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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Sujet Having to downgrade to Windows 7 - Personal settings export question
The laptop I have been using for Virtual DJ has Windows 10 installed. VDJ has been working perfectly, but Windows 10 has been causing all kinds of problems here. I am really reluctant to make any major changes to my laptop but I just don't trust Windows 10 anymore and I have decided that I need to go back to using Windows 7.

I will save my personal settings and configuration of VDJ (I am using v8.5-64 b6569) but I wondered if I can import these once I have gone back to Windows 7?

I assume I will have to use a much older version of VDJ once I am back with Windows 7 and I know I probably won't be able to use some of the latest VDJ facilities such as STEMS for instance, but that's not a problem as I never used them anyway. I don't think STEMS work in Windows 7. My needs are pretty basic.

Maybe there are other things I need to know before doing this, so any tips would be appreciated.



Posté Fri 15 Apr 22 @ 8:45 am
I know it's not what you want to hear, but I would never recommend to anyone at this point to go back to Windows 7.
Yes it was a good OS. But.. it WAS.
It's unsupported now. And this means not only that it's vulnerable to security issues, but it will also be harder for it to operate with modern hardware (e.g. controllers) despite the PC being absolutely capable to do so.

Posté Fri 15 Apr 22 @ 8:53 am
Thanks Phantom.

I guess there won't be any security issues as there won't be any internet on the main laptop. No bluetooth, etc. but I take your point about older software and newer controllers. For the record, I use an American Audio VMS5.0.

Posté Fri 15 Apr 22 @ 9:07 am
TBH: Unless your computer is really old, I doubt that the OS is the reason of your problems.
I mean my 3 older PC's are 4th Gen iCore systems. Which means they are 8 years old right now.
They all run Windows 10, without any real issue.
So, if your computer has issues and it's not 10 years old or something, I doubt that downgrading the OS will actually help. Maybe you have an underlying hardware issue ?
Also remember, that all apps are getting more resource hungry as the years go by. So, a computer could be fine 8 years ago with 4GB RAM for example, but today 8GB is the bare minimum.
Even if the OS requires slight less resources, we are talking only about minimum/minor improvements here.

Finally just to answer your question, yes in order to migrate take a backup of Documents\VirtualDJ folder.
Then restore that folder on the new system.
However if your music is located inside the special system folder "music" then it would be wise to use the same username on the new system as on the old one.
That's because the windows username takes part on all "special folders" path:

So, if you use different usernames your playlists may be broken on the new system and you may need to fix them manually.
VirtualDJ has some functions to take care of such cases of course, but better to avoid fixing them in the first place.

Posté Fri 15 Apr 22 @ 10:14 am
I know exactly what you are saying, Phantom. It's a last resort here - and you have just about convinced me that I absolutely should NOT downgrade/backdate anything. Absolutely right - and thanks for the detail.

It's a tough one. If the problems I have are hardware related, I suppose I ought to stick it out until such times that I get a newer laptop. This one is only three years old, an i3 with 8GB RAM. The hardware prevents an upgrade to Windows 11, although it's running the 21H2 update (which *is* effectively Windows 11 I am told, apart from the ui.) I will be getting another laptop soon enough, probably brand new, but there always issues of one kind or another. I guess that's just the nature of the beast.

My main issues are outside the use of VDJ and nothing embarrassing has happened so far under Windows 10 when DJing live. Perhaps I should stick it out. Better the devil ... etc.

Thanks again Phantom.

Posté Fri 15 Apr 22 @ 10:25 am