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Forum: Old versions

Sujet: Promoonly DVD Ripping

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Hi everyone,

I need to rip my DVD library (100+ DVD's) to DivX (MPEG4) to run on VDJ. I've had several software recommendations (#1 DVD etc.) but none seem to have a naming feature like most audio ripping programs have (Audiograbber, Nero etc.). Does EVERYONE here manually name each track after they are ripped? I'd really like to automate this.

Again, I'm using Promoonly DVD's. I know someone out there has to have solved this problem.

Thanks a million,

Shawn Weber

Posté Fri 27 Jan 06 @ 9:20 pm
Search for "Smartripper", It's free and it works.

smart ripper can be found on


Thanks for the links acw dj.

Would you mind spelling out the process for me?
I've used DivX Converter to change files to DivX, but they won't play in VDJ.

What am I doing wrong?


VDJ->Config->Extensions-> ADD Divx - Video Decoder. Ok.

hmmm, I just tried that now and I couldn't get my .dvix video's to load.

I went to extentions and clicked 'ADD'. Then in the EXTENTION field I entered 'dvix' and in the DECODER field i selected 'Video Decoder'. Then I looked in the folder my .dvix videos were stored in, and it was empty. I tried quitting VDJ and restarting with no effect.

Any thoughts?

Maybe i'm missing something. Don't you have to have the decoder? You can't just type in the words. Unless the decoder is already on the machine somewhere.

I didn't just type in the words. I scrolled down and selected 'Video Decoder', the same one thats used for 'mpg, mpeg, avi, vob'. I did type 'divx' into the extention field though.

un check the ac3 box

I do not see an 'AC3 Box' anywhere in the EXTENTIONS tab of the CONFIG. Please be more specific.

I thought Divx files were .avi?!...

With regards to the "AUTO-NAMING" some of the promo-only (Not but one so for in my beginnings) will come up with the DVD RIP progam included with VDJ... Oddly (and I'll check to post a bug) the last track won't import with DVD Rip from VDJ.

I think shawnweber meant NOT to encode with AC3... Promo-Only discs, however, DO NOT COME encoded with AC3, they are LPCM which works fine in VDJ assuming you are using an EXTERNAL DECODER, for the internal decoder (at least right now) these files (As MPEGS) need to be 44.1 KHz otherwise the audio distorts. As far as Divx, be forewarned, the compression you pick, will be your last... find one that works well for you before you start compressing everything.

Are you going to be playing videos in bars that use HD Video monitors/TVs? If so, how much you compress MAY affect how good the video will look in the next 2 or 3 years... You might save yourself a lot of time and aggrevation and just buy 3 or 4 large HDDs and make no changes to the compression (i.e. Divx)

"i.e. Dvix"?!?!?
I was under the impression that Dvix was MASSIVE compression. Maybe I'm misinterperting you.

I think you are... I meant that one should NOT compress anymore beyond what .vob/.mpg has already compressed the videos AS ONE WOULD (In otherwords) using DIVX...

Sorry if that was misunderstood.

I don't suppose this AC3 Filter will do anything with VDJ, just for DivX, right?

i was having trouble with VDJ not showing my VOB files ripped from store bought dvd - i was told to re rip and in the ripping software to uncheck the AC3 box - it worked great

I get less quality from the same harddisk based VOB file ( ripped from a dvd) played on VDJ Vs any regular DVD player like Power DVD - any explanation

I'm going to assume you are talking about the audio? But if you are talking about the video, it could be your video decoder (CODEC). NVidia has a PUREVIDEO decoder that comes with a free 30 day trial, goto and download that codec and try it out.

However, if this is an audio problem, this is a known issue. VDJ uses, as far as I know and have read, an internal audio decoder EVEN when you are using an external video decoder (Someone please correct me if I'm wrong). Consequently, VDJ is trying to playback audio samples that are higher than 44.1 KHz (Promo Only, for example, has 48 KHz Sample Rates on their LPCM audio). The result is lower quality sound.

There are some work arounds for this until it is addressed fully. I believe I read on here that it will be addressed in the next patch/update. I'm eager for that.


talking video - could you explain what I download and how I add that to my system

also - I was thinking of buying a 96khtz sound card to copy vinyl to pc file - will this be a problem to play on vdj

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