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Forum: Wishes and new features

Sujet: What's really missing

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Hi!I think that an EQ is missing,for both turntables,and i have an idea of what should you put in Atomix : An automatic music mixing device!I want to use Atomix on parties,and the idea is to make the program automatically mix 2 songs,and when one of the songs is finished,the program should choose another one from the playlist,and match the BPM's,and maximize the volume of the new song.So,if you have any comments on this idea,i'll be glad to hear it!

Posté Thu 03 May 01 @ 10:18 pm
Atom is able to automix a playlist yet. Even if the quality is worse than when you mix yourself : the end of the song is often cut... The best solution is to mix at home (with a mixtable it is even easier) and record it. It alows you to have breaks during parties...

Concerning the EQ, I prefer those which are external, because it is more sensitive and it reacts quicker...

Good mix, alrea.


Are you putting our hopes up or is the new Atomix *really* coming out in a "few days"?

Yea,I know that Atomix has an automix feature,but it's not working quite well,so i tought maybe the author's of the program could work a little on it.Oh,and i think that they should check out the new "Traktor" from Native Instruments.That's how a program should look,and work :)

I've used both atomix and traktor. Traktor does have some really nice features, but (in my opinion) it lacks the ease that Atomix's interface provides. I do think that alot of the features, if applied would greatly enhance atomix. I think Atomix wins out of the two, but I haven't given Traktor a fair run yet, so I could be wrong.

I've given the Traktor application a go, and it's nice in terms of features for home mixing (i.e. taking quite a long time in "preparing" your work). However, for DJs playing "live" the interface is far too "populated" to be efficient (the buttons are too small). So I'm not churning (yet).

Most important, it does not appear to have the "magic" button of Atomix. It does BPM matching, but I haven't found the function yet which aligns the beats from the beginning so I guess it's not in there.

Also, it is my impression that the sound quality is not as good as with Atomix, but that might just be my impression as a loyal Atomix user ;-).

I personally don't give a sh*t about equalizers and kill buttons in Atomix, since I have them on my external mixer anyhow, and the convenience to turn a "real" button is far more easy than working with sliders in a program.

If I would have to pick my top 2 features it would be:
- loops
- seperate (one for each deck) shortkeys for all functions allowing to build a remote "Denon-alike" control panel.

And a nice one would be the possibility to export the Atomix database to a textfile (so I'm not thát excessively demanding) such that I can easily have an external database or printout with the BPMs on/in it.

By the way, I hope the Atomix 1.2 Upgrade will allow to "recover" the information already within the database of the current version (I don't feel like going through my 4.000 MP3s again to get the BPM measured)


DJ Corpse

DJ Corpse:
I've given the Traktor application a go.
for DJs playing "live" the interface is far too "populated" to be efficient (the buttons are too small). So I'm not churning (yet).

That's just because it has a lot more features... Once you get the know the shortcuts you can allmost fully operate it without a mouse...

Most important, it does not appear to have the "magic" button of Atomix.

Offcourse it does. Look in the middle for the "sync" button (in combination with the beatmatching). By the way: it works on ALL kind of beats, unlike Atomix.

Also, it is my impression that the sound quality is not as good as with Atomix,

Upgrade your hardware! It needs quitte some hardware. On my computer it "stutters" a bit (Pentium 2 350, it needs at LEAST a P2 366...), but on my friend's it works perfect.

but that might just be my impression as a loyal Atomix user ;-).

Could allso be it :)

I personally don't give a sh*t about equalizers and kill buttons in Atomix, since I have them on my external mixer anyhow,

That's nice for you, but we computer-dj's REALLY NEED IT, and Traktor has them...

If I would have to pick my top 2 features it would be:
- loops

One of my favorites too, really great. Along with the equaliser (and offcourse the beat-allignment).

Unfortunately it's a bit more expensive, but compared to version 1.12 of Atomix, I think Traktor is far, far, faaaaaaar better... (sorry Atomix-guys...).


I tried to use the "quote-signs" (or how do you call them..., the smaller-then-signs) but the forum erases them... therefor my reply is kind of a mess.... sorry.


I apsolutely agree with BAS,cause in Traktor you have very-very good options!I think that the sync. button should work faster,cause it matches the BPM's a little bit slow,but i also agree with BAS that it recognises more kinds of beats than Atomix.I like Atomix very much,but Traktor is better!!So you guys who program Atomix,make it better,cause Traktor is going to be the no.1 leading program in computer disc jockeying!

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