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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Sujet VCI-400 Vinyl button behaviour

Ce topic est ancien et peut contenir des informations obselètes ou incorrectes.


Mapping slip_mode to the "Vinyl" button on the VCI-400, the button seems to only allow slip mode while pressed, not toggle on/off. (slip_mode works as toggle on/off when mapped to other VCI-400 buttons)

Any insight or solutions?


Posté Mon 12 Dec 16 @ 1:00 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
That's because the VINYL button is a toggle one (1st press On, 2nd press off), so better choose a different button to assign slip_mode

Posté Mon 12 Dec 16 @ 4:33 pm
Hmmm... yeah, it seems to, but that IS how I want to use the function...

One press for slip_mode on...
One press for slip_mode off...

That's how the equivalent works in Traktor, so I'm not sure why the hardware limits the function here.


Posté Tue 13 Dec 16 @ 7:29 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
How is the button mapped ?

There is also a strong possibility, the VINYL button to work in "Hardware" mode, meaning that when the button is OFF, even if you have not assigned that as vinyl_mode, the Key that offers the TOUCH_JOG may not be offered, thus no Slip mode applied when Jog is touched. If that is the case, and you have mapped the button as vinyl_mode & slip_mode or just slip_mode, the Hotcues and Loops should act temporary and the Deck Options button on the skin, should flash (indicating Slip mode engaged)

Posté Tue 13 Dec 16 @ 12:23 pm
It's mapped with just: slip_mode

Posté Tue 13 Dec 16 @ 10:54 pm

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