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Forum: Wishes and new features

Sujet: When will we have AI features?
I wonder if AI functions are being considered? For example, AI suggestions for the next song. Based on the last titles played, could be exciting

With a special AI, I could also imagine cue points, mix suggestions or something else

Posté Sun 05 Jan 25 @ 12:41 am
I guess with that line of thought, AI could probably just do the mixing too and then there really is no need for us lol.

It is true - the specific suggestions (cue points, suggestions, etc) can be helpful to a mix, but tbh, there is no AI replacement for human creativity/uniqueness to date.

you already get recommendations on key, on bpm, self made connections with fuzzy links, by consensus with livefeedback, from history

exactly where are you expecting the stochastic parrot to get information you don't already have access to?
I swear AI will wipes us out, not by devious plot or by catastrophic mistake, just slowly making us collectively that lame that we'll cease being viable as a species.

I'm reminded of the famous Bruce Lee scene "fighting without fighting".

AI brings us DJing without DJing. Tada!

I can work well without AI, it was just a matter of whether you think about it. Song suggestions and especially Genius Dj is already something in this direction.

Do you mean that the accuracy of the prediction for Genius Dj is not good enough as of today?

There is already AI features in VDJ. Partly because Stems separation is based on deep learning algorithms which is certainly part of the original AI realm, but also because the term AI has been watered down so much now, that it's meaningless and can be anything (I'm so looking forward to the AI buble burst predicted to happen by the end of 2025 - kind of like the dot-com bubble burst 25 years ago. After that happens we can actually move forward with the surviving components)
For now just look into what feature you would like, like probable a suggestion feature, and ask for it. Then if an AI based algorithm - in this case, probably old-school machine learning - is determined to be the best way to implement it, then I'm sure that's how they will do it.
But spoiler alert: In most cases it's not

locoDog wrote :
you already get recommendations on key, on bpm, self made connections with fuzzy links, by consensus with livefeedback, from history

exactly where are you expecting the stochastic parrot to get information you don't already have access to?
I swear AI will wipes us out, not by devious plot or by catastrophic mistake, just slowly making us collectively that lame that we'll cease being viable as a species.

Damn Straight

DJ: "VirtualDJ, play Agadoo"
Computer: "I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen"


I share the sentiment many others are sharing here...AI seems to be the hot term to use in sentences now, but people aren't actually looking at if it is required at all, and at how expensive it is, resource wise, it could be to run.

Point out the specific shortcomings and why it is believed to be so - that has way more value to the devs and users of the software.

groovindj wrote :
DJ: "VirtualDJ, play Agadoo"
Computer: "I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen"


Not sure this example is the best one for a dj with noise around but I see the point. Maybe to build a vdjscript this way as we build code or sql queries already in the market.
First step could be a low code version like in Mendix.


Just to clear things up a little:

In order to use the term "AI", a function has to include somehow "self learning" / "deep learning"
Otherwise the given function is not AI. It's just an algorithm, like the ones we have since the first computer was built.

So, functions like "GeniusDJ" and "LiveFeedback" that use ultra smart algorithms to suggest tracks to play next, cannot be called "AI"
On the other hand, how do you train an AI model to have "taste" in music, and what kind of taste is preferable over others ? I mean each person has it's own taste. It's not a case where the end goal is a definitive answer so that the "machine" can learn by itself how to get there.. :P

So.. We try to stay true to what we claim. We could market the "live feedback" function as "AI" powered if we wanted to. But it's not an AI function. It's a smart algorithm. So we don't.

PS: AI is not going to save tasteless dj's. It's just going to make them all sound exactly the same.

I think he wanted something like mixed in key for pre-gig preparation but vdj already has good if not best analyser. So maybe a feature like analysing energy level is what is missing though you can use the rating field to act as your energy level.

Still, this is not "AI"

@PhantomDeejay I've heard a few different definitions of AI, including just a computer doing something "somewhat intelligent", as the acronym literally is just that - Artificial Intelligence (e.g. basic prediction based in history, which would classify GeniusDJ as part of it).

IMO It really is a fairly hard thing to define because of the different types of implementations and applications (and that's prob why ppl leave the definition as vague as I said before). I guess modern day AI would lean towards application of non-deterministic methods/algorithms and probabilistic models to solve the problems by "learning" something from previous problems and their solutions, with generative (what ppl are normally referring to nowadays) being able to "create" new/not seen before content from that knowledge.

IMO (strongly stating this as personal view as I know most ppl would disagree), I wish the term "AI" would be deprecated/just disappear - it's just a natural evolution of computer algorithms/usage that has been talked about/around for many decades, and it's giving non-technical users/marketing ppl a buzz word to throw around. I would wish the focus to shift back to finding the right tool for each job, not throwing the coolest tool in the toolbox at the moment when it is probably not needed. If the tool can be improved with new methods then so be it, but the focus should be on the the job to be done, not the method.

No, it's not like that. I mean, the term "AI" is defined.
Take a look at this page as an example:

So, a function that uses some criteria to suggest a dataset (song recommendations) by looking at another dataset (your plyback history), IS NOT AI.

The function that analyzes some kind of structure and determines a result (eg the Musical Key, or "Energy" of a track) is not AI
Not even the "FLEX BPM" as advertised by another company. There's nothing "AI" to it.
And so on.

Personally I highly suggest the correct use of terms.
Not because I'm a terminology freak, but exactly because people don't understand what AI is and each one believes something different.
You cannot rebrand anything to AI just because it's a fancy term that makes marketing sound great.
Words must have a meaning that's common among the people that use them. The more narrow the meaning, the better.
Anyway.. This is just my personal take on the matter and why using the term AI for any "smart" algorithm is just stupid.. :)

@PhantomDeejay I agree with you (the company I work for is deeply into AI currently too, but it isn't IBM), but the problem is AI (the phrase by itself), is an open ended/very broad phrase, that simply means "intelligence exhibited by machines", where the intelligence part of the term is what causes the problem, because it's a very broad term (what does it mean to be "intelligent"? That can include various, widely varying characteristics). That is why Wikipedia defined it in the broadest sense:

IBM narrowed it to the modern day sense of what we expect - they both are correct depending on context and timeframe considered.

As for the branding, I still stand by my previous statement, it really shouldn't matter that much (to actually want to put it in branding) unless you are the implementer/doing research in the area. I agree that rebranding the functions based on the modern sense of the definition shouldn't be done/doesn't make sense, but depending on who you talk to and the timeframe of the definition, it is a form of intelligence and technically isn't completely wrong (if you are looking at inputs, outputs, and whether it can adjust its outcomes as time goes on/with more info, it mostly walks the walk, it's just implemented deterministically). If the satisfaction of any possible party reading the description is important, then yes, AI would be imprecise and shouldn't be included.

The definition of AI is indeed still moving. When I was in university algorithms for path finding were still considered AI for example.
In general it seems that once we know how to do something well, it is no longer considered AI, and the goal moves :)

fx850 wrote :
I can work well without AI, it was just a matter of whether you think about it. Song suggestions and especially Genius Dj is already something in this direction.
AI THE BEST i use virtual dj 7 for selecting tune as livefeedback is a exlelent Ai to create ideas and virtual dj 8 for librery as it have new futer the virtual dj 7 dont have virtual dj 7 and rock


I believe that AI would be helpful in things like bette beat griding and resolving issues with things like double cue points in a sound that you did not add.. Things like that. help to clean up library. Organize your library in a more effective way. You can try different things like different organization configurations. And if you do not like it. The AI would bring it back to the way it was. Stuff Like that. Help with tweaking your system so Virtual Dj will run optimumly on your computer... The list goes on and on