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Sujet Database Questions

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I have just purchased a new laptop I have installed VDJ8 on the C drive and my music is on the external HDD configured as D:, this configuration is the same as my old laptop. I would have thought it would have been simple as coping the C:\Users\Name\Documents\VirtualDJ contents from the old laptop to the new laptop it also now say the db is corrupt., even on the original laptop

I have done this but noticed I have lost all the play counts, colours, and folder contents on the new laptop, any reason why this is. when I plug the drive into the old laptop I see the play counts fine.

Also can someone tell me what database / history etc it uses, when you have an external drive, the one on the external drive or the oe locally as mine seems to switch between the two,


Posté Sat 26 Jan 19 @ 12:05 pm

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