can download that skin thank you . . .

Posté Sun 25 Jan 15 @ 2:17 am
ProfLee wrote :
Is there a "Key Changer" button on any of the Dennyo panes. I've looked, can't find one, maybe missing it. If not, I hope you can add this feature Denny.

Thank you.

you can change the filter button to the key button from the skin setup

Posté Sun 25 Jan 15 @ 2:43 am
what is the scripting code for having key knobs instead of filter knobs?(oninit command)
thank you

Posté Sun 25 Jan 15 @ 5:25 pm

Posté Sun 25 Jan 15 @ 5:58 pm
thanks, but I tried " set '$filter' 1 " and it only works on deck 1
all other 3 decks show filter knob...

Posté Tue 27 Jan 15 @ 6:37 am
The menu in the skin does it like this:

deck 1 set 'filter' 1 & deck 2 set 'filter' 1 & deck 3 set 'filter' 1 & deck 4 set 'filter' 1

Posté Tue 27 Jan 15 @ 12:20 pm
ProfLeePRO InfinityMember since 2011
romeodan wrote :
ProfLee wrote :
Is there a "Key Changer" button on any of the Dennyo panes. I've looked, can't find one, maybe missing it. If not, I hope you can add this feature Denny.

Thank you.

you can change the filter button to the key button from the skin setup

RomeDan- Thank you very much. I had a feeling it was there somewhere.

Posté Wed 28 Jan 15 @ 12:38 am
New Update 4.1.3 is available

New in this version is autosave your Settings. The Oninit Action can be delete :)

work an an new Update soon :)

Posté Sat 31 Jan 15 @ 6:21 am
I like your skin very much and it's nice to see that you always want to go for perfection. Thank you for all your work, time and effort!

Posté Mon 02 Feb 15 @ 2:23 am
I'm trying to find a possibility to have your skin on three seperate screens on my controller so I don't have a large laptop in my face the whole evening and guests can't see me because I'm very small.
At this moment I am trying software that take pieces of the desktop and mirror them to an extra display.
It's not exactly wonderfull, because the resolution becomes a problem with some settings.

What is my chance that you help me to edit your skin into a multi screen setup as showed in the topic I made:

Greets Roy

Posté Tue 03 Feb 15 @ 3:08 pm
Denny F. wrote :

work an an new Update soon :)

what are you cooking??

Posté Sun 08 Feb 15 @ 5:09 pm
meresPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Hey guys dose anyone know how to keep the time on regular time instead of 24 hour time on start up using this skin thank u?

Posté Wed 11 Feb 15 @ 3:31 pm
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
You have to modify the Skin XML for that.

Posté Wed 11 Feb 15 @ 5:17 pm
meresPRO InfinityMember since 2007
How do i go about doing that?

Posté Thu 12 Feb 15 @ 9:07 pm
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
Can't test it at them moment to give you a 100% tutorial, but the following steps are basically the same for all skins:

Go to your VirtualDJ/Skins folder, un-zip the controller by dennyo skin zip file.
You now should see a file called 2 Decks.xml.
Open this file with an editor like notepad++ or any other text editor.
Search for "fullhour" in the text file.

You should fine something like this:

<text font="arial" size="15" align="center" weight="bold" color="#E6C371" format="%fullhour"/>
<text2 font="arial" size="15" align="center" weight="bold" color="#E6C371" format="%hour12"/>

At the end of this lines you'll fine %fullhour and %hour12.
Just change this two values that it looks like this:

<text font="arial" size="15" align="center" weight="bold" color="#E6C371" format="%hour12"/>
<text2 font="arial" size="15" align="center" weight="bold" color="#E6C371" format="%fullhour"/>

Save the skin.xml file, and Zip all files.
Put the Zip back into VirtualDJ/Skins folder.

Posté Fri 13 Feb 15 @ 5:03 am
In this case, the Dennyo skin has many XML files - one for each skin variation.

You will either need to decide which one you use most, or modify the code in every XML.

Basically, the <text line is the one that shows by default, and the <text2, <text3 etc. are the ones that it changes to when clicked - so if you only ever want 12 hour time, you could just delete the other lines and leave the hour12 one. Alternatively you could change all of them to hour12. :-)

By the way, you can also "comment out" code by using <!-- and --> at the start and end of the code you don't need.


<!-- <some>
<here> -->


Posté Fri 13 Feb 15 @ 5:12 am
meresPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Thanks Guys For The Help!!!

Posté Mon 16 Feb 15 @ 8:22 am

Posté Mon 16 Feb 15 @ 8:51 am
Just a suggestion after a discussion with groovindj, could the Comment field be added to the player windows under the Title and Artist. Maybe an option switch to enable/disable.

I think this would be a useful addition instead of having the INFO side window open to see the Comments.


Posté Thu 19 Feb 15 @ 6:25 am