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Forum: Wishes and new features

Sujet ask the dj

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can we please get an app for this?

Posté Sat 06 Jan 18 @ 2:01 pm
also a better alert feature when a request comes in, ta

Posté Sat 06 Jan 18 @ 2:04 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Not sure what you have in mind for such an App.
AskTheDJ is just a webpage, so you could create a QR Code for your page and have it on your Video Output or any other place for your customers to see/scan and load.
Use something like this ..

Posté Sun 07 Jan 18 @ 7:41 am
From my perspective, it could be useful
1/ As said before, to have visible notifications within the app when you receive a request; it would be much more efficient than the current way where you have to go to the specific folder to see the request. It should be easily visible but not disturbing.
2/ Possibly, to have a WEB API published, that would permit to build whatever we want (an app, a personal website, etc...) to send requests (doing so, sending requests could be even easier - e.g. if I want to provide a French web page for my guests)


Posté Fri 12 Jan 18 @ 5:45 pm

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