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Sujet does any one else here have trouble getting music?? - Page: 2

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Actually, I'm a grown man, 53. When I speak, I like to think I am speaking to grownups. You never have to guess where I stand. Everyone here is entitled to their opinions, including me. I won't change my tone to fit you, and will not ask you to change your tone. When I was young, I too use to make excuses, and tried to justify my bad behavior. As a man, I don't have that luxury. I also don't like whinners. In case you don't know this, there were DJ's before the internet. DJ's have been going to college, and struggling since before you were born. We all struggled, but didn't cry about it. Artist can't afford paint and brushes. Sculpters can't afford marble and mallets. You do what you have to do, but stealing is not one of them. I have been in and started record pools, and they are not free. That's right, you pay to get free music. Who do you think pays for the rent and utilities for the pool? The way you put it, because you are in college, and don't have a lot of money, that gives you the right to steal music. Wrong. We have laws for a reason. It is illegal to download copyrighted material in this country. Some don't respect those laws, and some do. I'm not going to go on about how it should be, but how it is. The record companies run their business, the way they want. Just like any other business. That's the way it is. If you don't like it, you can try to change the laws, but you don't have the right to break the laws. Period. People can't afford car insurance in NJ, does that mean they should drive anyway? Cable is to high, so is it ok if I steal it? There are legal places to get music. Some of us worked hard to get these put into place. I have no respect for so called DJs that steal music. Why? Because it gives them an unfair advantage. You know, like an athelete on steriods. If you can't afford something, you do without just like everybody else. I come to these forums to learn, and engage in grownup discussions. Some may find me insulting. That's not my intentions, but can understand if some feel that way. One thing you cannot accuse me of, is taking pot shots at others from the sidelines. If I have an issue with you, I will be a man and talk directly to you. So, DJ Raz you don't have to worry about me insulting you, as I don't have an issue with you, at the moment.

Posté Wed 12 Oct 05 @ 9:24 pm
Mods I dont' know how 3 got posted, please feel free to delete, and they should not be anonymous.

Posté Wed 12 Oct 05 @ 9:32 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
"Stop the talking baby or I start walking baby"

"Shut up just shut up shut up"

Isn't that a good song?.

Posté Wed 12 Oct 05 @ 9:42 pm
dj_cashPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I agree with most of you guys... I got alot of CD's that I have uploaded to my computer, I use to convert them to MP3 or WMA...
I have heard (here in sweden) that som artist don't care if anyone download the music illegeal, it's okey if they only litsen to their music.. I don't think so...
but I KNOW that almost every artist in the world don't like that peoples steal their music and make money of it..! Buy music in shops or on the net, BUY don't steal!!

Posté Wed 12 Oct 05 @ 9:43 pm
frd1963PRO InfinityMember since 2004
I read an interview with the band Erasure back in the 90's where they were encouraging people in the US to steal their music because the record companies had decided not to distribute a particular album here. I thought it was funny, but I think they were very serious. They were proud of the music and wanted to make sure that the fans got to listen to it.
This does not mean that all artists are willing to give away their music, most need to eat... and some prefer to eat while sitting on a golden toilet seat ;)

Posté Wed 12 Oct 05 @ 10:18 pm
DJ RazPRO InfinityMember since 2004
@A Man and his music

You may be 53, but I figure the ages here go from 16 and up.
Everyone here grew up in a different era.

Anyways, this is before all a DJ community where we're meant to help each other out.

The guy who sarted this thread was looking for help on getting music at a low cost.
If for whatever reason that goes against your views, thats fine.
You don't need to help him out.

But there's really no need for "wash you off the bottom of my shoe".
You don't want to help the guy, don't help him. No need to put him down.
You think he has an unfair advantage because he has music at a cheaper price than you?
To that I'd say tune up your skills. Your reputation is based on how good you are to make the crowd move, not on how much you spend on your collection.

Does the DJ who has friends at record labels have an unfair advantage?
Does the DJ who is buddies with a club owner have an unfair advantage?
Does the DJ who is a member of an exlcusive record pool have an unfair advantage?
Does the DJ who is a millionnaire have an unfair advantage?
Does the DJ Portia Surreal have an unfair advantage just because she looks like, well, Portia Surreal?
What about the DJ who spins with VDJ unstead of records? Does he have an unfair advantage?

