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Sujet Numark CUE

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Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
are there any planned website changes for CUEs introduction

Posté Tue 29 Aug 06 @ 12:14 am
I think an optional user selectable black/silver/grey/white styled theme would look cool.

Posté Tue 29 Aug 06 @ 12:24 am
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
i mean cause im sure they wont market it under CUE in the US and have it say VDJ on the website, maybe it will have a separate website

Posté Tue 29 Aug 06 @ 12:38 am
I would have thought that Numark would provide their own telephone support but any Cue users ending up on here will probably be through their own research. I guess we'll have to wait and see; maybe it will be like the Atomix MP3 site where it's using a different layout and branding but perhaps only the main three forums will be accessible.

Posté Tue 29 Aug 06 @ 12:43 am
I actually think that the look of the website is QUITE outdated... I was hoping that it was going to be changed on v4 release, but it seems that the team didn't have time before the expo.

IMO the website does not give a professional "feeling" at all; it's not very attractive.
Again, some might disagree... but oh well, just my opinion.

Posté Tue 29 Aug 06 @ 3:06 am
yupp. I agree. As always... not all to happy with the visual profile of VDJ in general. Been grumpy about it before on theese forums... hehe. Perhaps it's because I work with visual mediums myself and are a little more picky than the average user or perhaps my taste is just off. Anyway, I think the new VDJ skin is a very nice step in the right direction (although we should be supplied with an widescreen version as well).

Now simply change the name from Virtual DJ to VJD, and rewamp these pages and a lot will be done in terms of marketing/branding. Perhaps even a new logo? Well... either way, V4 is a solid piece of software.

Posté Tue 29 Aug 06 @ 4:22 am
DJ-ALFPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2005

Posté Tue 29 Aug 06 @ 7:42 pm
Now, those were the days! LOL Well, at least things are moving in the right direction...

Posté Wed 30 Aug 06 @ 1:52 am

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