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Sujet Merry Cristmas to everyone

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font29PRO InfinityMember since 2005
Hi, I would like to take this opportunity to thank every person involved in this project. Also to the people designing the Effects and Skinks who are really doing a marvelous job.
Would Like to wish a Marry Christmas and Happy New Year and the best of everything to you and your family.

Peace for All

Posté Thu 15 Dec 05 @ 8:13 pm
Merry Christmas to u too and every one VDJ and also to u bagass bless up .

Posté Thu 15 Dec 05 @ 8:16 pm
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005

Have the nicest Christmas you can have!

Merry Christmas to YOU ALL!!!



Posté Thu 15 Dec 05 @ 9:20 pm
merry christmas to everyone, i just completed decorating my 2 foot tree on my desk. better than nothing.


Posté Fri 16 Dec 05 @ 11:11 am
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Happy Holidays to all of you (to be religiously correct)

Guage, tough to be sooooo far away from home guy.
It is great to see the Iraqi people embracing their own democracy now and voting.
With any luck y'all will be outa there really soon.
I spent many christmas's away in the military, in fact I spent one in boot camp getting my ass whoop'd.
My mother sent a 2' tree and baked all kinds of stuff for the guys. I thought I was in deep shit, but the DI let it slide and everyone had a great time. I remember it like it was yesterday.

Hang tough, you'll make it through.


Posté Fri 16 Dec 05 @ 12:01 pm
you were marine huh, awesome, yeah we had a good turnout yesterday for the elections, i'm glad since i spent over 24 hrs in my humvee waiting for something to happen, lol

luckily nothing major, all is well and i'll be home just afetr new years


Posté Fri 16 Dec 05 @ 1:12 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Actually I was Air Force.

Seeing the smiling faces showing ink'd fingers was cool, as was the lack of violence.

Things will be much better when we are out of there, the whole world will agree i'm sure.
Keep it down and low, getting short can be nerve wracking.

Posté Fri 16 Dec 05 @ 2:59 pm
ahhh well i took a guess lol

yeah in my province of iraq "salah ad din" we had like 60,000 plus voters, pretty good

especially for a sunni majority area.

Posté Fri 16 Dec 05 @ 3:09 pm
vpcdjHome userMember since 2004
like mp3jrick says in america u cant say merry christmas anymore. to be religiously correct its now "happy holidays" or "xmas". the jews and non-christians dont want that name christ mentioned. lol

Posté Fri 16 Dec 05 @ 4:50 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
America has become the biggest melting pot of ethnics and religions on the planet, so it happens here first I guess....

Not to open up a big huge dialog on this as it is already off the hook imo.
It should be done out of respect for other people's religions celebrating also at this time of year.
It seems like we unknowingly wish Merry Christmas to everyone regardless of their faith and that might make some people feel uncomfortable.
I think they are making way too much out of it honestly.
And that is what happens when you force change on people without making them realize the scope of things first.

Let it rest

Peace matters

Posté Fri 16 Dec 05 @ 5:27 pm
bogartPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I'd like to jump in and wish everyone the very best holiday season.
Rick; you must have had a real softy fo ra DI. Mine beat the helll ut of me.
Gauge; Be careful and get back here safe./

Posté Fri 16 Dec 05 @ 11:22 pm
Merry christmas to all.. this forum is great, so is the whole VDj comunity..
theres been a bit of controversy about the use of the word christmas and even singing carols here in Australia.. People are too politcaly correct. ah well merry christmas
peace love respect

Posté Sat 17 Dec 05 @ 8:16 am
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
Mery Christmas

Posté Sat 17 Dec 05 @ 2:29 pm
font29PRO InfinityMember since 2005
Hi everyone, Thanks for answering my post best wishes to everybody. Happy to see a Free Iraq. Me being from a country like Cuba that has been rule by a Dictator (Fidel) for some many years. It makes me feel good to see the Iraqi people voting on a free and Democratic country.
Rick return Home save and tanks for your service to this Great Country.


Posté Sun 18 Dec 05 @ 10:38 pm
Merry Christmas to all my VDJ Family and remember this year WHO is the reason for the season...


Posté Mon 19 Dec 05 @ 1:30 am
Merry Christmas to all!! Keep spinnin'!!

Posté Mon 19 Dec 05 @ 2:23 am
frd1963PRO InfinityMember since 2004
Happy ChrismaHanuKwanaakamadaan to all.
And happy new year, or mid year, depending on your calendar.
I apologize to anyone who doesn't like being happy, and likes to wallow in sadness. Also to those who wish not to acknowledge the inevitable year-by-year advance of time.

What an extra load of baggage trying to be politically correct.
How about everyone say what they feel and then political correctness can be the responsibility of the listener; being mature enough not to be offended by something that was never meant to be offensive ;)

On that note.... Merry Christmas!
... and note that by this I simply mean that I hope that the Holiday that I celebrate somehow brings joy to you also.


Posté Mon 19 Dec 05 @ 4:11 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Well said, best to all on the planet in your preferred way

Posté Mon 19 Dec 05 @ 5:57 pm
Happy Holidays to all. May the God of your choice and/or Higher Power bless you through out the New Year.

Posté Mon 19 Dec 05 @ 11:57 pm
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005

Happy Holidays! enjoy this seasson and be with someone, not past these holidays alone. Sharing is the spirit...

Joy these days! and do all to be happy and make happy others too (specially the kids)...

Smile, it always work.

Posté Tue 20 Dec 05 @ 4:45 am

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