Maybe, maybe not.
The point is do what works for you to stay competitive, instead of putting down what others do. You'll enjoy more success that way ;-)


Posté Wed 12 Oct 05 @ 10:45 pm
dj_cashPRO InfinityMember since 2004
@DJ Raz I agree with you to 99% the 1% wich is left is that some of us are 15 yrs... (not 16 and up :p it's 15 and up, maybe younger too) hehe

Posté Thu 13 Oct 05 @ 3:58 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Words spill out easily, let's keep it calm and collected in here.

There is no reason why this forum can't span the gaps, right?
It already bridges race, nationality, and every other difference we all share.

Dj's starting at 15 and 16 could be the best of the best when they get to 21 or so.

I just read a post where the poster walked right into the fire as a discount dj, good luck to him.
That one will smolder for days maybe weeks.
It's easy to burn the bridges, lets not.
Topics are sometimes best ignored if it's going to cause hard feelings.

Posté Thu 13 Oct 05 @ 5:01 pm
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
I agree with you in these Rick. Let me share you that we have a 13 years old DJ in the Spanish forum... great kid and with good skills. So we have to say know from 5-150 to keep every possibility. ;-)

Posté Thu 13 Oct 05 @ 7:30 pm
DJ Raz, You have missed the point. Let's try to keep to the facts. Go back and read the first post again. I don't see anything about "low cost" in there. I see free. Let me put it to you another way. In this business, there are tools of the trade. From mixers, TT's, Microphones, Headphones, Amps, and so on. You can have the best of all these things, or you can get the same things on the budget plan. The bottom line is, if you don't have music, all this stuff means nothing. Of course, you do need some skills, but that's another story. The Music is the most important tool, because you have to keep "buying" the new stuff, it's never ending. I have seen people dance to good music, coming out of the worst sound systems. Stick with me on this. Out of all the tools of the trade, which one do you think it is ok to steal? Is it alright to steal mixers? Is it ok to steal amps? How about if someone stole your wireless mic, is that ok? Ever have anything stolen from you? I have, and it doesn't feel that good. Or maybe you draw the line on stealing music? That's ok, but you can't steal anything else. I don't look at it that way. Excuse me if I look at thieves, in a bad light. The guy ask for free sites. I don't know of any "legal" free sites, but I could be wrong. The advantages you site, miss the point. You don't steal friends. You don't steal contacts. You don't steal good looks. You don't steal skills. All these things are "earned". This is about getting something for nothing, but if you want to spin it into something cute, that's ok. We just are not talking about the same thing. So what is my point? It is not ok to steal. This is something I learned at a very eary age.

Posté Thu 13 Oct 05 @ 8:11 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
And DJ's sharing libraries on any scale what so ever is illegal also.
Do I know many that do?

Are they any different?


Is there a difference when it is done privately among professionals?

That is the real question imo.

Now look at the real threat if there even is one.
The net has little to offer discriminating ears, too much BS for me thanks.
To build a good base library off line would take quite a long time, with hit or miss on content and complete files.
So that is what I percieve as the threat and it's not much imo, not for long anyway.
I have seen professional VJ's use VH1 and MTV clips live with the corner splash cut off with a video mixer.
Are they any different?

So how long will it be until he makes his professional contacts and does it the other way?

That is the answer he was looking for, after all of this.

And THATS cutting through the chase so let's not hurt each other over this.

Posté Thu 13 Oct 05 @ 8:31 pm
mp3jrick, no hurt intended.


Posté Thu 13 Oct 05 @ 8:56 pm
You make a good point. Users sharing music collections is probably much more devastating to the music industry than some guy downloading songs on limewire. A few guys can hook up with external usb drives and swap 50,000 songs in a few minutes. If I were the music industry I would be really concered about this too, since it would be almost impossible to stop.

Posté Thu 13 Oct 05 @ 9:27 pm
DJ RazPRO InfinityMember since 2004
The guy who downloads every file off the web, at no monetary costs, has to put in 10 times more time than the guy who buys records/CDs. Sure it's free, but finding the songs in good quality files, and making sure that the mp3s arent corrupted or don't contain clicks, skips, etc... takes quite a while.

