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Sujet Scripts you'd like to see - Page: 7
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
also param_cast 'text_invert' 6
1st index, if you need index to end

Posté Fri 17 Dec 21 @ 9:18 pm
Can you try this?

BUILD 6781 (2021-12-16)
-"equalizer" skin object accepts 'stem' parameter, get_spectrum_band can accept stem parameter as third parameter

The result is meaningless for me :-(
How to use this? What to experience in the end?

Posté Wed 22 Dec 21 @ 11:20 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
So close...

set_var a ""
& set_var a `get_loaded_song 'drive'`
& set_var a `param_add "get_text ':'" "get_var a"`
& set_var a `param_add "get_loaded_song 'filepath'" "get_var a"`
& get_var a & param_cast & browser_gotofolder

browser_gotofolder "M:\Music\Breaks\Fantastic Plastic Machine"
browser_gotofolder "M:\Music\Breaks\Fantastic Plastic Machine\"

could browser_gotofolder be less fussy? if ends with '\' ignore it.
I remember this from easyKRM

Posté Fri 08 Apr 22 @ 10:59 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
not a priority wish, just a suggestion.
case:padfx maybe I want

padfx 'echo' +0% +0% 30% 40%
I can poke effect_buttons missing some [because of name: ], but sliders If I want to set slider 3 I have to set 1 & 2 too.
obv it could be done with older methods but +0% as an ignore/skip make sense to me

Posté Wed 13 Apr 22 @ 12:32 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
no load context menu for vdj samples,

I can see a need for a script to get to load context menu too.
so instead of how we load by calling deck, a button that pops up load to deck list

18 decks sort of brings out the pain with this one.

Posté Thu 14 Apr 22 @ 11:44 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
something of nothing wish, when in mapping window and you key press, or search for a controller, could it start the search from the bottom, so that the result is at the top?

And since I'm here, could mapping window/custom button edit have a "bigger it" button, at a certain level, the definitions showing is 1 unneeded, 2 robs space that you could need to see the whole structure of a script.

For the truly crazy I'd still use np++ but if the editor window was bigger I'd use it much less

Posté Fri 15 Apr 22 @ 6:06 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
I thought about

param_cast 'text' X
about getting other than the first X chars, just -X would be the sensible way to get X chars from end index.

It would still be a wall of script if say you wanted remove a known string but at least it would be possible.

Posté Sun 17 Apr 22 @ 7:25 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
quick_filter 1 off

currently toggles, no explicit switching?

Posté Sun 24 Apr 22 @ 7:30 pm
locodog wrote :
quick_filter 1 off

currently toggles, no explicit switching?


and I assume that would also include quick_filter 1 on

simpler and more straight forward then quick_filter 1 ? nothing : quick_filter 1

Posté Sun 24 Apr 22 @ 8:51 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
not_played gets a script
mark as played only gets a right click.

I'm thinking of a house keeping function, every now and again you press a button it jumps to today's history, for every track in there it does a %artist %title search anything it finds is marked as played.

Posté Mon 02 May 22 @ 1:49 pm

would like played verb

workaround is to toggle the historyDelay for playing tracks. (though cannot be directed to browsed_song)

question: can not_played be directed to browsed_song ? (think is only for loaded track)

Posté Mon 02 May 22 @ 3:03 pm
As the track analysis from Tidal playlists is extremely slow (one track every 30 seconds), yet manually loading them to decks is faster, I'd like a script that can replace the right click analysis to speed up the procedure.

It needs to just run through the list of tracks and load each one to a deck, so it gets analysed, with a small delay between each one to allow for loading time (say 3 seconds).

Having to wait 30 seconds per track is very frustrating, especially knowing that manually loading them works faster. Also, other DJ software doesn't appear to have this restriction, and the "find the info from somewhere online" method that Atomix use is often inaccurate.

Posté Sat 25 Jun 22 @ 12:17 pm
Would love a script to turn OFF all active quick_filter's.

Maybe call it quick_filter_all_off

1) at times some quick filter buttons can become hidden as browser width changes

2) un-numbered scripted, quick filters can, at times be hard to track down and turn off, when one is not getting the expected displayed results in the browser (due to a quick filter being active)

So would so awesome to have an easy way to turn OFF all quick filters with one action.

Currently no way to see all quick filters that are active, (especially, those created with scripts) and one needs to at times, hunt to find which quick filter is limiting the results of the browser, and to turn the quick filter off, with the script: quick_filter 'mycondition' , again.
quick_filter 'mycondition' ? nothing : quick_filter 'mycondition'
to ensure it is being turned off and not just toggled.

Posté Wed 24 Aug 22 @ 4:59 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
sampler_used 0 ? sampler_pad 1 & set $nSample 1 : sampler_used 1 ? sampler_pad 1 & var $nSample 1 ? set $nSample $oSample : set  $oSample $nSample & set $nSample 1 : sampler_used 2 ? sampler_pad 1 & var $nSample 1 ? set $nSample $oSample & set $oSample 0 : var $oSample 1 ? set $oSample 0 : get_var $oSample & param_cast & sampler_play_stop & set $oSample $nSample & set $nSample 1 : 

I'm making a 2 samples maximum thing, this is an example button.
problem is near the end
get_var $oSample & param_cast & sampler_play_stop
that won't take a cast, neither will sampler_select

I'm going to make do with a bruteforce pile of queries...,

EDIT no I'm not, sampler_select will accept a relative :)
set $oSample 3 & sampler_select 1 & get_var $oSample & param_add -1 & param_cast 'relative' & sampler_select & sampler_play_stop

if sampler_select could accept a int cast that would open up the sampler to be easier than remembering this arcane rule

Posté Wed 11 Jan 23 @ 6:54 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
get_deck karaoke
get_deck automix

it would help the strange cases.
[and kj's are strange cases, not all of them but it appears diva mentality is contagious by proximity]

Posté Thu 16 Feb 23 @ 12:41 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
deck automix get_deck should already work

Posté Sun 19 Feb 23 @ 7:26 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
Would love a script to turn OFF all active quick_filter's.

Looks like quick_filter off should already work.


Posté Sun 19 Feb 23 @ 11:03 am
Adion wrote :
Looks like quick_filter off should already work.

So awesome,

Now removing all fear of "really" doubling down, using multiple quick_filters.

Again Big Thanks Adion !

One more reason VDJ is absolutely da Best ! (does everything)

(and wonders it it, had always existed since, "off", was as a parameter, and didn't realize, humm)


Posté Sun 19 Feb 23 @ 6:11 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Not a wish for a new thing, but, loop_move is restricted to the bounds for the track, loop can exceed the bounds by calling a loop that will exceed the bounds.

might seem odd but it makes sense for this loop thing I'm working on.

could loop_move work without restriction?

Posté Wed 27 Sep 23 @ 7:22 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
I just discovered video_fx_clear, audio_fx_clear would be good.

Posté Sat 30 Sep 23 @ 11:55 pm