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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Sujet Download Problems

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SyfoonHome userMember since 2001
All I can say is....

sh*t p*ss f*ck b*ll*cks...

c'mon Atomix team... sort out the god-damn downloads... its not only bad for the people who want the skins/plugins, it makes you guys look awfully bad if you cant download addons from the site

Quit using that sh*te .html filegrabbing system, because lots of people seem to have big problems with it, and it just sucks big arse. Either use PHP or give us direct links, simple as

Don't spoil a fantastic program by not running a good website

- Bren (Syfoon)


Posté Sun 20 Jan 02 @ 6:20 am
hey bren (Syfoon) i dont seem to have any proble downloading addons try learning how to work yer computer first eh?

there nothing wrong with this web site ya dobber

Posté Wed 30 Jan 02 @ 5:24 pm

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