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Sujet To all SSL users - VDJ4 works with your soundcard box and SSL crates - Page: 2

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im afraid to say im with paul on this VDJ is good has alot of features which make it a good alrounder but as far as TCV SSL is still better, and also apperently more stable judging by alot of the probs people have been having. Also alot of DJ think that mixing with video is a gimmick anyway. Like who wants the croud to watch some vid anyway instead of dancing or looking at them LOL thats another issue all togethor.

What i thinks funny rthou is i know fine well alot of people who are saying that SSL users should switch havent even used SSL. or any other products on the market for that matter.


Posté Fri 25 Aug 06 @ 8:10 pm
I think it depends on the venue and type of gig.. I can see where video would be cool. Bu tat the same time I also can see where it would not be..

Posté Fri 25 Aug 06 @ 8:12 pm
its just an option ;)

Noone is saying SSL users have to switch.. its just an option to also use VDJ if they like;)

Simply as that ...

Posté Fri 25 Aug 06 @ 8:27 pm
I happen to own both SSL & VDJ Im not big baller but just like learning new products and making comparisons. I play at many different clubs and each time run into something new regarding equipment. A true professional DJ should be able to play on any system so keep an open mind and dont get hung up on one thing you must grow as a DJ and explore new things. I love the idea of being able to use VDJ with my SSl box. VDJ is the future video Dj'ing is the next level. Next we will have smell coming out of a box to go along with the video scenes. Soon we will touch all senses on the dance floor.

Posté Fri 25 Aug 06 @ 8:53 pm
hehe... lets hope its a nice video with good smell then;)

Posté Fri 25 Aug 06 @ 8:57 pm
So.. how does one get his SSL crates into VDJ then eh?

SL1 works fine..

Posté Fri 25 Aug 06 @ 8:58 pm
paulheu wrote :
blackgold9 wrote :
Yes, you missed the point. VDJ is more full featured than SSL,

SSL has (IMO)
better sound


Can you explain more about the sound ?

the quality of sound ?

do you speak about the rendering of the audio or the quality of scratch simutation.

How can you compare the sound !

Sound is the more important for me.


P.S : i actually Compare VirtualDJ4.0 with Traktor 3.1 , with flac files !

but Traktor has his own flac decoder, And VirtualDj doesn't havve his own, so i use Flac directshowcodec with VirtualDJ.

No result - i test and i test before writting here.


Posté Fri 25 Aug 06 @ 9:21 pm
olivierbergman wrote :
paulheu wrote :
blackgold9 wrote :
Yes, you missed the point. VDJ is more full featured than SSL,

SSL has (IMO)
better sound

Can you explain more about the sound ?

the quality of sound ?

do you speak about the rendering of the audio or the quality of scratch simutation.

How can you compare the sound !

Well, first and foremost what you hear is always subjective. VDJ supports the SL1 audiobox so a direct comparison is possible.

To me the audio with SSL is richer with more depth, scratching sound much better (more natural) with SSL.

Mind you VDJ v4 is much, much improved over v3.4, while I hesitaed to use 3.4 because of the sound this is no issue for me with v4..

Posté Fri 25 Aug 06 @ 10:38 pm
@clore46,.. how can you say that vdj wave forms are better than ssl. there is exactly 1 thing better about vdj waveforms: they take up more screen real estate and you can see more of the waveform. that's it. end of story. there is nothing else that can be said about them being better. they are simple mono-color waveforms.

ssl waveforms are MUCH more complicated and present a whole lot more information in them, in a very informative way. coming from vdj and its simple waveform, i hated ssl waveforms at first. it didn't take me long to realize they are the best in the business.

a.) for one, the waveform is colored, somewhat like an fft map so you can see what the color of the sound is at a peak (beat). if you're looking at a vdj waveform, a snare peak, a vocal peak and a drum kick peak all look the same,.. a mono colored peak in the waveform. on ssl all these peaks in the waveform are represented with different colors. how is a mono-colored waveform better than that.

b.) secondly, ssl saves the entire waveform view of the song "in the song". this is why ssl tracks load INSTANTLY without even a blip of cpu load. vdj still takes a few momments to load the song, no matter how many times you load it.

c.) at the top of the waveform window you have the seperate view that can be used to match up tempos of the two tracks using the peaks view. now granted, vdj is able to match tempo with a click of a button or even automatically on loading the song, we're not talking about auto-bpm features. we're talking about waveforms and the ssl waveform has this feature and vdj waveform does not. it's useful, even if you have to manually adjust the slider on your turntable to make use of it.

d.) the vdj waveform is not only one color but it's only one view. the ssl waveform gives you what is really 4 views all simultaenously and in a very informative (and consistent) way. you get the overview of the song. the detail zoom of the wave for where you currently are in the song. the seperate area in the middle which are colored coded peaks (for aligning the two tracks) and the peaks temp view at the top for getting your tempo on your turntable adjusted properly. 4 views.

the vdj waveforms do not even come close to this, so i don't see how you can even compare the two. again, most of these features are not needed in vdj, since it can do things like match beats automatically, but on the point of waveforms, you can't really think that vdj waveforms are better can you?

