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Sujet sound quality 4.1

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I've looked in the forum and found some answers to the distorted sound questions asked. What I'm getting is not so much distorted as a muffled (flat) sound. I was getting a good "crisp" sound from 3.4. I've tried most of the performance setting suggested without much change. Any ideas I haven't thought of? My setup is, Dell latop 1.6 dual core using a usb Creative external sound card connected to Numark mixer with Creatives equalizer disabled. ( didn't see much differnced enabled or not) Any help appreciated. Thanks

Posté Tue 28 Nov 06 @ 6:20 am
abnormPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Which sound settings are you using? Latency, Performance, Master Tempo on/off, etc. I once had muffled sound when my latency was set too low and master tempo on. Does your Cerative Card support ASIO? Try the "simple" setting.

Posté Tue 28 Nov 06 @ 9:23 pm
Hi abnorm, i have the slider set on best quality, latency at 512(11ms) safe mode and overclocked unchecked, scratch set at quality ,advanced algorith 32 ,file smooth checked, lowpass filter marked, file smooth, and master tempo marked fast. using the 4.1 set up under sound cards, just mixing mp3's no video or tcv's, so no asio. i did change the skin before i tried it first and got a one time warning message the my screen resolution was set to low,(it is set at 1280x800) even though that's what mixstation 4.o calls for. Not sure if that was it or not anyway.Any suggestions appreciated before I format and start from scratch. Thanks

Posté Wed 29 Nov 06 @ 7:03 am
Subsequent to having these problems with vdj, have you played mp3's via other software? Do you get good quality playing the same songs with other software? You should also check the mode which is set in the creative settings (i.e. 2 channel, 4 channel, etc)

Posté Thu 30 Nov 06 @ 3:04 pm
Got everything working now, did a clean install of windows, sound drivers and vdj4.1. Not sure of what the problem was, leaning towards 4.1 installing over top of 3.4 though. I wanted to have 3.4 as a backup but it got overwritten. How do you get both versions on? I created a directory for 4.1, thought I installed it there, but still overwrote 3.4. Thanks

Posté Sun 03 Dec 06 @ 6:48 pm

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