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just joking PdnMusic;)

Stutter is something Numark hardware has...
It jumps back to cue1. Or where you started song from... Each time you press play, and continues to play from the "stutter point"... a quick jump back if you like, and can be used creativily...

Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 4:14 pm
Ok Norway, so it's more likely to CUE. Good.

I used it, but didn't realised it has name changed. LOL

Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 4:19 pm

Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 4:21 pm
santdPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I dont think I like the new Looping feature. All my hardware is Numark Gear and hitting the in loop and out loop button is a pain sometimes on a cd player, a computer can not have a better response time. For looping you have to be dead on point. I like to loop the sh!t out of tracks then work the sampler over them. This only works if the loops are perfectly in sync.

I use Axis 9 cd decks, they do have the smart looping feature, I forgot how to use it, does the smart looping create perfect loops?

Looping is my favorite feature in 3.4.

Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 4:24 pm
apopsisdjPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2003
santd wrote :
does the smart looping create perfect loops?

yyyEES... -)
(if bpm is correct)
For me one of the best new features in 4.0 !

Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 4:39 pm
apopsis wrote :
santd wrote :
does the smart looping create perfect loops?

yyyEES... -)
(if bpm is correct)
For me one of the best new features in 4.0 !

from what i understand it also snaps the loop start and loop end to a beat.

Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 5:41 pm
dj_cashPRO InfinityMember since 2004
it's possible to download the DAC3 skin, for VDJ 4.0... but I still can't download the Vmix-skin...

Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 6:06 pm
can't be long now! come ooooon :p

Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 7:15 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Well the waiting is soon to be over :)

All I can say to you all from my personal experience: Be sensible. Myself and the other VIPs have been testing this program for months now, and every single one of us are over the moon with the result, it's very stable for us all, but that's not to say it will be stable for you!

- Remember the software has been rewritten, so in this respect be cautious and experiment with the app like you would with a new program.

- If you have any performance problems, please consult the settings using your common sense as to what means what, or come here and ask, but please don't do any bashing until you've received qualified advice from an experienced user of 4.0 (VIP) or a member of support staff.

- It wont hurt to keep a back-up of 3.4 just in case you should need or want to use it, that goes for your Database files too.

So please bear this in mind before any of you think about downloading it and running out to a gig 5 minutes later, test it, you will not get anybodies sympathy if you run this at a gig scenario, and return here with some sort of horror story, having not tested the update thoroughly.

Of course most of you know this, but there are always exceptions when updates are released :).
Good VDJ 4.0 mixing ;).

Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 7:49 pm
If it comes out tonight, and fares well at home through tommorow, Its going with me to my gig on friday. Of course, I'm going to put it through its paces thoroughly in advance. First step for everyone though should be just making a copy of your vdj directory to be on the safe side (its a bit of overkill actually, but better safe than sorry).

Hell, back up the virtualdj registry folder while you're at it (if you know what you're doing).

Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 8:05 pm
blackgold9 wrote :
If it comes out tonight, and fares well at home through tommorow, Its going with me to my gig on friday. Of course, I'm going to put it through its paces thoroughly in advance. First step for everyone though should be just making a copy of your vdj directory to be on the safe side (its a bit of overkill actually, but better safe than sorry).

Hell, back up the virtualdj registry folder while you're at it (if you know what you're doing).

same here. i'm gonna be brave (or stupid) and give it a run out on friday, haha.

Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 8:14 pm
Being 2.30pm in the states now, how long until we reckon it's gonna be tomorrow. I think if it's not up by 6-7pm over there (that's 11pm-midnight over here in the uk) then I think we're gonna be waiting another day :(

We should have had a sweepstake going for this. Everyone takes a half hour timeslot and whoever wins get the upgrade to v4 for FREE ;) :p

Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 8:34 pm
ummm, we already get the upgrade for free ;)

Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 8:35 pm
It's already free for a lot of us! :D... you'll have to come up with something else.

I got 3 hours 20 min from the time of the post. It's now 20:36 (8:36 PM) in Germany!

Please tell me I am not the only one refresh like I've gone mad. *embarresed*

all this hype is making making this evening exciting!

Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 8:38 pm
blackgold9 wrote :
ummm, we already get the upgrade for free ;)

i know, forums are pretty hard to express humour and sarcasm though

Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 8:38 pm
ahh, my apoligies esteemed forum-mate

Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 8:40 pm
blackgold9 wrote :
ahh, my apoligies esteemed forum-mate

lol, no problemo.

Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 8:42 pm
apopsis wrote :
santd wrote :
does the smart looping create perfect loops?

yyyEES... -)
(if bpm is correct)
For me one of the best new features in 4.0 !

That would be so useful to have particularly during those tight transitions.

Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 9:29 pm
Well I could sit here all night hitting refresh - but I think i will go down the pub. Several beers should help to get to sleep tonight ensuring santa will indeed come as I think i've been good.

Guess what the first web site is I will be going on in the morning !

Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 9:38 pm
TexZKPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Will the "smart loop" crossfade with the last and first sample of a loop? I think this is the way it works. It' also the same thing I use when I do linear interpolating in my plugins: I "crossfade" between the previous and the next sample/buffer ;-D If I'm right, I think that's a great thing, because it doesn't "cut" the sound too much!

Posté Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 9:38 pm