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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Sujet: New VDJ version Crash - Page: 2

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Hi All, First of all, it is nice to know i was not on my own with this problem. I have spent the last four days trying to trouble shoot the problem, literally spending around 24 hours trying!

So i have actually ended up have having to completely do a fresh Windows 10 home install. Anyway, here is what i found out when trying to get to the bottom of this problem. I ised Latency Mon to see where the problem could be. I have a brand Hp Pavillion 15 gaming laptop with NVidia 1660 gtx drivers. It seemed there was a massive latency spike with an Nvidia Kernel system driver. I couldn't get rid of it nobmatter what i did. There was no problem before the vdj latest update but could have been a problem with the drivers. So over the last four days i must of uninstalled the latest graphics drivers and tried older versions, around 20 times. Everytime Device manager was giving and error code 43 on the nvidia drivers which is faulty drivers. I updated my bios and tried numerous times, still no change.
One thin i will say is if you are using a laptop through a monitor, press windows key and p to change the monitor set up just to external monitor rather than laptop monitor and external both on, this seemed to help a little bit with stability.

So, as you can imagine, i had hit a wall on what to do. I had done the hard reset where you hold the power button for 15 seconds to discharge all electrial current to laptop components. Yet again, still no graphics drivers working.

So i contacted hp, they were brilliant, they came to my conclusion that a fresh install of Win 10 would ahow if it was harware o or software driver failure. They gave me a link to their cloud to download my copy of win 10. I have installed everyrhing back now after the fresh install and everyrhing on vdj is working spot on. I haven't tried latency mon yet but i am not getting any jitters or freezes when right clicking on a teack.

Imo, it was either my Graphics drivers, that had never once been a problem or something in the new vdj that caused a clash to expose a problem that might have already been there.
Not using gpu for stems also seems to make things more stable.

Truly hope people might gets some tips on how to solve this problem from my findings.

Hi Guys, Another update. After a fresh install, all the latest drivers for eveything on my Windows 10 202h version, i have had a screen freeze on vdj again. Once again i had set my stems to gpu and automatic. This to me suggests there is definitely a problem with stems on the latest vdj especially if using gpu to process it.

I have now switched of all stems via the math options in the srttings, i will report back how smooth it is going in a couple of days time.

im still having the crashing problem when i try to right click and copy a song
and i still dont have any reply for the helpdesk
their way of helping was to ask me "where i download my songs from"...... no comment

Hi Guys, I have a HP Pavillion 15 ec 1009 gaming laptop, amd Ryzen 4800 h with 16 gb of ram. I run an Nvidia 1660 gtx ti 6 gb graphics card. As you can see from above, i had problems and di a fresh install. After further tests i can comfirm more vdj freezes. I have the very latest Windows 10 and all thenlatest drivers for every single componenet on the laptop. However, i am still getting the high dpc latency spikes with an Nvidia Kernel Driver which i think is the problem. I had never had an issue before the latest vdj update but it is the same for older vdj versions i have tried. It is definietly a graphics driver or card problem for me. Weird as its a 2 month old laptop from new and had zero problems before with the same graphics drivers and no new extra software installed. All my sound is great but ot freezes to the point where sometimes i have to hold power button to shut down.

I didn't know vdj supported amd

Same problem here. Freeze interface and laptop (Msi gamer with enough hardware to work). Windows 10 64b. 32 gb ram. I7 7700hq.
It’s in last two weeks.
Puting my laptop to sleep and bring back again, all result to work again. Until next freeze.
May be right click on interface make this result but I can’t confirm really.
All drivers (Nvidia GTx 1050 include) are up to date.

same problem here after the update :-((((
freezing when i try to move/copy a song!

work on Mac since years with Macbook and VDJ

is there any solution, admins???

Hello There.
I roll back to the b6263, stable this time.

ich kann diese Fehler / Probleme immer nicht nachvollziehen.
Ja, es gibt Fehler, aber das was hier so berichtet wird, habe ich bei mir nicht.
Weder auf Mac noch auf PC.
Absturz gab es bei mir noch garnicht.


DjAku-Aku wrote :
Hello There.
I roll back to the b6263, stable this time.

How did you manage that ? Can you tell me the steps ?


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