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Sujet Profanity or not On the radio - Page: 2

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bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Now you guys are learning the value of censorship, hehehe.

Posté Tue 10 Jan 06 @ 5:06 pm
djcityPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Looks like I started something.

Don't ya just love it when a new member sparks up such a good conversation or touches on a good subject?

I'm a DJ so I ain't really down with censorship. I like to be able to play or hear whatever I want. Some of the music you hear on the redio is good when you have only heard the clean version, but when you hear the origional version your like...Woah.....NOW I get it. NOW it makes sence. A good example of this is the song "Play" by David Banner. The radio version to me sucked but that is the only version I hed heard. I could not see what people saw in this song or why it was popular or even how it wound up getting play in major rotation on radio and video.

Then I heard the unedited version.

The song suddenly made sence, I saw the appeal of the song and understood why it was so popular.

I still don't like it but I know it's a "MUST PLAY" kinda song for a club or cabaret.

I also believe in censorship on the PUBLIC RADIO AIRWAVES" AM & FM radio. This is because kids listen to the radio and you do not want to offend listeners in the general public. XM radio, SIRRIUS radio (Both satelite radio) should not have the same restrictions. Internet radio should also remanl WIDE OPEN.

Just my opinion.


Posté Tue 10 Jan 06 @ 5:12 pm
Agree to that... Cencorship does have an important role to play, when it comes to kids!

Never been discussed here before, guess thats why it sparked up some discussion ;)

Posté Tue 10 Jan 06 @ 5:20 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Yepp, we used to have a big debate that would reach 50 or more posts about once a month, seems to be more rare these days, so thanks! :).

I've gotta a feeling this debate might heat up with or without my involvment, but my mind tells me to doubt it.

Anyone else believe in the moral code over the (current) social code?.

I'm just writing from my ideal not from what I do, you can't be an Urban/commercial DJ these days without touching on this type of criteria, I just thought the "mr wendall" days were a bit more thought out, things like crime rates and early teen pregnancies do indicate there is a problem, perhaps the music is a reflection of this rather than the root of this, I prefer to think they both bounce off each other which has to be true.., true?, truth? - since when has that been important!, F**k this I'm out of here!.

Posté Tue 10 Jan 06 @ 5:23 pm
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
yes we are censoring ourselves but we don't like it. Norway is organizing a protest as we post. ha ha

note to Dj City
3 topics to aviod censorship, religion, war/politics

...but always good for conversation :)

Bagpuss i think it's always been more a reflection, i believe "Mr Wendel" was about the same time 1991-1992 or if not after 2pac "brenda's got a baby" so i think topics or the subject matter has always been in music, it just might be more obvious today.

Posté Tue 10 Jan 06 @ 5:23 pm
The music scene of today might put some self-justice to themselves though...

Its sometimes pretty lame listening to some of the stupid lyrics :) Not to cencor it, but the industry itself should maybe clean up the act a bit.. so to speak... hehe

Sexual lyrics and profanity only for the sake of "entertaining" can in the end become pretty silly, when the "strong" words have lost their meaning...

And another issue is all the urban lyrics of today that are pretty derogatory about women... making women in general look pretty slutty ;) If some girls react to that, I can understand them for sure...

In the end, it would kinda be good to have a CHOICE :) not to hear profanity and sexual lyrics EVERYWHERE, as you do today... specially after hiphop and urban music becomming main-stream...

Its a "pornofication" of the public arena for sure :)
I sometimes just get a bit fed up... hehe

But as of today, you dont have a real choice... you hear sexual lyrics, profanity ... everywhere...

Guess thats what the world have come too ;)

MAYBE the industry will "clean up their act" in the end.. when profanity and sexual imagery is not that entertaining anymore, but just plain silly.. .in peoples opinions :) might take a while though


Posté Tue 10 Jan 06 @ 5:40 pm
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
I agree totally ..... but in the US I think we kind of sexually sheltered, so as a result it's always seen as the "forbidden fruit" you can't get enough of. The music industry knows as well as any other industry for that matter that sex and violence sells, so its not really about what's moral but rather what sells.


