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Sujet What you can do if your good @ video mixing... CHECK IT!

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l_ridsPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Anybody heard of Jordan Laws? Anyways I came across him by browsing through the net and damn, this guy has got skillz. He shows of video mixing on pioneer dvj's however. Mixing mainly rnb hip hop.

Take a look...

Posté Tue 29 Aug 06 @ 3:41 am
In the beginning of the video, he wasn’t that good. It just doesn’t mix well. Later on it get’s better, but it still isn’t that good. It is a good example of the future of Video mixing, though. I've been practicing using music videos to mix and it's harder because you have to control the audio and the video separately.

Another one, he made that I think is better:

Posté Tue 29 Aug 06 @ 4:02 am
I think the videos are good. Looks like there's some editing and production work tho....

Posté Tue 29 Aug 06 @ 5:27 am
SiDHEaDPRO SubscriberMember since 2005
You're right, that's pretty smart!!

Posté Tue 29 Aug 06 @ 10:59 am

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