Posté Fri 25 Aug 06 @ 11:06 pm
I have a question... not sure if I didnt' read it so far on this topic.
If you have a purchased pro version of version 4 can you use the Serato Soundcard and Serato Vinyl too?

My friend owns Serato and first chance I get I want to test that theory out if no one here has the answer. He loves Virtual DJ but has been waiting to buy it. He wants to do video mixing like me but if I told him that all he had to do was buy the software and not the TCV's, because he already has everything else... that would sell him in an instant.

Posté Fri 25 Aug 06 @ 11:44 pm
Yes. The Serato vinyls will work. Advantage, there are thousands of places in US to get them. You probably know 10 djs in your cellphone who already have them. Disadvantage, no needle drop.

Posté Sat 26 Aug 06 @ 3:21 am
so SSL vinyls work ;) Interesting;)

Maybe dev team will remove the intentional limitation of needle drop in the future ;)

Posté Sat 26 Aug 06 @ 3:41 am
i have a sl1 how do i set it up with my virtualdj pro 4.? buy the way great job on the version 4.0 keep up the good work. thanks alot!

Posté Sat 26 Aug 06 @ 3:55 am
no needle drop? I am actually alright with that. Does it at least support the "smart cue" and possibly the "browser track"?

My guess is the old TCV's for VDJ don't have the compatibility of "browser track"

What about just using the Serato Vinyls without their soundcard? That means I could go to guitar center and buy a Serato Vinyl to use as a back up possibly?... or at least until the Numark Vinyls are availible.

Posté Sat 26 Aug 06 @ 6:40 am
paulheu wrote :

Well, first and foremost what you hear is always subjective. VDJ supports the SL1 audiobox so a direct comparison is possible.

To me the audio with SSL is richer with more depth, scratching sound much better (more natural) with SSL.

Mind you VDJ v4 is much, much improved over v3.4, while I hesitaed to use 3.4 because of the sound this is no issue for me with v4..


And how you compare the rendering sound with DJDECKS ?

What i would like in Virtual Dj4.1 is the availability to set the audio engine at 24/96 KHZ in asio mode and
to insert a enhancer/exiter VST that process at 24/96 khz to add warm, harmonics to the original sound files of my flacs at 16/44 khz.

do you now if the ASIO engine in Virtual DJ is at 24/44 khz ? or at 16/44Khz ?

a mystery for me because i'm not able to change the resolution at 24/96KHZ ?

do the VST in Virtual Dj only work at 16/44 khz ?

Posté Sat 26 Aug 06 @ 9:38 am
olivierbergman wrote :

And how you compare the rendering sound with DJDECKS ?

What i would like in Virtual Dj4.1 is the availability to set the audio engine at 24/96 KHZ in asio mode and to insert a enhancer/exiter VST that process at 24/96 khz to add warm, harmonics to the original sound files of my flacs at 16/44 kh.

I feel djDecks uses (one of) the best audio engines there is for windows. And because it allows for a setup like you describe is one of the main reasons why I like djDecks so much better.

Posté Sat 26 Aug 06 @ 10:18 am
Hmmph. I wish I knew how to do those cool quote boxes that everyone seems to know how to do.

Anyway, I just wanted to say forget about using the SSL vinyls with VDJ at all. You really need to get VDJ TCV. That is the way to go. If you're really lucky then you have CD players and you can just burn a CD with the correct timecode on it.

That's my recommendation.

Posté Sat 26 Aug 06 @ 11:53 am
anewsome wrote :
Hmmph. I wish I knew how to do those cool quote boxes that everyone seems to know how to do..

Try the quote link at the top right of a post :)

Posté Sat 26 Aug 06 @ 12:49 pm
Trust me, there are no quote links at the top right of any posts. Not in my browser.

Posté Sat 26 Aug 06 @ 6:34 pm

Should be, or what browser do you use?

Posté Sat 26 Aug 06 @ 6:40 pm