Posté Tue 10 Jan 06 @ 5:51 pm
exactly... And I do think thats true... It "sells better" in USA, because of your history of "cencoring" sexual imagery.. While in Europe, it can be seen as a bit silly sometimes...

Candy Shop lyrics by 50 cent is a laugh if you ask me, only "kids" and "unmature" people here in Europe will find that really amuzing. It has a "teen appeal". But it might "sell" better to an american audience, generally speaking.. because it "shocks" them, sells... have an edge. To many Europeans, i think it's just kinda silly lyrics..hehe...doesnt have an edge, is not any "shocking" - to them

After all, we have had nude beaches, more sexual and nude scenes in films and magazines, than Americans.. for a decade or two... hehe ;)

just my 50 cent.. hehe

Posté Tue 10 Jan 06 @ 5:59 pm
I agree there is nothing worse than bleeps in songs ,this side of town they even edited blk eyed peas song Dont phunk with my heart . back in the early 90'' remember the outer brothers they had a problem with a couple of there songs.. Its almost as bad as the Jerry springer show with all the beeps lol
Cheers Graham [musicmatch]

Posté Tue 10 Jan 06 @ 6:10 pm
Funny thing aobut that BEP track at least the video track, and they re-released it the next month.
The track was altered such that the word/moment had the volume dropped confirming even the edit "funk" wasn't good enough, which now brought even more attention by emphasizing it.
BEP seems to be on a mission to skirt every limit as close as they can.

These tracks have such a short lifespan that it's not even worrying about not having it in some cases.
What is it, 1 in 10 on a monthly that makes it to playtime?
Funny to listen to the tracks all chopped up and mutilated with edits, will the artists ever get the message.....


Posté Tue 10 Jan 06 @ 8:48 pm
an area where cencorship is perfectly allowed, is beeping out that Crazy Frog bing-bing-bing... :) hehe...

Posté Tue 10 Jan 06 @ 9:37 pm
djcityPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Artists will ALWAYS make explicit music and the labels will ALWAYS push those songs.

The difference in todays music and music from as far back as 40yrs ago is that the population has demanded to hear the music played mainstream.

Alot of this music would have been strictly "Underground" just a few years ago. Not played on the radio at all.

The demand for "RAW" music and lyrics has made the music mainstream. No matter how bad it sounde with all the bleeping, dropouts, reverses, and subitute words.

It's the nature of the beast.


Posté Tue 10 Jan 06 @ 10:42 pm
djejPRO InfinityMember since 2004
This is such a funny forum ;) My two cents on vdj radio. Those who come there choose too. it's not advertised, it's not in your car......or the car your kids ride in. you seek it out. Not sure how many of you have satellite radio but it's the only thing I can listen to. (XM insert Opie and Anthony commercial)Marketing and commercials have killed regular radio imho. Satellite is something I seeked out. So vdj to me should be uncensored. I'm not a big fan of the explicit lyrics or subject matter sometimes but it is what it is. Regular radio should be censored, for the kids. Some of the rap lyrics are way to f^&%$$#ked up. (to keep with the funny part of the thread I liked :)

Posté Wed 11 Jan 06 @ 1:10 am
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
i wish people would quit caring so much about different types of words, at the end of the day everyone grows up to know them so to shelter kids from them is almost naieve and pointless. whats more important is teaching kids more important life lessons like dont swear at your boss lol. i personaly think that censoring TV and music just hypes up swearing, at the end of the day its not that amazing, they are just words at the end of the day, words that would not have any meaning at all if they were not widely used to begin with.

