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Forum: Old versions

Sujet music skipping??

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Sometimes when I'm mixing there will be little skips, where the it seems like there is a little "lag". I have a PII 300 with 128megs of memory and running Windows ME. I know my computer is slow, but is it just my machine or do other people have this problem? Will getting a faster computer or switching to Windows 2000 help?

Posté Sat 10 Feb 01 @ 3:38 am
I get the same problem on a 1.1Ghz Athalon with 256megs and Windows 2000, so I guess you can assume that this is a bug and that a CPU and/or OS change isn't going to make a difference.

Anyone have any info on when this bug is going to be fixed?

Posté Mon 12 Feb 01 @ 10:13 pm
defrag your hard drive

Posté Mon 19 Feb 01 @ 1:09 am
the music skips but if you record, it should still sound as if it isnt skipping, the mix should sound smooth , at least mines does... ;P

Posté Mon 19 Mar 01 @ 10:46 pm
i have a athlon 1ghz/256 ram/ 60g hard, creative soundblaster pci128 card / ME, and i still get the bloody skipping when recording .
it must be a bug. the quicker they look into it the better, as i would love to buy it myself.
shame to as it is the BEST mixing software on the market to date but for the BLOODY SKIPPING.
come on atomix.....LOOK INTO IT PLEASE !!!!!!

Posté Mon 30 Jul 01 @ 6:12 am

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