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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Sujet VDJ Not Responding

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The advertisements are making my VDJ crash. Sometimes a popup says stop running script something about script making your web browser slow.


Posté Tue 19 Dec 17 @ 3:32 pm
Been reported many times now. Still no solution as far as I can see.

Posté Tue 19 Dec 17 @ 3:53 pm
Ah right. I think its the ebay advertisement to be more specific. Could just remove that one.

Posté Tue 19 Dec 17 @ 4:41 pm
kradcliffe wrote :
Still no solution as far as I can see

One very simple solution is to buy a license!


Posté Tue 19 Dec 17 @ 5:34 pm
Maybe, but the free version screwing up won't make people want to pay. Doesn't create a good first impression I'm afraid.

Posté Tue 19 Dec 17 @ 6:10 pm
It's not Virtual DJ's (or Atomix) fault though, is it - really?

Firstly VDJ isn't a web browser. The ads (code) would presumably have been written to work in a web browser, not DJ software. If they're badly written then they'd do the same thing regardless of where they're displayed anyway. I've had ads not work properly sometimes, even in a proper web browser.

Those 'smart' ads you get when watching telly via streaming don't work very well either IME.


Posté Tue 19 Dec 17 @ 6:31 pm
Well it is Atomix' problem as they endorse the ads.

I'm no web expert but the revenue from these things must be pennies and it just makes the software look tacky.

If they used the space to advertise Atomix products or DJ gear without screwing up it would make the software create a far better impression.

Posté Tue 19 Dec 17 @ 8:37 pm
groovindj wrote :
It's not Virtual DJ's (or Atomix) fault though, is it - really?

Firstly VDJ isn't a web browser. The ads (code) would presumably have been written to work in a web browser, not DJ software. If they're badly written then they'd do the same thing regardless of where they're displayed anyway. I've had ads not work properly sometimes, even in a proper web browser.

Those 'smart' ads you get when watching telly via streaming don't work very well either IME.

Atomix can probably surpress the errors or do whatever they want when they get such an error. It is VDJ that uses IE (under windows) and calls up the ads with some stub script.

Possible fix but would need testing:

in stub code try:

window.onerror = function() {
// Return true to tell IE we handled it
return true;

You could return true to suppress error or just start next ad or whatever if it works.


Posté Tue 19 Dec 17 @ 9:49 pm

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