I really like the Minimal Skin by jurgenwalter, it suits my needs. But is there a way to change the background colour of the folder, file and sideview panels to white, and the text to black?
I closed VDJ, then opened the minimalv.png file in Photoshop and changed the black areas to white. I saved the png, then re-opened VDJ and selected the minimalv skin via Configuration\Interface. But nothing had changed, the background was still black.
I tried again, but this time saving the image as minimalv2.png, and changing the xml file name to minimalv2.xml and also changing the lines inside the xml file to skin name="minimalv2" and image="minimalv2.png But still no luck.
Is there something else I need to change in the xml file (shown below) to make it work?
<skin name="minimalv" version="8" width="1680" height="1080" nbdecks="1" comment="One Deck minimal skin" image="minimalv.png" author="Jurgen Walter" preview="skinpreview.png">
<copyright>(c)2020 - Jurgen Walter</copyright>
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<size width="24" height="28"/>
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<over x="475" y="1183"/>
<down x="475" y="1214"/>
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<define class="pitchbutton" >
<size width="37" height="28"/>
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<over x="432" y="1183"/>
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<size width="23" height="28"/>
<off x="411" y="1152"/>
<over x="411" y="1183"/>
<down x="411" y="1214"/>
<define class="pitchup">
<size width="24" height="28"/>
<up x="475" y="1152"/>
<over x="475" y="1183"/>
<down x="475" y="1214"/>
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<tooltip>Hot Cue </tooltip>
<size width="30" height="26"/>
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<up x="267" y="1171"/>
<over x="353" y="1130"/>
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<size width="39" height="26"/>
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<up x="267" y="1171"/>
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</group> <!---- ENDE von DEFINES ---->
<group name="topbar">
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<logo >
<pos x="37" y="12"/>
<size width="90" height="30"/>
<pos x="130" y="9"/>
<size width="66" height="30"/>
<text size="25" color="#c5e3ff" align="left" weight="normal" format="%hour"/>
<!-- Songtitelanzeige ------------>
<group name="Songtitel" x="220" y="2"> <!-- 230 - 10 -->
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<pos x="+0" y="+0"/>
<size width="400" height="24"/>
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<pos x="+0" y="+19"/>
<size width="400" height="24"/>
<text size="18" color="#ebf5ff" weight="bold" action="get_title"/>
<!---- CPU ------>
<size width="28" height="13"/>
<pos x="+410" y="10"/>
<text font="Arial" size="12" color="#aaaaaa" align="left" weight="bold" format="CPU"/>
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<size width="60" height="8"/>
<pos x="+410" y="28"/>
<down x="0" y="1360"/>
<size width="28" height="13"/>
<pos x="+445" y="10"/>
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<pos x="+510" y="+10"/>
<size width="70" height="22"/>
<text size="22" align="left" color="#c5e3ff" weight="bold" mode="remain" action="get_time"/>
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<group name="phrase" x="+0" y="+0">
<deck deck="left">
<visual source="get_beat_counter" type="circle">
<pos x="+0" y="+0"/>
<size width="30" height="30"/>
<off x="630" y="1260"/>
<on x="662" y="1260"/>
<pos x="+7" y="+7"/>
<size width="16" height="16"/>
<text size="14" color="#ffd200" align="center" weight="bold" action="get_beat_counter"/>
<group name="beatbar" x="+35" y="-5"> <!--- eingefügt --->
<deck deck="left">
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<pos x="+5" y="+30"/>
<button class="beat_bar" query="goto_bar 2" >
<pos x="+5" y="+20"/>
<button class="beat_bar" query="goto_bar 3" >
<pos x="+5" y="+10"/>
<button class="beat_bar" query="goto_bar 4" >
<pos x="+5" y="+0"/>
<!--- RhythmZone ---->
<rhythmzone mirror="true" upsidedown="false" fade="5">
<pos x="897" y="4"/>
<size width="104" height="42"/>
<colors deck1="#007097" deck1_active="#00d0a1" background="000000" />
<size width="1" height="36" />
<pos x="950" y="5"/>
<background x="184" y="1135" />
<button action="pitch_reset" dblclick="pitch 100%" rightclick="pitch 100%">
<pos x="1015" y="5"/>
<size width="26" height="20"/>
<up x="740" y="1300"/>
<over x="740" y="1300"/>
<down x="740" y="1325"/>
<pos x="1010" y="24"/>
<size width="36" height="17"/>
<text size="14" color="#FFFFFF" align="center" weight="bold" format="%Ppitch"/>
<!--- Sampler Master Volume --->
<group name="Samplervolume">
<pos x="1050" y="15"/>
<size width="50" height="14"/>
<text size="12" color="#aaaaaa" align="right" format="SAMPLER"/>
