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I stood and watched a DJ last week using the Pioneer RZ. In the 30 minutes or so he used two buttons ...... play & pause.

What a waste of money but of course the Pioneer controller looks the part, doesn't it?

Exactly, there's a lot of that going on, all the gear no idea, then there's those gigs where the DJ is just a jukebox and isn't allowed to be much more.

I visited Bop DJ in Bristol last week, the DDJ-RZ is a killer controller that ticks a lot of boxes; the lack of standalone and the size are the only issues for me, for this reason I'll probably settle for a more practical XDJ-RX2 after I've sold off my nexus setup.

I can see a 4 platter controller working on smaller units (for size/cost reasons), but then the smaller platters wont appeal to scratch DJs. I bet if anyone creates a 4 deck with fairly large platters it'll be Numark.

I can't see it happening. It's too niche.

Like Keith said, people buy stuff and only use a fraction of the features. The vast majority really only need two decks (you go from A to B then back again). If you want to overlay stuff then the sample pads can be used to bring in extra drums, vocal clips, percussion etc. You've also got the ability to switch platters to control decks 3 & 4 if you want to push the boat out.

DJs who really truly make use of four decks (needing platters all the time) are like hens teeth.

There's a DJ from the UK called Delimentary who was a regular at the BPM exhibition, doing performance pieces on four decks (see YouTube for videos) and even at that level it's not strictly necessary to have four platters.

bagpuss wrote :

Of course you do, it's just an inconvenient truth. Stems improves things a lot in this area, but the workflow is probably too complex to sell to the mass market. Basically they're going to keep selling things to DJs way beyond the point of need or sense, how many DJs have an SX2? How many working DJs do you see using half the features? I don't see many at all.

Well glad I grew up with Djs in my sight like carl cox...who blow that theory out the box...just like a dj should think. I remember DJs wishing for the capabilities digital gives you, but know djs are saying its too much... Just like the music. Its so many capabilities but this what they come up with...

Djratedxxx919 wrote :
bagpuss wrote :

Of course you do, it's just an inconvenient truth. Stems improves things a lot in this area, but the workflow is probably too complex to sell to the mass market. Basically they're going to keep selling things to DJs way beyond the point of need or sense, how many DJs have an SX2? How many working DJs do you see using half the features? I don't see many at all.

Well glad I grew up with Djs in my sight like carl cox...who blow that theory out the box...just like a dj should think. I remember DJs wishing for the capabilities digital gives you, but know djs are saying its too much... Just like the music. Its so many capabilities but this what they come up with...

That's exactly why I specified for commercial DJing, where the majority of the music is over produced and compressed. If I were playing minimal tech house tracks like Carl Cox where minutes go by with little in the way of action, I'd be using stems and making things more interesting on the fly. I'd also produce bootlegs (mixed down professionally) to keep the tracks more interesting and action packed so I'm not mixing at 100mph all night.

I just dont get it...what happen to the djs... I been thinking of 3 and 4 decks mixes since I started djing. My Dj crew even started bring 3 1200s to do parties. Maybe that why Im begging for remix decks and nobody else sees the capabilities and possibilities. Push the damn envelope. Djs just as stagnant as the artist....sheesh its depressing...

It's hard for people to agree on much round here, there's so many backgrounds, generations, styles of DJs etc.

I'd definitely like to see an improved sampler or remix decks make their way into VDJ.

I'd definitely like to see an improved sampler or remix decks make their way into VDJ.

This is the really big thing. It may incorporate a sequencer and be supplied to the mix via deck controls. 4 decks only interest me when used to control the sampler and the things it may evolve into in the future.

938MyDJ wrote :

I’ve tried this kind of set up before... but adding an SP1 to the SZ instead became more convenient for me.

I have to use SYNC when mxing with 4decks most of the time anyway.

I have a similar setup with my DDJ RZ in mind. I really like to have physical Deck 3 and 4. I think some XDJ-1000MK2 might just do the trick aswell :)

4 Deck Controller by default seems not practical. As Example the DDJ RZ is already huge. But modular layout might work. Thus you might aswell buy CDJ or XDJ Media Players then.


Only reason for 4 decks is all 4 decks with timecode, using midi control with controllers don't need these setups.

Man, this post its old,from 2015..barely rembered it Lol..back then i took 2 xponents and figured if i ran the 2nd via old standerd midi as an extention to the 1rst xponent i could run two controllers and get 4 decks..still have them but since I m leaning more into a simple seteup..4 deck swaping tho since way before that

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