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Sujet Traktor Kontrol S4 MK3 - Page: 3
Any updates?

Posté Thu 31 Mar 22 @ 3:52 pm
Development Team wrote :
Discussion about Traktor Kontrol S4 MK3

Known issues.
- Screens not working
- Haptic (Motor) Wheel mode not working
- Faders not reporting their positions on start up. To get their positions, move any fader after statup

Thanks for making this. Helps a lot! I was wondering why the script for fast search within a track (wheel_mode 'search' while_pressed) with the shift jog wheel does not work. It is not the mapping, but i also cannot make it work. Any suggestions?

Posté Fri 19 Aug 22 @ 8:49 am
djxhalxPRO (OEM)Member since 2014

Posté Sun 02 Oct 22 @ 7:15 pm
Hello! Does anyone knows when you remap buttons on the controller, does Virtual DJ remember them after another launch of the software?

Posté Mon 24 Oct 22 @ 12:02 pm
Yes it remember .
By all Controllers .

Posté Mon 24 Oct 22 @ 12:25 pm
Any further news whether this controller will be mapped. With the cost of living not all DJs can afford the high end controllers and this would be a good way of supporting DJs with this controller. It's a good controller. I have the s3 and this works well with virtual DJ

Posté Mon 24 Oct 22 @ 4:11 pm
The controller itself works very well even now. Yes, displays and haptic plates are not working, that's a bummer, but I've been using it for past 2-3 years without problems with custom mapping that is provided here on the forum. It would be swell if at least haptic motors would work but it's one of the best cost/performance controllers even without it, and it's been a long time since release so I would not "count" on those features to work anytime soon (probably never), either make peace with this fact or buy another controller instead there is huge selection out there, adding bumbs this thread will never solve it :)

Posté Mon 24 Oct 22 @ 6:47 pm
Development Team wrote :
Discussion about Traktor Kontrol S4 MK3

Known issues.
- Screens not working
- Haptic (Motor) Wheel mode not working
- Faders not reporting their positions on start up. To get their positions, move any fader after statup

Dear team. Used this on a gig and the jog wheels don't turn backwards on the screen. When I try and turn my jogs back on my controller it just pauses on the screen

Posté Wed 26 Oct 22 @ 10:02 pm
One question to the DEVELOPMENT TEAM, so we all know not to ask same question again and again... Are you currently working or will there be an update mapping for S4 MK3 Controller with the rest things working?

Posté Thu 08 Dec 22 @ 10:23 am
Guys does someone know if the microphone inputs working, because i can not switch with the buttons?

Posté Tue 03 Jan 23 @ 3:09 pm
Alex78897889 wrote :
Guys does someone know if the microphone inputs working, because i can not switch with the buttons?

On mine the mics works fine, to switch between Line and Mic, while pressing shift button click the line/mic button

Posté Tue 10 Jan 23 @ 5:26 pm
команда разработчиков, сделайте пожалуйста обновление на s4 mk3

Posté Sun 05 Feb 23 @ 9:51 pm
Any updates on Traktor Kontrol S4 MK3?

Posté Wed 01 Mar 23 @ 10:41 pm
djdad wrote :
Managed to get the screens working, but they conflict with the Jog Ring leds, so have to disable.
If you think the Screens are more important than the Jog Ring leds, let me know to upload.

Does screens work fully, showing loop size, waveform, cue points ...?

Posté Wed 28 Feb 24 @ 8:46 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
The screens are completely skin-able, so yes, can show anything. At my initial skin, i display Title, BPM, time, Key, loop size and song progress wave

Posté Wed 28 Feb 24 @ 9:07 am
djdad wrote :
The screens are completely skin-able, so yes, can show anything. At my initial skin, i display Title, BPM, time, Key, loop size and song progress wave

So the displays can work?
How do I activate this for my S4 MK3?
What kind of conflict is there with the jog LEDs?


Posté Wed 28 Feb 24 @ 10:54 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Ok, will prepare a separate Addon so that you can try it out.

We are not sure yet, but once we managed to enable the screens, the Jog Leds were acting weird, flashing with no reason, some unknown conflict between the software leds and the hardware ones.

Posté Wed 28 Feb 24 @ 10:58 am
Thank You .
I will try

Posté Wed 28 Feb 24 @ 11:00 am
djdad wrote :
Ok, will prepare a separate Addon so that you can try it out.

We are not sure yet, but once we managed to enable the screens, the Jog Leds were acting weird, flashing with no reason, some unknown conflict between the software leds and the hardware ones.

That would be great! Thanks 🙏

Posté Wed 28 Feb 24 @ 11:59 am
I love SHIFT-JOG to move fast through a record, and edited this mapping to do that.

Just in case this helps anyone, I manually edited the mapping zip to replace
<map value="SHIFT" action="shift" />

<map value="SHIFT" action="shift &amp; loop ? wheel_mode &apos;loop_move&apos; while_pressed : wheel_mode &apos;search&apos; while_pressed" />


Posté Sun 10 Mar 24 @ 11:18 pm