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Sujet column order and column sort order in version 4...?

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In the previous version (3.4) you had a registry fix for this. Is there a way to do this in Version 4?

For some of those who don't understand..

column order of the brower window. In other words... have "Artist" first instead "title"... and have which ever column be the default sort order as well. I had mine set for BPM's before.

Posté Sun 27 Aug 06 @ 12:58 am
apopsisdjPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2003
its the same registry key "columnOrder" only that now the registry settings moved to:

Posté Sun 27 Aug 06 @ 3:21 am
Why would something like this not be a setting in the program accessible to the average user. Don't you guys who write these programs know 99% of your users are not programs and don't want to go messing around in the windows registry where one can do serious damage to the operation of the computer if one does not know what they are doing.

Posté Sun 27 Aug 06 @ 2:25 pm
true.. ;)

So new browser being worked at for 4.1 ;) with better features

Posté Sun 27 Aug 06 @ 2:27 pm
Thank you.......Don't want to sound pushy, but how soon if you know?

Any chance there will be a "delay" feature on the video fader when linked to the audio fader or a keyboard shortcut to operate the video fader by itself when NOT linked to the audio fader?

Posté Sun 27 Aug 06 @ 5:41 pm
dj-e-lectric wrote :
keyboard shortcut to operate the video fader by itself when NOT linked to the audio fader?

Thats easy ;)
Just make one..

keyboard shortcuts >> add >> video >> video crossfade

Asign +/- values for 2 different key, say +/- 128

Posté Sun 27 Aug 06 @ 5:44 pm
Dj Norway......Thanks, I'll try it tonight

Posté Mon 28 Aug 06 @ 3:20 am
Dj Norway, I tried setting it as you said (tried several different "time settings" ) but the only way it will work (sometimes) is if I check the box for "momentarily" and then it works as long as i keep the keyboard button pressed (so I can do cool strobing effects) but it won't fade over.............what am I doing wrong

Posté Mon 28 Aug 06 @ 1:32 pm
Dj Norway.......Got it to work in 3.4 the first time (sort of) I have to keep tapping the fader "stepping" it across the fade, which will get done what I need with a sore finger I imagine by the end of the night,.....what I was really hoping for is I could set a fade rate of say 2 seconds (like the audio fader in autoplay mode) and then I would hit the key stroke once and it would make a nice 2 second video fade. Any way to do this or is a full blown plug-in needed for that?

Posté Mon 28 Aug 06 @ 2:36 pm
Never mind, Supacons new skin will do this from the skin..........Way to go Supacon! This feature should be standard in all skins!

Posté Wed 30 Aug 06 @ 1:30 pm

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