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Sujet: Crash at the Club live on the radio!!!

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Well i tried 3.1 at the club i work and poooof the thing shut down when trying to load a song after 3hrs on the radio.....i tried again after the club was closed and it does the same with this file....
If the team needs this file plz contact me ..
Why is this happening ?
This is why i still use 2.06 for my laptop......please fix audio issues once and for all.I am not happy bout this and frankly im suprized.
I understand about the video mixing but plz do not forget the DJs need ATTENTION

Posté Tue 01 Nov 05 @ 2:46 am
I have noticed a crash once. But more importantly I get distortion and clips in sound after a while of mixing. I've posted about this before and seemed to have had no issues for one night but it happened again not long ago.

the song stops playing completely for 15-20 secs and starts right back up again.

Either a crash or bad sound it doesn't matter.

Sound needs improvements especially with TCVs!!! I hate scratching bits of data and if I have to go back to hauling 300-400lbs of vinyl again just to make sure my sound is what it should be and not have to worry about crashing then that's what I will have to do.

I sure hope the dev team does something about the sound issues we have had for a long time now. I can care less about the time stretch issues and such although sound in general should definatelly get fixed.

Best Regards

DJ White Devil

Yeah I really agree. I have tried once to use V3.1 on the Radio just to satisfy those that think that us who use 2.06 are using pre-recorded mixes. But too much skipping and worse crashes. It is embarrsing for that to be happening. I take pride in my mixes and don't like that stuff to happen live on air for the whole world to hear! We need work done on the Audio side of VDJ. Lots of work. Hopefully it will be addressed soon.


When I first installed 3.1 I got skipping and problems, but after tweaking windows and VDJ settings I go it to work as 2.6 did, I sadly can't remember the root of the problem, but their was one.., remember the reported problems with VDJ are mostly subject to your system, and specs are irrelevant!, strange.

The issue of soundquailty is obviously something we all have, but some are more than happy and content with it, sound is good, but not perfect.

Things like skips are strange, some have 256mb and have no skips, all runs perfectly and they work in clubs with this, others have 1GB+ and have skips and no end of issues, It is in some cases the software.., but their are few universal problems like sound inperfection.

I use 3.1, and for me it's as stable as 2.6, and for me also better, my system has only 512mb of RAM.

I will say that 3.1 has a few bugs I hope to say disappear soon, I've had a few recent crashes in practice sessions, It seems to crash occasionaly when I minimize the program and use another program for some time, then revert back to VDJ, then soon after a crash, once or twice when I've been multi-tasking I've had crashes related to lack of free memory (virtual memory needs to be higher than high for back-up).

Luckily in proffesional settings VDJ 3.1 wouldn't crash for me (shouldn't), because I wouldn't mess around in other apps or have system consuming apps running like MSN, anti virus etc.

Well all the bad nasty sounds I've been having and reporting I have finally found the cause of it.


I switched my TTs to line in and even though the signal from TCVs were a bit loud I was still able to do the job with good quality sound but after a few hours the TCV stopped responding completely so I had no choice but to switch my TT back into phono during mid set. Sure it was a quick fix around the issue and wasn't 24 bit sound but even if it was my mixer wouldn't support it.

I hope the Dev team will fix the RIAA issues for those who uses phono TTs. The whole time I was hearing pops and distortion I would always blame my soundcards but the whole time it was the RIAA causing this.

Big thanks to DJ Cyder and many others for giving me some suggestions on fixing my issues temporarilly.

Best Regards

DJ White Devil

are you talking about that little extra click or pop from a quick series of scratches? If i use the bypass the real vinyl is louder and has all sorts of clipping and pops if i touch it at all, could this be related to the RIAA.

actually its not only clicks and pops. if the RIAA is on I sometimes get very choppy and distorted sound for X number of secs then sometimes comes back to normal sometimes stays that way and I need to shut VDJ down and restart.

when I had the TTs under line, the signal was pretty loud but I had no distortions, no clicks, no pops no matter how fast I move the TCVs around. This is an issue I've been battling for a while now but I'm sure the next version might have the fix for it.

i know how to create a crush ...

play vdj WITHOUT right clicking on the spinning tables and play for about 10 minutes with every other thing/stunts u do... clicking on the browser using the mouse to search for songs... then close. vdj saves and closes.

