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Sujet History list since Feb 11 almost empty

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The last gigs (from February 11 untill now) I don't see all my songs played in the history anymore. I only see three songs per day while I played the whole evening...

Posté Mon 26 Feb 18 @ 7:01 pm
Was the deck fader fully up?

Posté Mon 26 Feb 18 @ 8:20 pm
kradcliffe wrote :
Was the deck fader fully up?

Maybe not at the start of the evening, but for sure the rest of the evening

Posté Mon 26 Feb 18 @ 8:21 pm
The only reasons could be:

1 - historyDelay setting is set to longer than your track length
2 - Deck fader is not up therefore it won't register as played
3 - Somehow your history folder has become read only

Posté Mon 26 Feb 18 @ 8:26 pm

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