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Sujet Denon Prime 4 Virtual Dj Support - Page: 16

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It's working perfectly here, on the latest VDJ early access release. I've been switching the Prime 4 between standalone and VDJ for hours. I'm on Windows 10.

Posté Thu 11 Jun 20 @ 1:11 pm
I have a macbook I have all newest updates and the jogwheels work but the screen not

Posté Thu 11 Jun 20 @ 1:33 pm

having problems getting the screen to work could it be I'm using the 32bit version?... I can not find the missing that didn't download .dll files.. any idea where to download them from? as im guessing thats why its not working? thank you for any help.


Posté Thu 11 Jun 20 @ 2:39 pm
No, it should work on both 32 bit and 64 bit VDJ.

You need to have downloaded the skin for the Prime 4 (if it didn't do so automatically). You also need to download the mapping files. The other files (SDK DLL files) are supposed to download automatically, but in my case I got them directly from djdad.

Posté Thu 11 Jun 20 @ 2:44 pm
ok... so need to try to find the DLL files as they didn't download. thank you... will try again.. delete everything see if it does it.

Posté Thu 11 Jun 20 @ 2:48 pm
Main screen not loaded. I see many people have the same problem..
Only on Mac?

Posté Thu 11 Jun 20 @ 4:18 pm
hey can we fix install failed mappers for Denon Prime 4?Thanks (window 10)

Posté Thu 11 Jun 20 @ 4:20 pm
Yes failed on my Mac too. I made workaround files, that are working if someone need them.

Posté Thu 11 Jun 20 @ 4:27 pm
Failed on Mac too.

Posté Thu 11 Jun 20 @ 4:53 pm
I need Tomas. Works by you?

Posté Thu 11 Jun 20 @ 5:22 pm
djmilaPRO InfinityMember since 2008
@ XskysurferX send me pm with you mail

Posté Thu 11 Jun 20 @ 5:26 pm
I'm sure the team will be working on a fix if there's a genuine issue.

Posté Thu 11 Jun 20 @ 5:31 pm
I make mila

Posté Thu 11 Jun 20 @ 5:39 pm
so sad i couldnt make it work.always install failed

Posté Thu 11 Jun 20 @ 6:57 pm
Nobody will be able to help unless you provide some more detail.

Posté Thu 11 Jun 20 @ 7:36 pm
i got issue the the Virtual DJ mappers for Denon Prime 4.i can install any Skins but not for mapper.i dont know what's wrong (using window 10)

Posté Thu 11 Jun 20 @ 7:54 pm
dotudinh wrote :
i got issue the the Virtual DJ mappers for Denon Prime 4.i can install any Skins but not for mapper.i dont know what's wrong (using window 10)

I gave you your answer here:

Dan (djtouchdan) wrote :
You'll need a Pro Sub or Pro Infinity License to download the mapper.

Also for full support (when it arrives) you'll also need a Pro license.


Posté Thu 11 Jun 20 @ 7:59 pm

Posté Thu 11 Jun 20 @ 8:25 pm
Lol Virtual DJ teasing me.i paid for Pro but right now it say cant conect to the servers :(((

Posté Thu 11 Jun 20 @ 8:55 pm

Posté Thu 11 Jun 20 @ 9:05 pm