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Sujet Interface Issues in VDj 8

Ce topic est ancien et peut contenir des informations obselètes ou incorrectes.

muggieHome userMember since 2006
The VDJ 8 interface is an asshole ok...
Why does it don't save the Volume on the Sampler like VDJ 7 ???...
Why does one have to click on the Deck itself to use the KeyBoard shortcuts everytime ??
Why when one Load a Song from the Browser, You then have to Click on the Deck to Play the Damn Song ( the Shortcuts don't work until you click on the Deck )???...
It's not user friendly as Virtual Dj 7 ...
Fix these Issues ASAP Please ...

Posté Mon 24 Feb 20 @ 5:29 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
For keyboard shortcuts always to work (like V7), try to set the browserSearchbyFirstLetter setting to Yes (from OPTIONS tab).

Volumes are indeed not saved per Sample. In case you need to have a Sample at a specific level, adjust the Gain of those samples from the Sampler Editor. (Gain : Nr.12)
If this is still not convenient, please explain why a Sample needs to always keep a certain volume.

Posté Mon 24 Feb 20 @ 1:18 pm

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