If you wanna hear an overblown censorship storey ive got one for ya. if you ever saw the crazy frog ringtone adverts with that stupid animated frog that mimes to an ancient sound effect ull remember that the frog thing is bare ass naked. well it used to have a little (best i can describe it as is nozle or something) between its legs, and within a week or something this was blacked out with a CENSORED sign. i just wanna know what idiot phoned it in to MTV or whatever to complain about something so stupid. this is the nanny state gone crazy.

i dont WANT to hear swearing in songs but id prefer the real lyrics/meaning over some stupid sound effect, and even worse total cut. at the end of the day if some bad as gangster wants to chat shit about how much wong hes got or how much ozone his fleet of 4x4s deplete then its not gonna sound so 'bling' with out a nice fat expletive to acentuate it.

Posté Wed 11 Jan 06 @ 1:22 am
@ DJ Xeo
Sounds like you don't have kids. I am truely fed up with Hip Hop myself. Sadly to say that it has nothing to do with the's the lyrics. The music is bumping and banging...but how many songs can you hear that tell woman to shake it, grind it, bend it over, slap or even pump it. I mean enough is enough. It is embarressing for me to drive with my kids and hear someone say that he is as hard as a jolly rancher. Or he will take you to a candy shop where you will lick his lollipop. I mean "basta ya". We have an awesome radio station hear in Chicago that has a demographic to 12-39 year olds. Laffy Taffy, Candy Shop, My Humps...all those songs for 12 year olds? Hum...then we wonder why teens are now having sex here in the US at the age of 12. Back in my day, it was 17 or 18. Also 1 out of every 5 teens think that oral sex is like making out. There is nothing wrong with it. All that it is doing is destroying our future. Believe me...the last thing that I dream of for my girls is for them to be "Hoes" shaking thier Laffy Taffy and backing that thing up. There is much more out of life. So Bagpuss, I am with you. Cool out on all the Audio Porn so that there would be no need to censor any radio stations.
When you are playing for adults...then by all means get as dirty as you can as you are dealing with adults.

But should VDJ Radio be Just do what I my kids are around...turn it off. If there are too many F bombs...turn it off.

I would like my kids to grow up and be different...not Thugs and Hoes.


Posté Wed 11 Jan 06 @ 4:26 am

Feel a lot the same way as you Maddsound.

First of all its all pretty silly, and imbarissing on the artists behalf that they can't make any better and more insteresting lyrics....

Then, secondly... Its pretty damn strong sexual imagery, that I would at least want to have a choice if I wanted kids to hear or not... And you cant today, its all over the place....

And third, this "audio porno" and sexualisation of the public arena might sell in the beginning, but in the end most people would just be fed up by it, and feel like you Maddsound... enough is enough.. Clean up the act...

Does that mean I want cencorship? No... maybe towards kids.. but I rather hope that the market-forces will bring the sales down for supid silly sexual imagery in lyrics, and open up for strong meaningfull words. That the industry itself would clean up..

But then again, that might be believing in Santa.. hehe:) and might take awhile


Posté Wed 11 Jan 06 @ 11:25 am
"i dont WANT to hear swearing in songs but id prefer the real lyrics/meaning over some stupid sound effect, and even worse total cut"

I do gigs for church youth dances, so of course I have to make sure all the songs I play are clean from explicit words. However, just because you take the bad word out doesn't mean you have to replace it with some stupid sound effect or have a total cut. I have spent a lot of time editing songs in such a way that it still sounds good (and used VDJ for almost all of it). One of the ways that works best is if you can record a sample from a different part of the song with no words, and replace the bad words with that. Obviously it works better on some songs than on others, but sometimes the result can sound as good as the original, but without the bad words.

Posté Sun 29 Jan 06 @ 1:00 am
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
Thanks for the handy information Steve!. VirtualDJ allow us to use many things.

Posté Sun 29 Jan 06 @ 1:09 am
Is there away to assign a key to the reverse effect but for it to only last for (half) a beat? That's a good way to skip over profanity without an unrealistic sounding cut or vocal effect.

Posté Sun 29 Jan 06 @ 1:10 am
Just right click on the effect and hold it for half a beat or however long you want to.

Posté Sun 29 Jan 06 @ 1:18 am