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Sujet: No question, just praise

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I am a dance teacher and using virtual DJ since 2015 for all my classes. Just recently I made the loop from version 8 to 2021. Again I have to say how much impressed I am.

I have modified the original skin so it fits perfectly my needs. I’m in awe how much is possible with this software and especially the level of customization that it allows. Also stability is extra ordinary. The only issues I had were related to my audio interface and never to virtual DJ itself.

Thanks to everybody who is involved in creating and maintaining this great piece of software!

Posté Wed 23 Feb 22 @ 9:43 am
Happy to hear that ;-)

Couldn't agree more.

No doubt Don will be along soon to accuse you of wanting more stars, being bribed, not knowing what you're taling about etc. because VDJ is a bug ridden mess. It's so boring now.

8-) Please please more stars....

just kidding...

kradcliffe wrote :
No doubt Don will be along soon to accuse you of wanting more stars, being bribed, not knowing what you're taling about etc. because VDJ is a bug ridden mess. It's so boring now.

I don't think you have ever reported any bugs have you? Of course not because according to you everything is flawless.
You say:
kradcliffe wrote :
It's never crashed on me in the hundreds and hundreds of gigs I have done.

So according to that you feel like you are somehow qualified as an expect. I guess you have not reported any bugs or at least not many. So you don't help to improve VDJ. It does not help to say everything is good when it is not. I want it to be good trust me. I want to give all praise but can't. It would be a bug ridden mess if testing was left up to you.

I never said VDJ was a bug ridden mess. A user would report a bug and I would go see what he was talking about. I found it to be worse and things not being reported. Happened many times and seemed like there were problems in many places. I have said that no one knows how many bugs are in VDJ. That includes you. I don't make things up and know what I am talking about. Most of this is just common sense for anyone that knows a little. I guess to them it makes more sense to blame a problem on something else over and over and waste time with that even if the fix is easy.

Here's an example. If there is a problem writing the database or settings file the only fallback they have is to see if you did a backup. Backups are important but that does not excuse the program from doing a poor job of protecting it. This is not difficult. Backups are more for catastrophic failures. What's worse is if there is a problem writing the files VDJ does not even report it to you. It just silently fails. It knows there was a problem. There are many things but no one knows. Just had a crash the other day. There are many things that say not professional. Rather than trying to diminish me just ask what things. You think things will get better by giving praise instead of pointing to things that should be fixed.

You said several times that they had given you a star, took it away, and were trying to get it back like it was the most important thing to you. This in recent times. A few months ago you said stars have not been important to you since the year 2000. I suspect you are just trying to play it off.

Don't ever speak for me or anyone else.

I am happy Sound&Silence is having a good experience as well.


Praise praise

I feel like current mainstream DJ tech is sooo old. Mostly due to DJ elitists (vinyl guys, beat/BPM sync complainers).

Denon has done decent work, almost feels like 2015 year technology. Pioneer at best feels around 2012 year technology (more like 2010 tbh).

Virtual DJ is the only software that feels like it's actually offering the capabilities of modern technology.

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