I bought the one time pro infinity for $ 299.00 payed with CC. Fast spring. sent me the receipt I log in but it brings up songs with the red mark only play for a few seconds which shouldn't be. I hope I wasn't scammed through fastspring.com
Posté Sat 27 Mar 21 @ 6:36 pm
Coupe34 wrote :
songs with the red mark only play for a few seconds
Songs with red globe icon are online catalog streaming content from 3rd party providers.
You need to subscribe to such a provider for use their content ...
Available options are Deezer, Tidal, SoundCloud, Beatport, Beatsource, iDJPool etc..
See here: https://www.virtualdj.com/products/contentcatalogs.html and
Coupe34 wrote :
I bought the one time pro infinity for $ 299.00.
I hope I wasn't scammed through fastspring.com
I hope I wasn't scammed through fastspring.com
You have VirtualDJ software license, infinity at your account ;-) so all is good
Posté Sat 27 Mar 21 @ 7:11 pm
Why do I need to buy the song list off of those when I thought with the license I bought gives me that.
Posté Sat 27 Mar 21 @ 7:16 pm
Coupe34 wrote :
Why do I need to buy the song list off of those when I thought with the license I bought gives me that.
no, a vdj licence is to use the software with hardware, music subscription services are a completely separate thing.
Posté Sat 27 Mar 21 @ 7:34 pm
The license is for the DJ software, not the music!
If you want music, you have to buy it - or rent from one of those services mentioned.
If you want music, you have to buy it - or rent from one of those services mentioned.
Posté Sat 27 Mar 21 @ 7:35 pm
Coupe34 wrote :
Why do I need to buy the song .
You can use music already on your computer, music you already have..
You dont have to subscribe to online catalogs. Music that you already own will work great on your computer. Either music files already on the computer or ripping CDs to the computer should you have such...
But if you want to access online streaming catalogs, you need to subscribe.. .
Much like Netflix etc, the online music subscriptions gives you access to unlimited amount of music should you opt to use one of those services
Posté Sat 27 Mar 21 @ 7:51 pm
Thanks everyone that cleared everything up. I do have 2tb of music along with another 1tb of karoake
Posté Sat 27 Mar 21 @ 8:42 pm
Coupe34 wrote :
I do have 2tb of music along with another 1tb of karoake
That will work perfectly fine ;-)
Just add your own music to the database (and folders)., and you are good to go
To add to database, right-click the folder(s) where your music is, and choose "batch=> add to search"
(and only need to add the top parent folder, the sub folders are included)
Posté Sat 27 Mar 21 @ 8:56 pm