PLAY VDJ RIGHT CLICKING on the spinning tables as if to scratch or whaever.... when u click on the browser USING THE MOUSE to search for songs 2/9 times its gonna crush the program. if it doesnt crush try closing the program and its gonna bring up the crushing faces.

i can push the program to the limit, but right click on the decks, and vdj wont crush.

AMD duron 900MHz; 384MB (over 2gigs virtual memory); 32MB video; 1600X1200 screen resolution; avast anti-virus; sygate professional firewall; avant internet browser.... all always up and running without a problem. but let me right click on the deck and it crushes. even when i bring down the resolution it still crushes.

kind of low system reqs vpcdj. I've tried what you've mentioned and didn't get a crash.

what version are you currently using as well as the version of DirectX?

I currently use a P4 3.4GHz, 3GB of Ram, a 20GB HDD which is dedicated to software, a 160GB HDD strictly for mp3s, an M-Audio workstation soundcard/midi controller.

I don't do video however I do have a 256MB 6800GT video card

DJ White Devil

the latest one.
well i guess if no one else can recreate this crush then i have to get the full version.

_white u keep holding the jog wheels with the right click

nope tried time and time again and just can't make it crash vpcdj. However why do you use the right mouse button to scratch? The left one actually stops the song so you keep the same spot and not just control it like a jog wheel.

use the left mouse button to scratch instead and you will notice the scratch sound will be much better then the right ;)

DJ White Devil


Whilst playing 2 tracks back, with the crossfader in the middle (in external mixer mode if you will), I atempted to scan my harddrive to update my database, it went for a while then I got the crashguard/smiley face thing, pressed recover and it did for once!, played the song back from it's last position. I wasn't multi-tasking, although I didn't kill all my unneeded proccesses.

This could be a problem due to a temporay lack of memory, As I've reported a a crash before that happend for no reason, I do believe it was because I was multi-tasking too much with only 512mb RAM, however a crash shouldn't occur on these grounds IMO.

None of these incidents happend at gigs, luckily, esle I would of taken all preventive measures, but If it still happend I'd be angry with the software and probably end up getting another 512mb of RAM for my laptop.

Again it happened last night.......dammm after 6 1/2 hours on the radio from the club it crashed.Different file this time
i was simply playing effetcs nothing...bout 70 people left in the bar when it happened,luckily i had a cd ready and was expecting it ....:(
hence the reason why im still using 2.06 on my laptop
Ill try 3.2 tonight

Have you got Time Stretch disabled? I've used 3.2 before on a fairly powerful system and sometimes it caused random crashes when this value was set to High Quality or above. Does VDJ crash everytime you load this MP3?

Hey Andre, what about this bug in 3.3 ? Are you still experiencing it ? Can you reproduce the bug or probably share a file that is not working, so someone else can tty (me :-) ) ?

(not telling it's your system but ....)

well this crash bug seems to be random.
Timestretch disabled
Limiter disabled
gain @ -4.0db
Max load: always
Reactivity : Medium

I haven't had the chance to fully test out or try to reproduce the crash with 3.3 yet although if I see it I will definatelly mention if there was an error msg or what happened exactly.

DJ White Devil

A Random crash in VDJ3.X is usually due to a temporay lack of memory.., unless the crash can be reproduced by all users this is where to look.

Multi tasking, having too many operations, asking VDJ to do too many things at once - for example playing back a song on each desk and scanning the DB or analyzing other songs.

MSN can eat up more memory than you'd think, not reccomended if useing 512mb RAM or less.


Did it again tonight at the club....after 4 hrs on the radio.3.3 now
still is the same
Skips progressivly and then crash with a loop(broadcasting issue i think)
i believe its only on deck 2....and its not my pc. lol

btw Dj in Norway had the same issues on the radio I Heard it myself its the same skips!!


Max Load: always
I don't advise (especially if you have problem of crash !!!)
Try 30 min (or 15 min)

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