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Sujet more mouse scratch demos

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well here are a few more mouse scratch demos i've done recently.

one of these days i may get around to making a video, but for now i dont have the time


Posté Fri 16 Dec 05 @ 10:29 am
D-O-GHome userMember since 2005
Wow, they're really good. Honestly never expected that. Also, how did you get those effects (You can tell I'm a noob, but I know good mixes when I hear them)?

Posté Fri 16 Dec 05 @ 2:24 pm
well not really a mix, lol just a beat with some samples scratched up lol

do a search for "scratch samples" and you might come up with something.

i get mine from a dj buddy of mine whose name i cant release lol

but yeah all that scratching is completly possible with a mouse and keyboard shortcuts and lots of practice


Posté Fri 16 Dec 05 @ 3:03 pm
There is a pinned thread over at DJ forums that has a *REALLY* good list of the best scratch records (CDs) to buy. A the top of that list is Super Duck Breaks, which I just got yesterday. I gotta say, this is the best CD I've come across with good scratch sounds like "ahhhhhh, this stuff is really freeessssshhhhh". It also has plain and funky free beats to scratch on top of. I've you're an aspiring scratch artist, I suggest you check the list at Dj forums and specifically the Super Duck CD. I'm not a huge scratch guy so this probably the only scratch CD I'll buy but at least I have a good one!

Posté Fri 16 Dec 05 @ 8:35 pm
lack1PRO InfinityMember since 2004
How do you get that sound.

Posté Fri 16 Dec 05 @ 10:21 pm
Gauge has done it again. Good demos and I still am amazed that you get this with a mouse and keyboard. Amazing.

Posté Sat 17 Dec 05 @ 12:58 am
thanks anewsome! i'm workin on a couple more i will upload in the next day or so... i really would like to do a tutorial video on it, seems there are tutorials for every other type of hardware lol. what about us mouse users.

anyway i will post the link again here if i add any new stuff



2 weeks left

Posté Sat 17 Dec 05 @ 10:42 am
ok i threw another one together. i'm runnin out of scratch samples lol

same link as above. the new one is scratchpractice4.

if anyone wants some help with learning how to do this please let me know i would love to help anyone out. or if you can do better let me know and maybe we can get us a little mouse scratchin battle going sometime. lol

thanks alot everyone for the continued support


dec 21st hercules will be at my doorstep

Posté Sat 17 Dec 05 @ 11:33 am
Hey DJ Gauge,
how the poopy anus do you get the wicky wickey-wah sound? I know how to do it on a turntable but how do you do it with a mouse?

Posté Sat 17 Dec 05 @ 8:08 pm
same way you do with turntables crossafader and record control

btw, which wickey wickey wahhh sound?



Posté Sat 17 Dec 05 @ 8:40 pm
I tried it like you do it with a turntable. I think I am doing it wrong though. So how do you do it?


Posté Sun 18 Dec 05 @ 2:01 am
TheTurkPRO InfinityMember since 2005
it doesnt work for me when i open up one up a page with alot of weird writing comes up..
and id really love to know what it sounds like because i use the mouse to do my scratches to and also with the crossfader....
i use atomix mp3 2.3 though

Posté Sun 18 Dec 05 @ 2:44 am
Very good wernt rdy 4 dat, wish i cud scratch like dat

Posté Sun 18 Dec 05 @ 4:40 am
i'm not sure which sound your talking about but mainly the work i do is open crossfader but i do work with the crossfader too.


Posté Sun 18 Dec 05 @ 5:07 am
lack1PRO InfinityMember since 2004
Is it possible you could give a step by step.

Posté Sun 18 Dec 05 @ 6:19 am
well its kinda difficult to tell someone how to do it but i will try

have a beat runnin, and a scratch sample on other deck, make sure scratch sample sint too loud.

then click and drag on record and release at different points to play out some of the sample.

use keyboard shortcuts to control crossfader so you can cut in and out of sample.

i will make a tutorial video when i get home if i have time between getting drunk and sleeping, we will see.


Posté Sun 18 Dec 05 @ 7:55 am
lack1PRO InfinityMember since 2004
Where do you get the good scratch samples?

Posté Mon 19 Dec 05 @ 4:53 am
vinyl, cds, mp3s online...

do a search for "scratch sample mp3s"

but i don't promote illegal music sharing


Posté Mon 19 Dec 05 @ 6:05 am
D-O-GHome userMember since 2005
Thanks to your instructions Im not having too much fun mixing. The more I mix, the more I appreciate the quality of yours. So great job on the mixes and instructions. I'll post some of my samples soon once i get the right sounds going for me.

Posté Thu 22 Dec 05 @ 6:18 pm
dont give up, it just takes practice


Posté Fri 23 Dec 05 @ 4:46 am

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