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On VDJ8 it was pretty easy to put up multiple lines of text. Even one line on the top of the display and one line on the bottom. However with VDJ2018, multiple lines are almost impossible. The font size changes without my control.

Balvinder - VJ Bally
Exclusive Entertainment
Atlanta GA

Posté Thu 14 Feb 19 @ 12:05 pm
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
Yes... it is quite a good simple system for placing multiple lines of text all over the screen.
I still use vdj8.2 for many reasons and use the method you describe.

I also think Don's addon is superb but needs a 120"+ screen to be used to its best advantage. I dream about getting the chance ! It is not really needed for TV's around 50".

Posté Fri 15 Feb 19 @ 4:42 am
blckjckPRO InfinityMember since 2008
I think TellyMedia and TellyVisuals work great on any screen size. It just take a proper layout to make it flow well.
Most of the TV's I display to are 36" or so at 1080p.

I don't think it's fair to say it's not needed for 50" T.V.'s

Exclusive100 wrote :
On VDJ8 it was pretty easy to put up multiple lines of text. Even one line on the top of the display and one line on the bottom. However with VDJ2018, multiple lines are almost impossible. The font size changes without my control.

Balvinder - VJ Bally
Exclusive Entertainment
Atlanta GA

Unfortunately, I cannot comment on the built in text effect. I've been using Telly since it started off on it's own. It may be a good solution for you if you want to get more than just a few lines of text.

Posté Fri 15 Feb 19 @ 5:06 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
To display text at the bottom and the top with the default text plugin, simply drag the text area in the position box to fill the entire screen.
Then write the text as you used to do, adding enters between them as you like.

Posté Fri 15 Feb 19 @ 5:28 am
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
I've got other things running like my logo, the sampler using transparency (which works great with karaoke), SBDJ's coloured transparent side bars, my core videos, slide shows, and of course the text tool. Many of these things are controlled from my Akai sub controller.
How much do I need ?
I've got 10 x @50" TV's, also I have used Don's addon and for the moment feel it's overkill.

My most striking item is the sampler transparent dancing sexy ladies which brighten up the rather dull karaoke text.

You can do what you want..


Posté Fri 15 Feb 19 @ 5:28 am
"TellyMedia and TellyVisuals"

Where do I find these.

Are there any plans to fix VDJ 2018 for that text works like it did in VDJ 8?

Posté Fri 15 Feb 19 @ 6:09 am
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010

Posté Fri 15 Feb 19 @ 6:24 am
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010

Posté Fri 15 Feb 19 @ 6:34 am
Exclusive100 wrote :
"TellyMedia and TellyVisuals"

Where do I find these.

Are there any plans to fix VDJ 2018 for that text works like it did in VDJ 8?

Posté Fri 15 Feb 19 @ 2:39 pm
VDJ Ron wrote :
I also think Don's addon is superb but needs a 120"+ screen to be used to its best advantage.

That's completely wrong. TellyVisuals can have an infinite number of loadable layouts, will automatically fit to any size display, will automatically fit or wrap to any size box with crisp clean text.

Since TV is about layout, you can also include images, the vdj video display, scroll-able text, and other things, placed where-ever you want them. This amounts to a layout. You can have as many layouts as you want and can be saved or loaded at anytime.

TV4 will take all this to a whole new level. All the display code has been completely redone and is in initial testing of the new code now. TV4 will be compatible with VDJ32 and VDJ64. Eventually it will include spinning text, flyouts, etc., and god only knows what because the underlying new code is indeed very powerful.

Posté Fri 15 Feb 19 @ 7:00 pm
I tried TV about a year ago and found it quite "clunky"

Might start using it if the new version is better.

Posté Fri 15 Feb 19 @ 7:03 pm
Define "clunky"

"clunky" would be like the built in Text effect :)

There is nothing within VDJ that is even remotely close to what TV can do.

Posté Fri 15 Feb 19 @ 7:07 pm
It just seemed a bit "Windows 3.1" to me. But each to their own I giess ....

Posté Fri 15 Feb 19 @ 7:12 pm
on the left we have the native text plugin and it's options...

on the right we have the TellyVisuals plugin on one tab of the MANY options that you can customize to your hearts content and then some...
and that's just for a "basic' marquee panel. that's not counting the chat panels, voting panels, karaoke info, customizable alerts for songs and info from dj, incoming feed from twitter for images and text, or the customizable clock panel or even a shape option for dj's using projectors that have keystone issues....

multiple panels customizable on the fly makes for maximum information to the viewer/customer and we use it every night open to close - customer wants a birthday in a specific color? not a problem. manager wants text in red on one line and green on the other? not a problem. need a custom font for an event or holiday - with adjustable drop shadow and/or outlines? still not a problem...

am I biased?.. um. yeah

Posté Fri 15 Feb 19 @ 8:42 pm
...and with the built text effect you have to keep entering the text each time you run... I don't why they even bothered with it.

kradcliffe wrote :
It just seemed a bit "Windows 3.1" to me. But each to their own I giess ....

