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Sujet Volume of song playing gets louder after the scan of the song is complete

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VDJ Version 4.0

After a video is loaded, if the song is played before the scan of the song is complete, the volume goes up after the scan is complete. (hope this makes sense) Happens with both players

Looked for a solution on the boards but did not find one.

Is there a setting that needs to be changed.


Posté Tue 29 Aug 06 @ 11:17 pm

the scan (only first time you play a video, and never again after that) detects BPM, volume/gain and more.

So if you start the song before it has done the first needed scan, the volume will be set differently when song is finished scanning.

To prevent, scan videos before you play (right-click video in browser, and analyze), or turn off auto gain in VDJ settings

Posté Tue 29 Aug 06 @ 11:21 pm

Thank you for the quick reply,

Posté Tue 29 Aug 06 @ 11:32 pm

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