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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Sujet Pioneer ddj-800 Troubleshooting
Major technical issues with ddj-800 and virtual.Aftwr play for an hour one the decks changes speed after loading different song,mostly speeds up,but now slower speeds.Aftwr shut down restart song may show playing but no audio or the meter shows playing backwards....need assistance,,submitted before about a month ago.

Posté Sun 06 Mar 22 @ 5:07 pm

Posté Mon 07 Mar 22 @ 5:15 am

Button 43: Quantize
If enabled, the track will sync with the other track both on BPM and CBG upon pressing play.
Make sure you don't activate this button by accident.

Button 39: Slip Reverse/Reverse
When the deck plays backwards, press SHIFT button and check if that button has it's led turned on.
If the led is on, this means that reverse is engaged.
PS: Due to the way DDJ-800 firmware works, when you hold SHIFT you need to wait a second before leds update to show SHIFT layer status.

Finally: Since I use DDJ-800 on smaller places frequently I can asure you that there's no problem with the controller and VirtualDJ.

If the controller missbehaves by it's own then it's 99% sure that it's a hardware fault.

Posté Mon 07 Mar 22 @ 8:48 pm