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<slider action="sampler_volume_master" rightclick="sampler_volume_master 50%" dblclick="sampler_volume_master 100%" tooltip="Sampler Volume"/>
<!-- Balance -->
<pos x="1155" y="15"/>
<size width="55" height="14"/>
<text size="12" color="#aaaaaa" align="center" format="BALANCE"/>
<text2 action="master_balance & param_cast 'percentage'"/>
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<slider action="master_balance" rightclick="master_balance 50%" tooltip="BALANCE" />
<slider action="master_balance" rightclick="master_balance 50%" tooltip="BALANCE" frommiddle="true"/>
<!-- Master Volume -->
<group name="Master">
<pos x="1252" y="15"/>
<size width="50" height="14"/>
<text size="12" color="#aaaaaa" align="right" format="MASTER"/>
<panel class="knobk_blau" x="1308" y="1" >
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<slider action="master_volume" rightclick="master_volume 50%" dblclick="master_volume 100%" tooltip="MASTER VOLUME"/>
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<pos x="1365" y="12"/>
<size width="128" height="8"/>
<down x="380" y="1064"/>
<off x="380" y="1088"/>
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<pos x="1365" y="25"/>
<size width="128" height="8"/>
<down x="380" y="1064"/>
<off x="380" y="1088"/>
<!--- Settings ------->
<button action="settings">
<size width="40" height="26"/>
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<size width="34" height="26"/>
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<size width="34" height="26"/>
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<over x="181" y="1096"/>
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<group name="leftdeck">
<deck deck="left">
<!-- Coveranzeige --->
<cover x="5" y="50">
<size width="96" height="96"/>
<!-- Anzeige BPM KEY ----------------->
<size width="40" height="16"/>
<pos x="115" y="50"/>
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<size width="90" height="32"/>
<pos x="115" y="65"/>
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<size width="40" height="16"/>
<pos x="115" y="105"/>
<text size="15" color="#E1E1E1" align="left" format="KEY"/>
<size width="90" height="32"/>
<pos x="115" y="117"/>
<text size="24" weight="bold" align="left" format="%Pkey"/>
<!--- REC Loop Button -------->
<button class="minicue2" action="sampler_rec" rightclick="sampler_abort_rec" visibility="Loop">
<pos x="578" y="10"/>
<text format="REC"/>
<!-- Droping Zone ----------->
<dropzone classdeck="left">
<pos x="200" y="50"/>
<size width="616" height="97"/> <!-- height ="97"/> -->
<!-- Visual Zone Wave ----------->
<group name="deck1_songposdeck" x="150" y="50">
<songpos class="songpos">
<pos x="198" y="50"/>
<size width="616" height="97"/> <!-- height ="97"/> -->
<!-- video show --------->
<video source="" deck="" visible="yes">
<pos x="816" y="50"/>
<size width="183" height="97"/>
<!--- Buttons and Sliders ------------->
<group name="Pitch_and_Play" x="1000" y="48">
<!-- Pitch -->
<panel class="knobk_rot">
<pos x="+5" y="+0"/>
<slider action="pitch" dblclick="pitch 100%" rightclick="pitch 100%"/>
<slider action="pitch" dblclick="pitch 100%" rightclick="pitch 100%" frommiddle="true"/>
<button action="nothing"><text size="10" text="SPEED"/></button>
<!-- GAIN -->
<panel class="knobk_blau">
<pos x="+5" y="+52"/>
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<slider action="gain" dblclick="gain 50%" rightclick="gain 50%"/>
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<tooltip>Mix next from Browser</tooltip>
<size width="39" height="38"/>
<pos x="+57" y="+5"/>
<off x="311" y="1213"/>
<over x="352" y="1213"/>
<on x="352" y="1213"/>
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<tooltip>Mix next from Playlist</tooltip>
<size width="39" height="38"/>
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<over x="213" y="1370"/>
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<on x="550" y="1140"/>
<!----- Loop Box and Pitch -------------->
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<size width="50" height="14"/>
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<pos x="+79" y="+16"/>
<!----- CUE Tasten --->
<group name="hotcuebox" x="1325" y="60" >
<pos x="+3" y="-11"/>
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<!------ Video Visualization -------------------------->
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<!----- die Elemente der Klangregelung ---------------->
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<!---- Effect Section ---->
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<size width="40" height="25"/>
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<!-- BROWSER ----------------->
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I closed VDJ, then opened the minimalv.png file in Photoshop and changed the black areas to white. I saved the png, then re-opened VDJ and selected the minimalv skin via Configuration\Interface. But nothing had changed, the background was still black.