But eitherway, it's besides the point.
If you have two DJs that have access to all the music in the world for free and readily accessible, the one that will be the most successful is the one that is able to get the crowd moving the best.

As far as stealing is concerned, you may feel that DJs who download MP3 files are stealing.
I believe that an industry that is forcing it's main promoters to not only pay for the product they are freely marketing, but also to pay for the right to freely promote it, is stealing from those promoters in questions.

In other words, the RIAA, the record companies, and all their lawyers are just stealing from the DJs that help put their products on the map. They should be paying us. Not the other way around.

Do mp3s hurt record sales?
But then again, CDs and records are a ripoff to begin with.
No album is worth paying 20$ (unless it's specifically titled "apetite for destruction"), and no one single is worth paying 10-30$ for, no matter what it's titled.
And besides, artits make more out of advertising deals, concerts and merchandising than they do off of record sales (since the record companies screw them out of most of the profits)

MP3s is a blessing to the music industry.
- The industry can cut out the middle man on everything, and thus lower the costs.
- The artists don't need to rely on greedy labels to get themselves known. Anyone can put their songs on the web.

All they have to do is sell songs in mp3 format at a decent price.
The electronic music labels have started to catch on and sell their tracks at $1-3$ each.
A bit high, but it's specialized music, so its ok.

The commercial greedy companies have not caught on, and are trying to impose proprietary formats on everyone at overpriced cost. (e.g.: Itunes, Sony, etc...)

All that does is make the shoppers look for alternatives.

What we want is high quality non-proprietary mp3s at an affordable price.
Until the lables catch on and offer that service, they'll just be at war with all their buyers.

This said, the russians seem to have caught on; probably because they don't let themselves get manipulated by greedy corporations:

Quality music at an affordable price, and it's perfectly legal for anyone to purchase.

(ok so I guess I ended up debating this afterall)

Posté Fri 14 Oct 05 @ 1:09 am
foggaHome userMember since 2005
I use

Posté Fri 14 Oct 05 @ 1:59 pm
I tried beatport before. I could not find a single song that I had even heard of, let alone wanted.

Posté Fri 14 Oct 05 @ 4:32 pm
I really get tired of all the hypocrisy that I see in this Forum at times. I would guess that a good 90% of the DJs in this Forum are or have been using P2P sites to download music and software. I mean most of the folks in here are ex-crack users. Lets be sincere. From the newbies to some of the highest level members here. But we constantly toot our horns about how HOLY we are. Hell I remember before MP3s, people would sell or borrow records to each other. Also cassettes and CDs were dubbed. That is all a form one way or another of stealing music. I do personally feel though that if someone wants to be a professional DJ, then he should purchase ALL his music. Also Razz is right, they should be compensated for doing such. Now bedroom DJs, I feel something different about. But I am not Reverend MaddSound nor is it my place to preach to anyone here. Lets just understand that in the world there are those that ONLY buy music(such as cassettes, CDs, records or MP3s) and there are those that dub or share them with there friends. Am I condonning downloading! Is it a concern of mine if someone is doing! Is it anyones concern if I ever have or ever! The most important part is that we all have a LOVE for music regardless of how it was least most DJs here opened our eyes and purch$ed VDJ.

So he who has never commit this sin, then by all means cast the first stone.


Posté Sat 15 Oct 05 @ 12:09 am
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
- "I drop the first stone" ....

- Did you has never commit sin?

- No, but I'm the Producer!!! :-) (or the Artist if you wish, or the Artist wife!!!)

Posté Sat 15 Oct 05 @ 2:43 am
Go here, listen, buy, and keep it for yourself.


Posté Mon 14 Nov 05 @ 2:42 pm
djbambiPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I've been a regular stompy customer lately, if you're into chicago/SF style house it's a great place, and the price is right too at $1.49 per track. And you can be assured that the artists get their share of the cake...

I use allofmp3 sometimes for the more mainstream stuff, but even though it's supposed to be legal in Russia, somehow I have the feeling that in the end the artists don't get much of what I pay there...

Posté Mon 14 Nov 05 @ 3:02 pm