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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Sujet All my songs are in a really messed up order

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Hello! I've had Virtual DJ 8 for about 9 months now and I haven't experienced a problem like this to date. I have all my music on virtual DJ sorted in alphabetical order by artist, and this morning when I opened the app, all my music was perfectly organized until I plugged my controller in, and everything is out of order, just randomly placed. This is only for my iTunes Music and all my individual files are fine. Please help, its really hard to find songs now.

Posté Fri 22 Dec 17 @ 8:27 pm
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
That didn't just happen

Long story short, your manual iTunes lists will show in VDJ correctly. Your Auto playlists will not. Very old problem, which has been blamed on iTunes. While I will not disagree that they changed something that caused this (as it once worked fine), other software vendors have fixed the bug. I am not sure why we just point at iTunes. They are obviously not going to change it back to the way it was.

Posté Fri 22 Dec 17 @ 11:36 pm

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