I tried again, but this time saving the image as minimalv2.png, and changing the xml file name to minimalv2.xml and also changing the lines inside the xml file to skin name="minimalv2" and image="minimalv2.png But still no luck.
Is there something else I need to change in the xml file (shown below) to make it work?
<skin name="minimalv" version="8" width="1680" height="1080" nbdecks="1" comment="One Deck minimal skin" image="minimalv.png" author="Jurgen Walter" preview="skinpreview.png">
<copyright>(c)2020 - Jurgen Walter</copyright>
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<!-- Songtitelanzeige ------------>
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<!---- CPU ------>
<size width="28" height="13"/>
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<size width="28" height="13"/>
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<size width="70" height="22"/>
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<pos x="+0" y="+0"/>
<size width="30" height="30"/>
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<pos x="+7" y="+7"/>
<size width="16" height="16"/>
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<pos x="+5" y="+0"/>
<!--- RhythmZone ---->
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<pos x="1010" y="24"/>
<size width="36" height="17"/>
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<!--- Sampler Master Volume --->
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<!-- Balance -->
<pos x="1155" y="15"/>
<size width="55" height="14"/>
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<!-- Master Volume -->
<group name="Master">
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<size width="50" height="14"/>
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<!--- Settings ------->
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<!-- Coveranzeige --->
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<size width="96" height="96"/>
<!-- Anzeige BPM KEY ----------------->
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<size width="40" height="16"/>
<pos x="115" y="105"/>
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<size width="90" height="32"/>
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<!--- REC Loop Button -------->
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<!-- Droping Zone ----------->
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<size width="616" height="97"/> <!-- height ="97"/> -->
<!-- Visual Zone Wave ----------->
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<size width="616" height="97"/> <!-- height ="97"/> -->
<!-- video show --------->
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<size width="183" height="97"/>
<!--- Buttons and Sliders ------------->
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<!-- Pitch -->
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<!-- GAIN -->
<panel class="knobk_blau">
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<!----- Loop Box and Pitch -------------->
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<!----- CUE Tasten --->
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<!------ Video Visualization -------------------------->
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<!----- die Elemente der Klangregelung ---------------->
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<!---- Effect Section ---->
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<size width="132" height="28"/>
<off x="368" y="1260"/>
<on x="368" y="1296"/>
<over x="504" y="1381"/>
<text dx="0" dy="0" width="138" size="14" color="#ffffff" align="center" action="get effect_name" scroll="no"/>
<!-- BROWSER ----------------->
<browser showzoom="true" toolbar="no" sideview="yes" folders="yes" infos="no" effects="no" searchbar="yes" lineheight="1.0" >
<size width="1680" height="930"/>
<pos x="0" y="152"/>
Posté Sat 24 Jul 21 @ 4:44 pm
in browser there are many many customizable undocumented entries
they define as parameters of children in <colors> child of <browser> element
Here are some (trial & error) maybe someone have the whole correct list
what you are looking for may be <colors><lists>
Do not keep any color as "" or "transparent" or "none" they may introduce glitches in rendering
better only redefine those you need only
they define as parameters of children in <colors> child of <browser> element
Here are some (trial & error) maybe someone have the whole correct list
<browser showzoom="true" toolbar="no" sideview="yes" folders="yes" infos="no" effects="no" searchbar="yes" lineheight="1.0" >Not all may work and some sure are missing
<size width="1680" height="930"/>
<pos x="0" y="152"/>
<columns background="" text="" border="yellow" />
<plugins background="" titletext="" title="" text="" >
deck1="" deck2="" deck3="" deck4=""
deck5="" deck6="" deck7="" deck8=""
selected_deck1="" selected_deck2="" selected_deck3="" selected_deck4=""
selected_deck5="" selected_deck6="" selected_deck7="" selected_deck8=""
deck1_disabled="" deck2_disabled="" deck3_disabled="" deck4_disabled=""
deck5_disabled="" deck6_disabled="" deck7_disabled="" deck8_disabled=""
<scrollbars background="" button=""/>
<tips background="" text="" />
icon is sideview left one and bottom only
what you are looking for may be <colors><lists>
Do not keep any color as "" or "transparent" or "none" they may introduce glitches in rendering
better only redefine those you need only
Posté Sun 25 Jul 21 @ 7:58 am
Many thanks for your help Nicotux.
I found that putting these three lines in the Browser section did the trick to change the background to white:
<colors background="#FFFFFF">
<columns background="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" />
It's just the text now that I can't quite get right.
I found that putting these three lines in the Browser section did the trick to change the background to white:
<colors background="#FFFFFF">
<columns background="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" />
It's just the text now that I can't quite get right.
Posté Sun 25 Jul 21 @ 12:05 pm