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Forum: General Discussion

Sujet how to broadcast how do i????

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ok i click broadcast start mixin and it sais the http to go to i always go there yet the page cannot be displayed any tips ???????????????????

Posté Thu 31 Aug 06 @ 1:04 pm
There is no page to go to. There is a file which is similar to http://mycomputer:8000/VirtualDJ.mp3

in the "broadcast config" tab, you need to select "broadcast from my computer".

then press okay.
if you have selected "auto start", the broadcast will not begin even though you pressed the record button, unless an audible song starts.

in case you can't reach that file, please check your firewall.


Posté Fri 01 Sep 06 @ 1:30 am
For more information, please look at my old post here.

Posté Fri 01 Sep 06 @ 1:34 am

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