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Sujet SPECIFY A DATE AND TIME 4 VDJ to General Public - Page: 1

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I absolutely agree with the exclusivity of the event, however, why don't the VDJ team or webmasters be more specific and set a date for the release to the general public, WHY THE MISTERY?, it's not like anybody will download the software and storm down to the expo just to say that he or she had it first than anybody. If VDJ had set a date for the general public release of the software, everybody will be patient enough to wait to that specific date and time and not wonder around the website to see if it's been released and be disapointed to find out that it's not.

Posté Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 10:01 pm

Its a matter of practicalities... All the Corporate Staff is attending this major release together with Numark at the DJ Expo.

So it will be released as planned middle of week, when the Corp Staff have the chance to leave the expo for making the hardcode that is needed to provide the release here at the website..

But dont worry, it will be done;) Not on the hour of the countdown I made, but close ... :)

Posté Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 10:06 pm

Countdown for estimated release-time of Virtual DJ 4:

Virtual DJ 4 was released TODAY at the DJ Expo in Atlantic City.

This being exclusive to the dj expo event, the release at this forum will be at the estimated time above... (Its an ESTIMATE, not official countdown) ;)

Posté Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 10:06 pm
Besides the sound engine and keylock feature, which are hugh don't get me wrong, are there any other drastic improvements? Just wondering.

Posté Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 10:42 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
drastic? well you've seen the skin is NEW, other than that all I can say is that it's a balanced update.

Posté Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 10:52 pm
It looks like some people are afraid the clock above will be at zero later than

but anyone has to test it on their own. :-)


Posté Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 11:00 pm
DJ FORMATPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
YES Video
YES Sound Engine
YES Keylock feature
YES New Skin

New Features for skining


Posté Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 11:07 pm
So dj-in-norway you are the only one left behind to keep up the forum?

I think they create a big show of the release. Firework or something else. They would set up an introduction everybody is amazed of. It would not help if all full version users already got it: That is not a real introduction.
So we will have to wait some days longer, not a really big deal, in my opinion.

Posté Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 12:12 am
hopefully there will be pictures made available tomorrow... ;)

And I'm left behind yes... ;)


Posté Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 12:13 am
Yes, pictures would be nice. The trouble is the time difference. Before most of the visitors and team members leave the expo it will be already night here in europe.

but your not completely on your own, JeremK is also posting from France.

Posté Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 12:37 am
hehe... true...

We are a few holding the fortress ... Cel, Jerem, ACW, Lolo and more ;) They forgot us at the

But like they sing for Liverpool FC.... "you'll never walk alone" ;)
Always crowded at VDJ forum...hehe..

Posté Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 12:41 am
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
That's why you have VIPs, basically the salvation army, the unpaid heros :D

Posté Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 12:48 am
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
And yes i couldn't have gone to the USA this year :-(

But like that i will answer all the questions when v4 is released ;-)

Posté Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 12:53 am
DJ-ALFPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2005
Hey, I'm here too :)

Posté Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 2:08 am
DJ FORMATPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
dj-in-norway I LIKE YOU MAN you are COOL
I will Help if needed

ALL BE HAPPY FOR THE VDJ 4.0 BECOS WE LOVE VDJ 3.4 and dj-in-norway ?? lol

Posté Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 3:42 am
DJ FORMATPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003

Posté Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 3:51 am
2 days and a half aprox....

Posté Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 4:23 am
Has no one asked if V4 has a better Master Tempo? I'd love to know? Thats really the only thing I miss on 3.4, the MT is aweful! =)

Posté Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 3:10 pm
walletPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Hi All

Please coulod someone assist me with a query or maybe experienced a similar problem with the mkII ?


Posté Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 3:33 pm
erxonPRO InfinityMember since 2003
halo_djk wrote :
Has no one asked if V4 has a better Master Tempo? I'd love to know? Thats really the only thing I miss on 3.4, the MT is aweful! =)

If you would search the forum, you would see a lot of questions about that, and about the same number of answers. ;)

Posté Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 3:35 pm