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Sujet Video Maxmemoryuse Issue - Page: 2

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Guys I have same problem with Asus ROG, by choosing start VDJ with Nvidia works and Nvidia is shown as video card in VDJ but video memory is still automatic (120). I tried what I read here . I set force fullscreen to 1, played video, exit, start vdj again but it still show automatic (120). So is there any way how to force VDJ or Asus ROG to use memory of dedicated Nvidia card or Im just screwed and stick to 120 ? With so low video memory my video playback on TV/beamer is jerky. IT really drives me mad. Thanks in advance for help..

Posté Sat 02 Dec 17 @ 6:05 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
You can manually put a higher value there, but on normal playback it's unlikely that this is the cause of your problems.
Is playback also jerky when just running vdj on the integrated gpu?

Posté Sat 02 Dec 17 @ 6:14 pm
When I set Intel card, every second or third video was "jerking" , when i set nvdia , its better, approx every 15 video is jerking. Some are jerking just during first few second than its ok, some videoclips are jerking whole time of video. If jerking of video happen - cpu usage is in yellow and sometimes blinking red. If jerking donmt happen cpu usage is on first green bar. Im using latest VDJ, latest drivers .

Posté Sun 03 Dec 17 @ 3:58 am
maradavid wrote :
When I set Intel card, every second or third video was "jerking" , when i set nvdia , its better, approx every 15 video is jerking. Some are jerking just during first few second than its ok, some videoclips are jerking whole time of video. If jerking of video happen - cpu usage is in yellow and sometimes blinking red. If jerking donmt happen cpu usage is on first green bar. Im using latest VDJ, latest drivers .

sounds like you have some other things running in the background eating up resources.. time to optimize your machine :-)

PC Optimize ->

Mac Optimize ->

FYI even brand new computer require this sometimes.

Posté Sun 03 Dec 17 @ 3:26 pm

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