That does not say anything.. If you mean by that, that TV has it's own UI display rather than using the built in VDJ display, there is a great reason for that. The built in VDJ plugin UI display is so limited that it is not even remotely close to what is needed for something like TV. It is barely adequate for even simple plugins.

Do you think you can get an interesting display by not doing anything? You only have to create a layout and as many as you want and call it up..

I guess you would rather have no control over the display and display something very limited. My perception has been many don't much care what it looks like as long it can do something... That perception comes for the weak limited plugins that some got so excited about.

Now all software can be improved. TV and TM have only been building blocks for something much better. I would have stopped working on them long ago if that was not the case. I have been working on underlying tools for years to achieve what I want to do. I try to dovetail what I want to do with what DJs might want to do. I think there is a good fit for both parties.

I also do not get paid to work on them. Donations help and mean you want to participate but don't help me pay my main bills.

Posté Fri 15 Feb 19 @ 8:52 pm
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
Don..your programs are very important, and you will get more money from me in the future.

However the viewers distance away from a TV, and the size of the screen is fundamental to how I present my display.
On top of this we have the control I press a button on my Akai and the logo appears, press another and the sampler starts and I use a slider to control stuff like transparancy and volume. Oh just a little point..the skin custom buttons change colour when activated so they can be used as LED's when controlled externally.

I hope to use Don's program in the future to great advantange. It elavates our ability to do extremly professional and complex work, but that is not always a requirement. In my case, at the moment, a simple text line reading "karaoke singers are welcome !", the logo, SBDJ (disco like) flashing side bars to compensate for various video formats, the sampler and it's transparancy feature are all that I need.

Kradcliffe nailed it with "But each to their own I guess ....".

The visuals are actually art work !!!!

Posté Sat 16 Feb 19 @ 6:34 am
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010

"am I biased?.. um. yeah"

No you're's working for you and that has got me interested.
It is time to look again at Don's programs.

Posté Sat 16 Feb 19 @ 7:09 am
VDJ Ron wrote :
However the viewers distance away from a TV, and the size of the screen is fundamental to how I present my display.

Well if you are not designing your layout properly than that would be a problem. You do know you can make text or anything any size you want... right? It will auto adjust to screen size.

VDJ Ron wrote :
It elavates our ability to do extremly professional and complex work, but that is not always a requirement. In my case, at the moment, a simple text line reading "karaoke singers are welcome !", the logo,

I am more interested in doing things for the professional. Karaoke in VDJ is already very unprofessional and anyone with just a ounce of know how can see that.

VDJ Ron wrote :
SBDJ (disco like) flashing side bars to compensate for various video formats

By saying that you are saying you want to use junk... If VDJ would do things right then TV could auto file for various video aspects with really cool effects. As it was with video bars, that was something you had to run for every frekin video... now that is just bad...

TV4 will take on videos and more... Then you will see what I am talking about.

VDJ Ron wrote :
Kradcliffe nailed it with "But each to their own I guess ....".

no he implied something then said nothing... I hate when people do not follow up on things... it's weak...


Posté Sat 16 Feb 19 @ 8:03 am
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
Remember to be humble make a useful addon. My video and karaoke files are the heart and they can work well all by themselves. Even wirthout VDJ ! Icing on the cake does not make the cake.

I get fed up with programmers, geeks and bedroom DJ's who have no idea about how to deal with a real crowd telling people how things should be done.

You are an asset because you make great DJ are not a DJ !

Well if you are not designing your layout properly than that would be a problem. You do know you can make text or anything any size you want... right? It will auto adjust to screen size.
You miss the point altogether..think, what can people see and read from a distance. My ten 50" TV's look very small in their venue but just one in a small venue would seem huge.

Posté Sat 16 Feb 19 @ 8:08 am
I am very humble trust me on that... I have been around since the dinosaurs and I just don't care about things like bragging and it is just not me. I like to deal in facts when I can get them... that's all there is to it... I am not trying make out like something I am not... don't care...

I get very tired of all non-sense in these threads though... way too much of it...

I don't work in front of a crowd... this is true... I have been around very high end video production with big shot entertainers.. I could care less about that but I can see how easy they made it... I think it is hard for someone like me even though I have been around it lot's... They just have a knack for it... Not singling anyone out and I am sure you know your business, but I think for many, doing entertaining video is not easy... All I need to know for that reason is to listen on these pages... Does not mean everyone...

The craziest thing I see is no one ever talks about doing entertaining video except things that would surely be boring... why is it that no one talks about it? Is it because they are not sure or what... maybe it's because they have no real tools for it... really would like to know the answer to that.

Posté Sat 16 Feb 19 @ 8:25 am