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Forum: Wishes and new features

Sujet POLL: who wants VDJ optimised for automatic use ? - Page: 2

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We would like it to do just what you are saying without a "automix" that will beatmix just a fade out to the next song. Jazz and some other music should not be beatmixed a good fade out will do.

Posté Fri 02 Jan 04 @ 9:03 pm
DJ RickPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I also believe it needs to be able to go all the way to the very end.... and begin at the very beginning.

start with a live cd. When you play it through with a CD player, it goes from one track to the next with no pause in the crowd noise. If you rip that CD to MP3, and put the tracks in order in your play list, an auto function should be capable of playing it just the same as if you were playing it through on a CD player.
Atomixmp3 used to be capable of this. I hope and pray that VDJ will be soon also.

Posté Fri 02 Jan 04 @ 9:11 pm
SalvaPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Oké iam going to test the possibilety of the automix tommorow at my pub. i let you now if it's possible to let VDJ be a jukebox in a pub in the daytimes when there is no dj.
With atomixmp3 i had the problem that it wouldnt fade in and out nicely and the volume wouldt be unstable (i hope that the limiter solved this problem, but still i am for a dynamics processor like OTS JUKE)

I let you now!.

Posté Fri 02 Jan 04 @ 9:27 pm
I will say this if you go to setting and put the crossfader on smooth this will help VDJ sometime do a smooth fade out but not all the time. A good program for this is Traktor DJ V1.0 the automix on it is just a smooth fade out. I feel that I should not need to use two progams to get a job done.

Posté Fri 02 Jan 04 @ 9:33 pm
djlarsPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Just an option to disable the "auto cue points", with just an autocue to first sound above a certain level to skip silence at start + fade next at level dropping to -25-50dB...

Vdj CAN run here also in the automix/play mode, probably for a year - that's not the issue. It just sounds too weird when it's mixing different styles on or near end of the first and last beats, missing intro/outro's, vocals and so on..
Not sure how the algo finds these points, and how easy it would be to incorporate user intervention.

Atomix MP3 has some easy configurable options for this, well suited for this function.
This advanced autoplay feature is somewhat fitting when you have matching music in your playlist, clear beat definition, and beats before vocals...

Keep up the good work!


Posté Sat 03 Jan 04 @ 9:00 am
SalvaPRO InfinityMember since 2003
i wil let you now how the custmers react.

Posté Sat 03 Jan 04 @ 11:39 am
SalvaPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I am sorry to say that the automix doesnt work with a mix of different styles of music. But the sound engine is way better than with Atomixmp3.
Please make an option for a better automix.

Posté Sun 04 Jan 04 @ 10:05 pm
I vote for improving the current beat match etc. I would never use auto mode. Since I am an old timer...I just don't walk away from the mixing board. I am used to the old vinyl days where your loo break was only as long as the 12" you were playing. I think VDJ should just focus on improving the current product. If I wanted a completely automatic mix I would just burn a cd and let it play.

My 2 cents


Posté Fri 09 Jan 04 @ 7:16 pm
keyonPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I've said it on other similiar posts but I'll again say I think automix is an important optional feature and most popular dj programs have it. Many club dj may not make much use of it, but I know a lot of mobile dj's like myself do for dinner music, etc. For these types of music sets, music is secondary, you're just putting on light background filler that folks don't pay much attention to. There's no need to mix manually so you make the technology work for you. I have no problem using it for dance music either when I need to chat with the host, bm break, take requests. On a rare occasion I'll do a freebie for a friend's small house party and let vdj automix all the dance music on autopilot so I can dance too. Even if I was a club dj and didn't need it, it would be good to have that option just in case; cuz you never know: like that .05% chance that I suddenly became violently ill and needed to go ralph for 10 minutes and nobody could cover, etc.

I wouldn't have purchased vdj if it didn't have an automix. Mobile djs may not be the target consumer for vdj, but more and more mobile djs are going digital. Having automix as an optional feature is one more enticement for mobiles to go with vdj.

Posté Sun 18 Jan 04 @ 6:09 pm

I could not have said it better then that myself good job.

Posté Sun 18 Jan 04 @ 8:49 pm
Yan-XPRO InfinityHonorary memberMember since 2003
the service you are requesting is for professionals like bars, restaurants, ....

We are already selling another product called DJ-Box that is answering their specific needs.


Posté Mon 19 Jan 04 @ 12:01 am
keyonPRO InfinityMember since 2003
hey, thanks audio000!

Posté Mon 19 Jan 04 @ 12:02 am
I will say it again for a $120 VDJ should do it all !!!

Posté Mon 19 Jan 04 @ 1:27 am
If this is a poll then a simple I do or i don't is enough isn't it?

I don't.


Posté Mon 19 Jan 04 @ 11:35 pm
tboudrePRO InfinityMember since 2003
If you want to just go Auto, Winamp does a great job at that.

Posté Sun 25 Jan 04 @ 6:01 pm
djlarsPRO InfinityMember since 2003
..errrrhh not just "go automatic" but have this option for the dinner setting, when guests arrive, two slow tunes in a row etc. And it's not always to "burn a cd" - it HAS to be interactive, corresponding to requests, preferences of the specific audience (you don't ALWAYS know this before you arrive at a gig).

As stated, this is just a poll -
I do want this feature to be better than it is today!

*As i understand this feature WAS fade/smart/beat selectable in earlier versions??

This sounds as a easy option to implement again??



Posté Fri 13 Feb 04 @ 9:31 pm
dj jcaPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Autoplay without fading in/out...

Posté Tue 28 Dec 04 @ 10:56 pm
Old topic but we still need to fix this

Posté Wed 29 Dec 04 @ 2:38 pm
I wouldn't mind a feature like Robostart on Gemini decks where it just starts the next deck playing when one finishes and then flip/flop between the 2 decks until turned off.

Just have it load the tracks from the Playlist/Waitlist area.

You can remove "Automix"anytime you want in place of Robostart :-)

Posté Wed 29 Dec 04 @ 4:30 pm

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