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Forum: General Discussion

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Hello, im dj and i play techno, trance, progressive house and dubstep. It is in this pool a lot of tracks in this genre? Now I am at digitaldjpool...Alternatively recommend best pools for my genre (techno, trance, progressive house and dubstep)? thank you :)

Posté Tue 28 Feb 17 @ 9:36 am
You can do a search from within VDJ and see if the tracks are in the pool.
But without a subscription you will only be able to play the tracks for 30 seconds each.

Thanks very much, but I do not know how to filter the genres? It's very confusing

Please do I need to download idj pool separately before I can use it?

Content Unlimited is built in to VDJ. All you need to use it fully is a Content Unlimited subscription. Without one you'll only get 30 second clips.

Hi I purchased an idjpool subscription but I'm still not able to play songs from the subscription for more than 30 seconds. Why is that??

Did you subscribe from this site, or from the iDJpool site?

Hello! How can I join they're site? when I try to acces it say only for USA.. I'm in Spain. Thanks

hello im new enrolled in idpool but i do not know how to download music to use with virtual dj .
please if have someone can tell me how to use idjpool please

how do I download songs from the pool?

where do I go to ,and see , hear the songs from the audio pool

nycbadboy wrote :
where do I go to ,and see , hear the songs from the audio pool

From their FAQs on their website:

How do I download once I join?

We offer two options to download (Website Download Version & FTP Download Version).

Website Download Version - Login and click on downloads.

FTP Download Version (For Bulk, Group & Folder Downloads)
See your username and password email for the FTP download version install & setup instructions.

We recommend the following FTP applications for Macintosh & Windows
Macintosh Users: Use FTP Transmit:
Windows Users: Use FTP Flash FxP:

Hi i am new and i have figured out the vdj system if you have any Questions i my be of help if vdj is ok with it

Welcome - this is a public forum so all are welcome to post.

I’d suggest reading the forum rules if you haven’t already.

Just a friendly note, this post is off-topic for the thread it is in. You can create new posts with new topics if you like.

DJAJ1984 wrote :
i am new

Your profile shows that you've been here four years...


nycbadboy wrote :
how do I download songs from the pool?

I too would like to know this. Why has this not been answered? I bought the subscription in virtual dj to the idjpool but all I can do is search for music, I cant actually see a catalog to download music from and filter them in to folders for different categories etc.


i am a dj ,using virtual dj on macbook air...i play reggaeton ,moombahton, Latino, techno, ect...
now i am at idjpool recommend...please help me

Just get a subscription to beatport or deezer,... way bigger catalog and way better support!

i DJ pool môžu využívať aj krajiny Európskej Únie na verejné použitie na diskotékach, na verejných podujatiach? Čítal som podmienky používania a
ma to naviedlo na USA paragrafi v ktorých sa nevyznám.
