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Sujet: VirtualDJ 2023 for IPAD(ios)? - Page: 2
kradcliffe wrote :
I have the Bose F1 (active) system and it's a hundred times better than my previous Peavey rig. Far more compact, less weight and far less to go wrong. No separate heavy amp racks and it sounds just as good if not better.

There are good active solutions out there but many cheap ones too. Social club I was working at the other week had a DJ in the other room with a Pioneer controller on a table, a cheap Maplins type laser and Turbosound speakers that sounded awful.

Its all about perspective.

I know, lol

Big fan of bose myself, keep intending to look at a st of compacts, my fandom really goes back to the days of the 802's, I think I would still buy a pair if I could find some yhta had not been gigged to death or used without the bose controller

Back on topic

So the ipad will not be good for video as its going to run hot and be out of sync on video ( not bashing apple for air play, all streamed video connections are likely to lag)

An ipad with 2tb is going to cost over 2k....


I just use a Surface Pro tablet - that works great

The Surface Laptop Studio supports Nvidia GeForce RTX GPUs
However that only folds kind of like a tablet, but isn't really one, so we are not quite there yet

But IF they release a regular Surface Pro with an Nvidia GeForce RTX GPU, then we would have a tablet that runs VDJ 2023 including the new Stems 2.0 with real-time separation
Now that would be kind of sweet I think :)

(If I've misunderstood it, so that a Windows tablet with RTX GPU already exists, please let me know - even though I probably can't afford it)

If VDj 2023 worked as well on an iPad as it does on a macbook pro I'd willingly cough the extra.
On a personal level if stems didn't work it wouldn't bother me.

Why? A 10" iPad is way smaller than a laptop, and I can pre program what I want to play for a show with automix play lists on the most minimal looking rig.

YES Please! Ipad would be beaustiful. It's awesome for Djay and I'd love to see VDJ on it....of course with a rebrand, because sorry. the "Virtual" name is terrible and I'm sure drives away would be customers.

Blackmagic brought Davinci resolve to Ipad pro (and still free) so why would it not be possible for VirtualDJ, which is less demanding imo?

Wowthisisalongname wrote :
because sorry. the "Virtual" name is terrible and I'm sure drives away would be customers.

Says the person who's actively paying a subscription to use VDJ. ROFL.




"If people want to run VDJ on a tablet, why not just get a Microsoft Surface Pro? It works really well"

Answer: Because of Windows?! MacOS and IOS are more stable OS, but MacOS has not touchscreen and IOS has not VDJ ...

That's laughable. Ive never had a Windows failure or BSOD in years now. In fact I can' remember the last time I did ......

I have a surface pro It's larger & heavier than an iPad , The vdj multi touch skin for windows touch screen is ok but is no where near as good as traktor or djays iPad skin. I can charge my iPad with a usb c cord My surface pro needs a dedicated charger . all trivial things but things worth noting,

djjohnnyrox wrote :
no where near as good as traktor or djays iPad skin

.....but the beauty of VDJ is that the skin can be changed - so if one wanted the same layout/functions as the Traktor or DJay iPad GUI, it's possible to do that.


I have surface too, but I find touch feature on Ipad better. I find it better in all programs ...

Let's just hope it's coming soon.

Sorry, a Virtual DJ for Android / iOS makes no sense for Atomix.

For Pioneer this is different, they have high priced audio products combined with established service plans.
It is a complete vendor lock-in, when you start with the mobile app, you might buy some of their hardware and pay their services.

When Atomix sells someone a cheap iOS app, they might loose a possible VirtualDJ customer at a higher price point.

Also Atomix will get bad reputation from having a mobile version, as it will not be as powerful as VirtualDJ.
In VirtualDJ nearly anything is customizable, what do you think how many features will be missing at the beginning …
What is a Mobile VDJ without Skins, without custom effects, without all this programming stuff …
Nothing of this available in the other mobile apps, they don‘t even support this in their desktop apps 🤷‍♂️

When you want a mobile DJ app use Algoriddim Dejay.
It is nice, it works … but it is not the same as using Virtual DJ.

Also library handling is a mess with mobile apps, when you are not using online services.
You can read about the problems in Algoriddims forums.
ICloud sounds like a nice sync solution, but there a too many restrictions (for security reasons).


djsh69 wrote :
Sorry, a Virtual DJ for Android / iOS makes no sense for Atomix.

For Pioneer this is different, they have high priced audio products combined with established service plans.
It is a complete vendor lock-in, when you start with the mobile app, you might buy some of their hardware and pay their services.

When Atomix sells someone a cheap iOS app, they might loose a possible VirtualDJ customer at a higher price point.

Also Atomix will get bad reputation from having a mobile version, as it will not be as powerful as VirtualDJ.
In VirtualDJ nearly anything is customizable, what do you think how many features will be missing at the beginning …
What is a Mobile VDJ without Skins, without custom effects, without all this programming stuff …
Nothing of this available in the other mobile apps, they don‘t even support this in their desktop apps 🤷‍♂️

When you want a mobile DJ app use Algoriddim Dejay.
It is nice, it works … but it is not the same as using Virtual DJ.

You say it makes no sense for atomix to sell an iPad app because they don't have hardware to support it and they'd potentially lose VDJ sales Yet djay doesn't sell hardware and they also have an app for pc and Mac computers

There are many ways atomix can do an iPad app They can sell it, charge a monthly subscription fee, they can give it away for free and make it a companion app to VDJ. The number of people with iPads has to be in the millions and the number of apps out there is astonishing . I'm pretty sure VDJ for iPad would do fine on the App Store Putting all of that aside , for those of us who use djay either as a backup or for a full show, having VDJ for the ipad is something we want and would use.

I'd also be curious to know what most of you do for a backup in case your laptop goes down ?

MCX8000 with standalone support. Flick of one switch and swaps over to pen drive. Best solution out there.

I’m absolutely in favour of this idea.

I would imagine it would run about as well on an M1/M2 iPad as it would and M1/M2 MacBook.

The way Mac OS / iPad OS is going it’s a matter of time, a lot of the code base must be similar?

I particularly like the idea of DropBox /iCloud style cloud sync between MacBook and iPad library.
A really nice backup solution that if implemented well could easily become my preferred way to run it.

Re pricing and licensing, I’m a Pro Infinity user, but I wouldn’t have any issue paying for a reasonably ‘fully’ featured iOS app.
Can think of a couple of licence structures that could work well for Atomix.

If it also happened to work on iPhone as a library manager that would be amazing. Like if I’m out in a record shop being able to cross reference my last sync’d database file would be pretty cool. Thought that could be something completely different.

+1 from me

Yes I also agree, I literally setup everything on my MacBook and even use it for the ceremony. If there was a way to use VDJ on iPad it would be great. I would literally purchase an iPad Pro just for this. If they could make a sync feature between the libraries that would be awesome too. I would pay for the app. I would probably pay upwards of $20 for this feature if it was possible. Hooking an iPad to a smaller controller for a ceremony rig would be worth it for me. Also having an actual usable feature for the iPad as a back up would be even better over putting on Spotify for a few minutes while I get my back up laptop out. I vote YES for IOS VDJ funcality!