Hey everyone....I just hooked up my VDJ with the maya usb but the time coded vinyls sounds really crappy when i scratch on them....does anyone know how to fix that problem or am i using bad setting?? please help Thanks
Posté Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 4:21 am
One of the other users anwered your same post in the general section, but it pretty much sums up to check your latency settings and lower them, just as a precaution are your tt's grounded?
Posté Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 7:27 am
i tried lowering the latency to normal and relaxed...problem still exsist, and i grounded my tt's to the mixer...i'm using a laptop
Posté Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 7:59 am
You should wait one of Maya owners and TCV users to help you than. Sorry to hear that you still have problems.
Posté Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 8:06 am
i think i might be makin progress....I increased the volume on the maya and grounded the tts still no luck....but i tried the maya on my table top cd players with the time coded cds and i didn't need to check off "softare RIAA preamp" i recieve a 100% Timecode quality.....I'm starting to think, maybe the output from my tt are not high enough for the maya to read the signal without "softare RIAA preamp" I am running the Vinyl on a Gemini PT-1000II tables.....when using the cd players, the maya input and output section lights up with green lights, with the turntable only the output section lights up....do i need new tables???
Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 2:19 am
It seems that your TT's have low output level, do you have a external mixer with phono inputs? You should try that way because mixer has a pre-amp in phono inputs and should have level as a cd player.
Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 8:32 am
My mixers does have line or phono imputs, but that's not going to help if tt has to be pluged into maya before going to the mixer.....but i think i found the problem, i will find out for sure later on today....I think its the cartridge i am using....the output voltage on them are only 6mV....i got word that i need at least and output of over 9mV to really get the 100% timecoded quality....
Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 2:56 pm
Is it your TCV playback that sounds bad, or is it only when you scratch?
Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 3:02 pm
its bad when i scratch
Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 3:20 pm