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Forum: Addons

Sujet: brokenStereo
Discussion about brokenStereo

And we're live.
this one is experimental, it started life as a wish to reduce the stereo width down to summed mono
So that's what it does when button 1 is pressed and the dial is tweaked.

I then started thinking about what kind of distortions I could make, so I then made button 2 & 3, these two subtract L-R or R-L and the dial mixes from source stereo down to the product of L-R or R-L.
The result is pretty much like removing the summed mono from the source.
Most cases it result is a huge bass cut but different things happen with different tracks. Synthy stereo parts can be really brought forward, some are changed quite dramatically.

I sat on the idea for a few months and ended up using it a fair bit with button 2/3, then to finish it off I added button 4 which just inverts the phase [cancellation experiments with branchFX and tape_MPRV] the dial has no function for button 4

button 5 changes the dial from wide [0% = source, 100% = full mix to the changed sound] if button 5 is off [0% source, 50%= full mix to the changed sound, 100% source stereo swapped]

It can be interesting to just try tracks on with button 2|3 down and the dial at full mix. The results are sometimes surprising, sometimes not that different at all. Some times it will isolate a sample you can't really make out in the full mix.

Like I said, experimental. Have fun, If you find any tracks that have surprising results post a video.

Posté Sun 25 Feb 24 @ 8:32 pm